Pray for Christy Mack.


I feel bad but I kinda lol'd.

also... they for sure are both lying. She's lying..hiding something and he's lying probably just because he's crazy.
They're probably both lying, but that guy seems like a real fucktard.

Yep. Smell bullshit de la victime, qui n'a pas l'air ni sweet ni très futée. On voit bien qu'elle veut rabaisser son ex et tout mettre de son côté dans son témoignage. C'est vraiment fishy.

il bande pas
Il voulait me tuer
Il a utilisé des couteaux mais parle pas de stabbing
Son ami était habillé
Facteurs environnementaux trop aberrants pour être crédibles

Le gars qui s'est fait battre et mis dehors on sait pas ce qui est arrivé avec? Il n'a pas appelé les cops?
Il l'a pogné entrain d'enfiler un de ses serpents dans son trou à pipi.

Pis c'est drôle qu'elle habite sur un terrain de golf... Balls, balls everywhere.jpg
War Machine is mentally unstable and has been in the can several times.. he just got out and was rebuilding his life.

I really think he walked in on her having sex with another dude.. guy goes bat shit crazy (not defending this) is the only way I can see War Machine doing what he did.. she wont acknowledge it and has already said they were fully clothed (ya fucking right)
Speaking of great JRE podcasts, one of his recent one with Miss Pat (#527) was ridiculously funny!

yeah haha that was one funny bitch!

As for War Machine, he explains in the podcast how he basically stayed in the hole (alone in a cell) for most of his jail time. He was too nuts to mix in with other inmates.