Confess here

On a un groupe de loto aussi à là job ils ont commencé ca il y a une coupe de semaine. Je suis pas trop du type loto mais évidement je veux pas être le seul à rester à là job. En passant la semaine passé celui qui s’occupe du groupe a acheté un banco pour lui seul et il a gagné 1200000$ esti

c'est pas plutot 200k ? Henry Sarmiento

ça ce prend bien !
J’étais supposé voir mes chums que j’ai pas vu depuis plus d’un an hier…

A 2pm la garderie m’appelle pour me dire que mon kid à la gastro.

FML j’ai torché du vomi et de la diarrhée toute l’estie de nuit.
J’étais supposé voir mes chums que j’ai pas vu depuis plus d’un an hier…

A 2pm la garderie m’appelle pour me dire que mon kid à la gastro.

FML j’ai torché du vomi et de la diarrhée toute l’estie de nuit.

et ? prend un redbull/vodka
J’étais supposé voir mes chums que j’ai pas vu depuis plus d’un an hier…

A 2pm la garderie m’appelle pour me dire que mon kid à la gastro.

FML j’ai torché du vomi et de la diarrhée toute l’estie de nuit.

Ton tour arrive bientôt. Restes pas trop loin de la toilette.

J'ai été 3-4 jours à terre quand ma petite m'a ramené ça de la garderie il y a 2 ans.
Ton tour arrive bientôt. Restes pas trop loin de la toilette.

J'ai été 3-4 jours à terre quand ma petite m'a ramené ça de la garderie il y a 2 ans.

C’est pas mon premier rodéo hehehe

Ca me fait juste vraiment chier a cause du timing! J’avais hâte de voir ses amis là
I'm starting to think that world war3 it's gonna start undershortly, why?:

- south china sea, I mean it's a miracle nothing has happen yet... and it's extremely clear that no one wants to back up
- so what's different now? China continues to poke everyone around it very "unprofessionally" as they did before, they also released a freaking virus (not debating lab vs non lab, or how truthful they were, they fucked up either way) on the world, so you know the world was already pretty crappy and other nations "endured" their harassment and all that, you know. For example, you're a good pilot with good values and training, but your wife and kids are dead because of covid-19 and a Chinese jet fighter is pocking you, might not be able to control your self as before.... shit will happen, as mentioned China fucked big, there will be consequences....
- Russia and Ukraine war, also Russia in general, they're pocking EU/ and the states,
- what scares me more now is the US President, and weakness of the EU, it's obvious that Putin doesn't take Biden as a serious leader (please no left/right or dt talk). Now, that might not be the case, and his handlers might not, so if Putin miscalculates and pushes too much thinking Biden will do nothing, might be suprised and than he might have to reply
- Middle East -> Do I need to say more....

So Russia + China (probably with Pakistan, India with the other party if they decide to fight, but I mean they're just looking for a reason...) + I guess some other nations like Venezuela or whatever... not the major players there
On the other side, States with EU and probably most allies around China....

What will happen?
- Will start with conventional war, unless a very good strategy, the states could squash China and Russia by themselves..., there wont be much of a challenge with their allies at their side, so they'll use minimal resources at the beginning you know using their old stuff, so it wont be a complete squash, but they'll push back, they'll probably need to take out some of their new toys in regards to China....
- Seeing they're losing the War, there is no doubt that Russia will start to use tactical nuclear bombs, meaning low yeld, this will create lots of losses on the US/EU side, so now they'll hit them with all they got being conventional and they're own tactical nuclear bombs, at this point Russia has 3 choices, Continue the war as is and be defeated, surrender, launch strategic nuclear bombs
- If they go with the strategic nuclear bombs, won't probably launch against the US, but an EU important City, hopping it would allow them to negotiate a cease fire in a better position, hopping the others wont risk a full out nuclear war with them and destroy the planet, from here there are way too many things that can happen, but I guess the targeted country if it has nukes it will launch his own and might have a showdown between EU and RU, or with the US, in theory I would hope they would stop before the whole planet is into pieces, in theory they should as a dead planet isn't good for anyone....

what about us?
- well all depending how much the US actually cares... which I'm guessing not much... The Russians have build up quite nicely their army in the North, they'll need to go through us to get to the US, so yeah besides risk of conventional war coming to us, having a few strategic nuclear bombs being dropped on us wouldn't be completely impossible.... either and what sucks the most is that we don't really have any way of intercepting them.... meaning we'll be really screwed as 1 nuclear bomb actually has many war heads as it's expected a few of them to be intercepted (some being duds obviously), so in our case they'll all detonate, so it won't be like oh it's just an atomic bomb no stress, it will blow up downtown montreal and the rest will be fine... euh... no, it will completely clean-up the island and everything around it, as those war heads will are able to target each a city....or part of a big city... oh yeah did I forgot to mention that the fuckers will detonate them at ground level so to make it inhabitable, as they're powerful enough to create a lot of damage anyway no need to detonate them at higher altitude....

really not sure why I just posted the above.. hope I'm wrong


En gros ils ont compris, un gars entrepreneur qui reste dans des bureaux a brasser des papiers.... ils sent doutaient. Aussi , postmorterm; on m'a dit que je n'étais pas assez gars d'équipe ce qui a freiné ma progression ....!

- rétrospective : J'ai été hors la ville pour des gros projets clients, jamais au bureaux et quasi-jamais affaire avec ma compagnie
- J'Ai eu 1 projet d'équipe , on était 2. Facile à deviner celui qui s'est plaint, en plus c'était une snitch.

La nouvelle job, je connais 6 employés, et les 6 ont dit que mon point fort était le team-work.....

Juste pour dire, desfois le téléphone Arabe, faites attentions ! Ca ma couter une belle progression, mais à qui j'espère me poussera plus loin au final !

Pour ma part javais quitter mon employeur apres 11 ans... jai faites 1 an et demi chez le nouvel et mon ancien a acheter la nouvelle... bref je retourne a lancien et je regrettes mon move. Je vais avoir perdu mes 11 annees danciennete pour finalement revenir a la case 0...
Pour ma part javais quitter mon employeur apres 11 ans... jai faites 1 an et demi chez le nouvel et mon ancien a acheter la nouvelle... bref je retourne a lancien et je regrettes mon move. Je vais avoir perdu mes 11 annees danciennete pour finalement revenir a la case 0...

Issh je sais pas si je dois rire ou compatir
I'm starting to think that world war3 it's gonna start undershortly, why?:

- south china sea, I mean it's a miracle nothing has happen yet... and it's extremely clear that no one wants to back up
- so what's different now? China continues to poke everyone around it very "unprofessionally" as they did before, they also released a freaking virus (not debating lab vs non lab, or how truthful they were, they fucked up either way) on the world, so you know the world was already pretty crappy and other nations "endured" their harassment and all that, you know. For example, you're a good pilot with good values and training, but your wife and kids are dead because of covid-19 and a Chinese jet fighter is pocking you, might not be able to control your self as before.... shit will happen, as mentioned China fucked big, there will be consequences....
- Russia and Ukraine war, also Russia in general, they're pocking EU/ and the states,
- what scares me more now is the US President, and weakness of the EU, it's obvious that Putin doesn't take Biden as a serious leader (please no left/right or dt talk). Now, that might not be the case, and his handlers might not, so if Putin miscalculates and pushes too much thinking Biden will do nothing, might be suprised and than he might have to reply
- Middle East -> Do I need to say more....

So Russia + China (probably with Pakistan, India with the other party if they decide to fight, but I mean they're just looking for a reason...) + I guess some other nations like Venezuela or whatever... not the major players there
On the other side, States with EU and probably most allies around China....

What will happen?
- Will start with conventional war, unless a very good strategy, the states could squash China and Russia by themselves..., there wont be much of a challenge with their allies at their side, so they'll use minimal resources at the beginning you know using their old stuff, so it wont be a complete squash, but they'll push back, they'll probably need to take out some of their new toys in regards to China....
- Seeing they're losing the War, there is no doubt that Russia will start to use tactical nuclear bombs, meaning low yeld, this will create lots of losses on the US/EU side, so now they'll hit them with all they got being conventional and they're own tactical nuclear bombs, at this point Russia has 3 choices, Continue the war as is and be defeated, surrender, launch strategic nuclear bombs
- If they go with the strategic nuclear bombs, won't probably launch against the US, but an EU important City, hopping it would allow them to negotiate a cease fire in a better position, hopping the others wont risk a full out nuclear war with them and destroy the planet, from here there are way too many things that can happen, but I guess the targeted country if it has nukes it will launch his own and might have a showdown between EU and RU, or with the US, in theory I would hope they would stop before the whole planet is into pieces, in theory they should as a dead planet isn't good for anyone....

what about us?
- well all depending how much the US actually cares... which I'm guessing not much... The Russians have build up quite nicely their army in the North, they'll need to go through us to get to the US, so yeah besides risk of conventional war coming to us, having a few strategic nuclear bombs being dropped on us wouldn't be completely impossible.... either and what sucks the most is that we don't really have any way of intercepting them.... meaning we'll be really screwed as 1 nuclear bomb actually has many war heads as it's expected a few of them to be intercepted (some being duds obviously), so in our case they'll all detonate, so it won't be like oh it's just an atomic bomb no stress, it will blow up downtown montreal and the rest will be fine... euh... no, it will completely clean-up the island and everything around it, as those war heads will are able to target each a city....or part of a big city... oh yeah did I forgot to mention that the fuckers will detonate them at ground level so to make it inhabitable, as they're powerful enough to create a lot of damage anyway no need to detonate them at higher altitude....

really not sure why I just posted the above.. hope I'm wrong

wow wtf was I thinking... I really need to freaking relax, get some good green and a nice girl or high class prostitute...
Pour ma part javais quitter mon employeur apres 11 ans... jai faites 1 an et demi chez le nouvel et mon ancien a acheter la nouvelle... bref je retourne a lancien et je regrettes mon move. Je vais avoir perdu mes 11 annees danciennete pour finalement revenir a la case 0...

isshh ton ancien employeur te voulait vraiment , il a même acheté ton nouveau :p
isshh ton ancien employeur te voulait vraiment , il a même acheté ton nouveau :p

Dans mon cas, a 2 differentes reprises, j'ai du re-travailler avec des managers que j'avais eu dans d'autres companies (sans le savoir), l'affaire c'est que dans les 2 cas en partant de ces places, j'etais pas mal direct avec ce qui ne fesait pas mon affaire, pas juste par rapport a job, mais par rapport a eux aussi lol....

Ceci etant dit, on en a plus rit de ca que autre chose, aucune rancune d'aucun bord... bref j'etais pas mal jeune aussi au debut de ma carriere alors...
I'm starting to think that world war3 it's gonna start undershortly, why?:

- south china sea, I mean it's a miracle nothing has happen yet... and it's extremely clear that no one wants to back up
- so what's different now? China continues to poke everyone around it very "unprofessionally" as they did before, they also released a freaking virus (not debating lab vs non lab, or how truthful they were, they fucked up either way) on the world, so you know the world was already pretty crappy and other nations "endured" their harassment and all that, you know. For example, you're a good pilot with good values and training, but your wife and kids are dead because of covid-19 and a Chinese jet fighter is pocking you, might not be able to control your self as before.... shit will happen, as mentioned China fucked big, there will be consequences....
- Russia and Ukraine war, also Russia in general, they're pocking EU/ and the states,
- what scares me more now is the US President, and weakness of the EU, it's obvious that Putin doesn't take Biden as a serious leader (please no left/right or dt talk). Now, that might not be the case, and his handlers might not, so if Putin miscalculates and pushes too much thinking Biden will do nothing, might be suprised and than he might have to reply
- Middle East -> Do I need to say more....

So Russia + China (probably with Pakistan, India with the other party if they decide to fight, but I mean they're just looking for a reason...) + I guess some other nations like Venezuela or whatever... not the major players there
On the other side, States with EU and probably most allies around China....

What will happen?
- Will start with conventional war, unless a very good strategy, the states could squash China and Russia by themselves..., there wont be much of a challenge with their allies at their side, so they'll use minimal resources at the beginning you know using their old stuff, so it wont be a complete squash, but they'll push back, they'll probably need to take out some of their new toys in regards to China....
- Seeing they're losing the War, there is no doubt that Russia will start to use tactical nuclear bombs, meaning low yeld, this will create lots of losses on the US/EU side, so now they'll hit them with all they got being conventional and they're own tactical nuclear bombs, at this point Russia has 3 choices, Continue the war as is and be defeated, surrender, launch strategic nuclear bombs
- If they go with the strategic nuclear bombs, won't probably launch against the US, but an EU important City, hopping it would allow them to negotiate a cease fire in a better position, hopping the others wont risk a full out nuclear war with them and destroy the planet, from here there are way too many things that can happen, but I guess the targeted country if it has nukes it will launch his own and might have a showdown between EU and RU, or with the US, in theory I would hope they would stop before the whole planet is into pieces, in theory they should as a dead planet isn't good for anyone....

what about us?
- well all depending how much the US actually cares... which I'm guessing not much... The Russians have build up quite nicely their army in the North, they'll need to go through us to get to the US, so yeah besides risk of conventional war coming to us, having a few strategic nuclear bombs being dropped on us wouldn't be completely impossible.... either and what sucks the most is that we don't really have any way of intercepting them.... meaning we'll be really screwed as 1 nuclear bomb actually has many war heads as it's expected a few of them to be intercepted (some being duds obviously), so in our case they'll all detonate, so it won't be like oh it's just an atomic bomb no stress, it will blow up downtown montreal and the rest will be fine... euh... no, it will completely clean-up the island and everything around it, as those war heads will are able to target each a city....or part of a big city... oh yeah did I forgot to mention that the fuckers will detonate them at ground level so to make it inhabitable, as they're powerful enough to create a lot of damage anyway no need to detonate them at higher altitude....

really not sure why I just posted the above.. hope I'm wrong

If there is a war it will be fought by hackers behind computers and it will paralyze the utilities: Electricity, water and sewage, phones, Internet.

If the people in charge of cybersecurity on utility companies across North America including here were serious about security they'd block at the firewall anything coming in via an unknown VPN (just a hop) or from abroad. I mean who cares if someone in India, Sri-Lanka or Africa can't access your office LAN? That includes blocking emails from outside the country.

Why would someone from Venezuela/Peking/Bollywood send an email to Hydro Quebec?
If there is a war it will be fought by hackers behind computers and it will paralyze the utilities: Electricity, water and sewage, phones, Internet.

If the people in charge of cybersecurity on utility companies across North America including here were serious about security they'd block at the firewall anything coming in via an unknown VPN (just a hop) or from abroad. I mean who cares if someone in India, Sri-Lanka or Africa can't access your office LAN? That includes blocking emails from outside the country.

Why would someone from Venezuela/Peking/Bollywood send an email to Hydro Quebec?
Dont worry HQ has a pretty insane security system

For example employees don't have wifi on their work phones they must use mobile data only. Their computer are also very very far from any critical access on the network. They are not stupid.
Dont worry HQ has a pretty insane security system

For example employees don't have wifi on their work phones they must use mobile data only. Their computer are also very very far from any critical access on the network. They are not stupid.

Pour une attaque IRL et non derrière un computer, HQ a aussi des swat team pour les centrale nucléaires et autre point chaud. Dure a croire qu’il y a suffisamment de menaces pour ca mais c’est comme ca depuis des ann
Pour une attaque IRL et non derrière un computer, HQ a aussi des swat team pour les centrale nucléaires et autre point chaud. Dure a croire qu’il y a suffisamment de menaces pour ca mais c’est comme ca depuis des ann
Le gros avantage de HQ c'est que c'est un opérateur pour tout le Québec (sauf quelques exceptions genre Rio Tinto).

Contrairement ailleurs ou y'a une panoplie de petit IPP e chacun est a risque différent. Comme l'attaque pipeline de l'autre fois.
Le gros avantage de HQ c'est que c'est un opérateur pour tout le Québec (sauf quelques exceptions genre Rio Tinto).

Contrairement ailleurs ou y'a une panoplie de petit IPP e chacun est a risque différent. Comme l'attaque pipeline de l'autre fois.

Evolugen, etc.

En plus y'a tellement de redondance dans les systèmes physiques c'est une question d'une seconde et les problèmes sont détectés et résolus avant que la team qui se déplace connaisse le problème et la solution au problème. je serais pas inquiet pour hydro mais plus inquiet mettons pour l'eau potable a montreal, ou genre le reseau internet . Pas dur un coup de bucket dans les 2 bons massif a 3-4 endroits pi tu coupes la moitié du pays d'internet lol

Le filtre spam est tellement ridicule à la job que quand j'envoie un email ca me laisse pas attacher de pièces jointes, et desfois y'a même les courriels à l'interne qui se font filtrer. Hydro tu peux pas accèder au réseau à moins d'être sur le VPN hydro, c'est l'enfer mais avec raison!