Au 2 jambon en moto qui roulait + 250km/h sur la 10 aujourd'hui...

Tanto sur la 10 ouest, dans le secteur Marieville, traffic assez dense, 2 motos m'ont dépassé, sans farce + 250 km/h.

Straight pipe le gaz au fond, nos fenetres étaient ouverte et mon fils a pété une crise pcq on a eu l'impression que 2 F18 venait de passé a 2 pieds de son oreille.

A cette vitesse la vous rentrez dans le cul de quelqu'un et c'est clair que vous en tuée.

Je sais pas si c'est des gars de MR mais anyway surment d'autre monde les ont vu?

Inb4 cool story bro... Sérieux d'habitude je m'en criss que le monde roule plus vite de maniere raisonnable mais la c'était carrément stupide.

you're such a cry baby.
Should have just given your son an Ipad and headphones so he could STFU. You're a bad parent dude
I don't get why you're all bashing Mike when we usually can all agree that going 200+ in traffic, on bike or car, is just retarded. We've all gone fast with our vehicles at some point, but I'm sure most would agree that middle of the day in traffic is not the right time and place.

If he had seen a plasti-dipped rusty Civic with a wing, a fartcannon and green stock wheels doing that we'd have an army assembling to find that idiot instead of laughing at OP...
I don't get why you're all bashing Mike when we usually can all agree that going 200+ in traffic, on bike or car, is just retarded. We've all gone fast with our vehicles at some point, but I'm sure most would agree that middle of the day in traffic is not the right time and place.

If he had seen a plasti-dipped rusty Civic with a wing, a fartcannon and green stock wheels doing that we'd have an army assembling to find that idiot instead of laughing at OP...

Because its different on a bike. Speed perception is different, they are made to go fast real quick and slow down real quick so its really easy to get to 250 in between cars and slow down to 100 after that. And If something bad happens the only person you're killing is yourself.

Yes people kills themselfs on these things, but the price to freedom as always been high.

And also, alot of people are kinda fed up with all the newly fathers that are offended by anything and everything on this forum. This should stay a man forum, we like speed, we like beer and we respect people who speed in a safe manner.

That being said, I was not there so maybe mike is 100% right and they were speeding in a very unsafe and ti-counish way. I dunno, but people gets offended very easely when it comes to speeding + bike.
Because its different on a bike. Speed perception is different, they are made to go fast real quick and slow down real quick so its really easy to get to 250 in between cars and slow down to 100 after that. And If something bad happens the only person you're killing is yourself.

Yes people kills themselfs on these things, but the price to freedom as always been high.

And also, alot of people are kinda fed up with all the newly fathers that are offended by anything and everything on this forum. This should stay a man forum, we like speed, we like beer and we respect people who speed in a safe manner.

That being said, I was not there so maybe mike is 100% right and they were speeding in a very unsafe and ti-counish way. I dunno, but people gets offended very easely when it comes to speeding + bike.

Justement non.

A +250 en bike tu rentre dans le cul d'un jeep par exemple et ton corp traverse l'habitacle en ramassant tout le monde.
INB4 Théorie de physique quantique servant à prouver que la masse d'un corps X sa vitesse ne traversse pas une feuille de carroserie 18Gauge d'un JEEP ...
pour proteger tes enfants contre les motocyclistes susceptible de secraser la tronche dans ton windshield.

J'dis pas que c'est vite pour un bike, j'en fais moi-même. Mais de la perception de quelqu'un dans un char qui roule pas vite parce qu'il est dans le trafic, 170-180 peut avoir l'air pas mal plus vite que ce l'est réellement. Y en a des jambons en bike mais rouler du 250 dans du trafic ce serait surprenant. Entk on a peut-être pas tous la même définition du trafic, dans ma tête ça sonne plus comme si y roulait au ralenti autour de 30.
Moi je pense plus que l'OP a été surpris de se faire dépasser avec le bruit pi toute pi a capoté en pensant que les gars roulait 250 quand dans le fond ça devait pas être si pire.
Moi je trip quand une moto ou un auto me dépasse avec un méchant beau son .. eh ben ...

Dépasser et couper c est deux choses differentes. La realité c est ca, c est qu'une moto ca arrive vite en CRISSE a 250. Et a 250 ca pardonne pas souvent. Encore une fois, j ai rien contre les motos qui speedent je les vois arriver mais coupe pas trop proche ya de quoi qui va arriver tot ou tard. Rien a voir avec la matanterie ou what ever, c est juste un brin de logique. C'est le caliss de bordel sur la route a 90% du temps, traffic ou pas. Faites pas expres pour venir licher mon bumper siboire!
Because its different on a bike. Speed perception is different, they are made to go fast real quick and slow down real quick so its really easy to get to 250 in between cars and slow down to 100 after that. And If something bad happens the only person you're killing is yourself.

Yes people kills themselfs on these things, but the price to freedom as always been high.

And also, alot of people are kinda fed up with all the newly fathers that are offended by anything and everything on this forum. This should stay a man forum, we like speed, we like beer and we respect people who speed in a safe manner.

That being said, I was not there so maybe mike is 100% right and they were speeding in a very unsafe and ti-counish way. I dunno, but people gets offended very easely when it comes to speeding + bike.

T'es tellement fruste de la route ca a meme pas de sens. Tout le monde te juge, tout le monde est tjours dans tes jambes, tout le monde trouve donc que tu roules vite dans ton coin, tout le monde te devisage donc tout le temps quand tu roules a 50 en 2 ieme dans ton quartier. Sacrament, es tu en train de peter une crise de narcicisme?