
en fait cest le contraire. si ton system immunitaire est trop fort alors tu risque davoir des symptomes inflammatoire (autoimmune). fonctionne de la meme maniere que les allergies.

tes spermatozoids vont se retrouver dans ton system et vu comme des inonnus. Pensez-y, le comportement naturel du corps humaine est de rejeter les spermatozoids (émissions noctures) si ca fait trop longtemps...maintenant que tu pourras plus, ton systeme va capoter.

4 enfants cest pas dure maintenant mais jai pas hate a ladolescence.

tu peux ben avoir peu d'y aller lololol. dude, chill out et arrete de lire sur internet les PIRES symptomes. 99% dut emps y'arrive rien pendant et apres. Bonus: tu va pouvoir étandre ta semance partout sans avoir la chienne d'en avoir d'autre.
tu peux ben avoir peu d'y aller lololol. dude, chill out et arrete de lire sur internet les PIRES symptomes. 99% dut emps y'arrive rien pendant et apres. Bonus: tu va pouvoir étandre ta semance partout sans avoir la chienne d'en avoir d'autre.

Tu as bien raison! Merci :)
those who already had the vasectomy...curious as i am, i was trying to feel which tubes they are going to cut. I feel two tubes, one thats about half an inch large in diameter and an another one very thin spaghetti that the vas deferes?
nevermind jist saw the fucking video..its the big fucking tube that they have to open up to expose the vas. fuckkk
those who already had the vasectomy...curious as i am, i was trying to feel which tubes they are going to cut. I feel two tubes, one thats about half an inch large in diameter and an another one very thin spaghetti that the vas deferes?

the large tube he reached for during the examination but what he really did? i didn't look...
i was laid down pass zero degrees and if i wanna poke my head up and look, i'd have to flex my flabs so i thought it might be a bad idea during the operation of that lower area. plus he had a bunch of gauze in front of it. i would have seen nothing
La médecin a proposé à ma femme la ligature des trompes quand elle a accouché de notre 2e par césarienne.

C'est une opération qui pouvait se faire en même temps mais ma femme voulait pas. shit.

took 10 minutes. absolutely zero pain. when he finished the first tube..i asked him when he was going to cut...its been an hour now. im walking fine just a slight burninf sensation.

dr Caouette dix30 -275$ 5 stars

took 10 minutes. absolutely zero pain. when he finished the first tube..i asked him when he was going to cut...its been an hour now. im walking fine just a slight burninf sensation.

dr Caouette dix30 -275$ 5 stars

good boy
Is it weird..that I absolutely feel no pain at all. Just a slight discomfort? i was able to pick up my 3p lbs son no problem.

Had an intense mma session am more in pain from that right now.

took 10 minutes. absolutely zero pain. when he finished the first tube..i asked him when he was going to cut...its been an hour now. im walking fine just a slight burninf sensation.

dr Caouette dix30 -275$ 5 stars
Good price! My dr here charges 400 and some change.
I would say the mma session was a bad idea. But if you feel fine then good. The no pain is normal. It is only a discomfort.