Histoires de moto (Close calls)

Yep becik a 7700$ de dommage .. Pas mal scrap. Jpense que je vais rouler autre chose l'année prochaine

ouien... poche. Je te conseil de rembarquer sur un bike le plus vite possible. Sinon tu vas que te repasser les images de l'accident et risque de perde confiance.
t'inquiete, c'est ce que j'essaie de faire ... Les assurances m'ont tellement fait chié, ca fait 2 semaines completes aujourdhui et j'ai toujours pas le status du bike, imagine quand est-ce que je vais avoir le cheque...

Je fais ce que je peux, je vais chercher un bike samedi AM all in sur la marge de crédit en attendant leur cheque... Un peu un gamble, je sais pas combien ils vont m'offrir et c'est pas encore CONFIRMÉ qu'ils vont le scrapper mais bon ... c'est mon effort pour rembarquer sur un bike le plus tot possible !
Quand je me suis fait volé m'a voiture en 2009 ca prit 2 mois et demi avant d'avoir mon chèque des assurances. Il faut dire que j'ai refusé deux offres ridicules avant de finalement avoir un montant convenable.
Petite histoire d'hier, ce n'est pas un close call mais il faut que j'en parle quand même.

Je suis allé voir mes parents à Laval et sur le chemin du retour j'ai croisé une folle qui ne devrait pas avoir de permis.

J'étais sur la 40 en direction ouest à la hauteur des travaux à Kirkland/Ste-Anne de Bellevue.

Il y a une civic dans la voie de gauche qui passe très près de m’accrocher en me dépassant. La tite madame à peur du mur de béton il faut croire. Après m'avoir dépasser, elle roule un bon 2 pieds dans ma ligne. Je klaxonne. Elle ne bouge pas. Je tien le klaxon enfoncé pendant 1 minutes sans arrête en lui flashant les hautes. NOTHING!!! Finalement, je me colle à droite et je la dépasse. Elle me regarde avec une face de ?????????. Je lui fait signe de se tasser dans sa voie avec mon bras gauche et elle ne comprend rien. Finalement, Je me suis dit "fuck this shit" et je l'ai laissé toute seule avec son QI de 60.
Le matin avec les températures froide et la chaussé mouillée, ZERO adhérence.

donne du gas, le cul part de tous les côté... scary moments!
Here is a fraction of my close calls:

ContourHD 1600
Ottawa - Ontario

then i go do this to calm me down
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This happened this morning on my way to work. the lane is a merging lane, dude was in that lane prior to intersection to try pass people, no signal; I couldn't move left if i wanted too because there was a car. so he just decided to share the f*cking lane with me? usually i punch people's mirrors off when that happens but i'm trying to calm myself....

Petite histoire d'hier, ce n'est pas un close call mais il faut que j'en parle quand même.

Je suis allé voir mes parents à Laval et sur le chemin du retour j'ai croisé une folle qui ne devrait pas avoir de permis.

J'étais sur la 40 en direction ouest à la hauteur des travaux à Kirkland/Ste-Anne de Bellevue.

Il y a une civic dans la voie de gauche qui passe très près de m’accrocher en me dépassant. La tite madame à peur du mur de béton il faut croire. Après m'avoir dépasser, elle roule un bon 2 pieds dans ma ligne. Je klaxonne. Elle ne bouge pas. Je tien le klaxon enfoncé pendant 1 minutes sans arrête en lui flashant les hautes. NOTHING!!! Finalement, je me colle à droite et je la dépasse. Elle me regarde avec une face de ?????????. Je lui fait signe de se tasser dans sa voie avec mon bras gauche et elle ne comprend rien. Finalement, Je me suis dit "fuck this shit" et je l'ai laissé toute seule avec son QI de 60.

Ceuses à, j'me fais du fun à coller ma ligne en auto. En moto, je les dépasse dans leur propre voie en passant à gauche (ou a droite dépendant du cas).

Pour ce qui est des close call, j'en ai eu juste un.

Je tournais à gauche sur un rang de campagne. J'ai dû m'immobiliser complètement pour laisser passer les voitures qui arrivaient en sens inverse. J'entend un bruit de crissement de pneus en arrière de moi et 2 secondes plus tard, une smart me frôle à 4 pouces de la moto... La tite madame avait pas remarqué j'imagine que j'étais arrêté avec mon flasher...
OK so yesterday on my way home from work, this dumb bitch is driving in the passing/fast lane , everyone is passing her on the right, so as i drive around her, i see the bItch on her phone. So i tell her to hang it up (You'll see the motion), she flips me the bird... so i decided not to smash her mirror but to simply move it out of place to piss her off. so i moved it backwards (can't really see that part in video) and wouah she was PISSED after that, driving aggressively, lol - cunt

it's a contour, and yes, it's on 100% of the time i ride, as soon as i turn my bike on.
I just keep the camera charged in my garage when i get home and press the format button if there is nothing worth keeping on the camera.
Here is a fraction of my close calls:

ContourHD 1600
Ottawa - Ontario

then i go do this to calm me down

I have laughed sooooo much from your comments in your videos hahahahaha

''The fuck you doing????'
''Fucking idiot!''

This is exactly my kind of reactions towards those situations.
I have laughed sooooo much from your comments in your videos hahahahaha

''The fuck you doing????'
''Fucking idiot!''

This is exactly my kind of reactions towards those situations.

Fuckin right ! LOL And then we pass for dangerous drivers because we react to their stupidness. Pretty crazy, that camera could've been on my helmet, you wouldve had the same comments! hahaha
Here is a fraction of my close calls:

ContourHD 1600
Ottawa - Ontario

then i go do this to calm me down

Razz, I liked your video but in that last clip when you slow down to let someone pass across your lane when YOU have the right of way is a bad bad move, I hate over courtious shit on the road as it's often the reason for unnecessary accidents. You almost caused an accident there..

Anyway as everyone knows on a bike there is pretty much a "close call" everytime we ride, amazing how on the ball you gotta be when riding around.
Razz, I watched your videos and have some comments.
1st video why I have road rage:
0:03 Driver or rider error? I'd say both. Right lane was clear but by the time the motorist switched lanes, you were there. They probably didn't check their mirrors or realize how fast you were closing the gap. Next time avoid passing on the right in the city...too many risks just to save a couple of seconds.
0:21 same thing...avoid passing on the right and you'll avoid near collisions like this
0:54 already in the roundabout, you had priority. Here, honking was reasonable
1:17 I wondered why the Civic wasn't stopped closer to traffic light. Good for you to tell the motorist to get off her phone but is cursing necessary? (I know F this F that is is the norm with today's youth culture...maybe try to take a deep breath next time?)
1:46 sure you were trying to be courteous in letting the opposing car turn left but as seen by the SUV that passed you on the right, it was you who was holding up traffic when vehicles in your direction had the right of way.

2nd video more morons
SUV who drifted into your lane...you might have been in his blind spot. Yes he's at fault for failing to look but try to avoid that in the future

3rd video
I can't stand motorists who drive SUVs who left lane hug when the right lane is free. You wrote that you moved their mirror backwards but as mentioned, it's not clear in the video. Why did you interfere with their vehicle? I think the gesture for the driver to hang up their phone was okay, if I were you I'd try to get around them...in this case passing on the right and avoiding the distracted driver seems better than pissing them off like you did. You never know what kind of nutcase is behind the wheel and if they'll retaliate and run you down.

Conclusion: continue to intervene against motorists who left lane hug and use cell phones behind the wheel but perhaps try to cool it with the cursing and liberal use of the horn (only use when necessary, not after the fact to vent your frustrations.) If you made video where you confront scofflaws with an open window and try to speak in a more polite manner (even thought you're obviously pissed off, they might actually listen to your point rather than get defensive. Not always though.
One incident I recall while riding a bicycle (yes, I'm one of those people motorists love to hate) is that a guy in an SUV failed to use his turn signal when waiting at a traffic light and stopped in the middle of 2 lanes rather than closer to the right. I was behind him next to the curb and expected him to go straight. When the light changed to green, he didn't, causing me an unnecessary delay. So I rolled up to his open window and asked him politely, "would it be possible for you to use your turn signal next time?". He retorted "would it be possible for you to STFU?!!?" (in an angry tone with his gf/wife next to him). Sure thing, buddy.
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