Confess here

hmmmm imbécile? t'es supposé être bien placé pour parler toi? je travail pour une compagnie québécoise, et je vie au Québec ElCave ;)

J'ai fait mes études ici, et je réussi bien à date ca te fais chier hein?

LOL! le pire c'est que c'est seulement un contrat de 6 mois avec un client, mais vous m'avez tellement sortis des commentaires de cave que je me suis baissé à votre niveau pour vous répondre

Pour ce qui est de ceux qui, au vue de mes quelques commentaires, disent que je ne suis pas un leader, vous êtes bien simple d'esprit pour penser tout savoir, se baser sur quelques commentaire d'une personne sur un forum, en réponse à une autre sans même connaitre l'intonation de la voix et le body language... faut ben être simple d'esprit, ah non juste pas savoir de quoi on parles LOL!!

c'est sûr que, quand t'es condamné à obéir à ton boss toute ta vie c'est fâchant de voir quelqu,un qui fait les choses de manière différente

aussi écrire des commentaires sur un Forum de troll raisin donne amplement de l'importance de vos commentaires

mais bon le topic est bien choisi pour vous de vous confesser d,être aussi cave (pour ceux qui ont donné des commentaires désobligeant)

J'ai mal à mon Québec quand je vous vois commenter, continuez de faire les jaloux ou d'agir comme des BS

This was a very entertaining read. Made me laugh that's for sure.

I'd like to comment if you don't mind. Being a leader is showing example on how to behave and inspire people who work with you. You don't have to be a boss to be a leader. What particularly struck me in your message is the phrase "Je me suis baissé à votre niveau pour vous répondre". A true leader doesn't do that. He stays where he is and inspires people to reach his level. By lowering yourself you accomplish nothing and only confirm the lack of inter personal skills you have. In your multiple posts, I saw no empathy, understanding, support, guidance. Only bigotry, judgement, insults & narcissism. You are starting to sound like Donald Trump. I strongly advise you to be careful walking this path.

A real leader would have taken in the comments and replied if he pleased. The reply would however have been just and non-judgmental. Personally, I would have said something along the lines of: "Yeah, I know I work a lot, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make right now. Learning tons of new stuff and I sincerely believe it will help me further my career." Doesn't mater if people insulted you or not. Keeping cool is important.

I don't know who you are and I am not judging you. I sincerely hope my little post makes you think for 5 seconds about all of this, who you are and who you want to be. It's great to aspire to be a leader, but you will have to put in some efforts to modify your behavior in order to become one. Some people call it growing up. Nothing wring with it.

Good luck.
thanks !Xmobile

Just for you to know that i dont act in real life as i act in this Mtl Riceing Forum ;) I'm talking either with Kids on BS or troll, doest worth the effort to keep going seriously, im just having fun!

im just ''cooking'' some trolls and wasting my time till i come back home, should do a picture of all those nick name in a crockpot and trow the picture on ''what your cooking'' thread, thanks for the idea! :D

was fun tho, and gonna be fun :)
Me suis arrêté dans un winners voir si il y avait du Under Armour pis j'ai vu un hoodie Tapout, j'y ai pensé 3 secondes (complètes) pis je me suis rappelé que je viens pas de limoilou.
thanks !Xmobile

Just for you to know that i dont act in real life as i act in this Mtl Riceing Forum ;) I'm talking either with Kids on BS or troll, doest worth the effort to keep going seriously, im just having fun!

im just ''cooking'' some trolls and wasting my time till i come back home, should do a picture of all those nick name in a crockpot and trow the picture on ''what your cooking'' thread, thanks for the idea! :D

was fun tho, and gonna be fun :)
This was a clean have ruined it....
thanks !Xmobile

Just for you to know that i dont act in real life as i act in this Mtl Riceing Forum ;) I'm talking either with Kids on BS or troll, doest worth the effort to keep going seriously, im just having fun!

im just ''cooking'' some trolls and wasting my time till i come back home, should do a picture of all those nick name in a crockpot and trow the picture on ''what your cooking'' thread, thanks for the idea! :D

was fun tho, and gonna be fun :)

It's pretty obvious that you were trolling as well and just generally having a laugh. Although you mention not being like this in real life, you still wrote all those replies. It goes to show that in a situation without any filters, in this case on the interwebs, you chose to be jackass. It means you have this trait deep within you. It also means that someone pushing the right buttons in the right situation will make you go there "in real life". You have to be careful about this. I hope you are conscious of that.
It's pretty obvious that you were trolling as well and just generally having a laugh. Although you mention not being like this in real life, you still wrote all those replies. It goes to show that in a situation without any filters, in this case on the interwebs, you chose to be jackass. It means you have this trait deep within you. It also means that someone pushing the right buttons in the right situation will make you go there "in real life". You have to be careful about this. I hope you are conscious of that.

oh yes your right and im known for that, im also appreciated for that too :)
Quelqu'un fait sa a job pis je m'en rend compte . Je m'arange pour qui mange avec une paille pour la prochaine semaine

Panique pas sa te ferais juste du bien sauter quelque diner.

Pire chose a ne pas faire. Si tu mange pas assé tes cellule graisseuse ce mette en fonction emmagasinage. Donc contrairement a perde du poids . Tu va emmagasiné ce que tu va mangé après.