Quessé ça???


Legacy Member

Vu sur la rue, à Montréal... Il y a la même plaque à l'avant et à l'arrière, de dimension pas mal standard. C'est nouveau?
United States forces in Germany series

Current United States forces in Germany since October 2007 in black on white, with euroband since January 1995.
The registration consists of two letters, above two letters and three numerals.
The letters QQ are used since January 2010 for cars being shipped back to the US.
Top right is an inspection seal. There is no seal indicating the US forces.
Top left is a blue euroband with the letters USA in white below the NATO star.

Eh bin....merci!

T'as trouvé ça où? Ou bien tu connaissais déjà?

J'avais Googlé mais sans succès...
United States forces in Germany series

Current United States forces in Germany since October 2007 in black on white, with euroband since January 1995.
The registration consists of two letters, above two letters and three numerals.
The letters QQ are used since January 2010 for cars being shipped back to the US.
Top right is an inspection seal. There is no seal indicating the US forces.
Top left is a blue euroband with the letters USA in white below the NATO star.


United States forces in Germany series

Current United States forces in Germany since October 2007 in black on white, with euroband since January 1995.
The registration consists of two letters, above two letters and three numerals.
The letters QQ are used since January 2010 for cars being shipped back to the US.
Top right is an inspection seal. There is no seal indicating the US forces.
Top left is a blue euroband with the letters USA in white below the NATO star.


wow si les posts sur MR étaient tous aussi bien détaillés, il y aurait pas 10 pages sur une question. bravo pour ta précision
Ca me rappel quand j'ai vue une Shelby GT500 avec une plaque du Québec dans la ville de Caen en France!

surement moin cher dememe en passant une crosse ... un mustang gt ca vaut la total en france ...