Any full time traders on MR?

ouain ben GME.... cest désolant. ca commencait a devenir viral à l'international. jcomprends pas trop pourquoi le prix descend tranquillement.

alot of trading platforms are limiting the amount of shares than can be bought to like 10 or 25
Parce que GME c'est de la marde.

Cette vague là à fait tombé mes SPACs de 25% bien content que ça soit en retour à la normale...

Avec un peu de chance quelques uns vont avoir faire la palette sur les moutons les moins réveillé et je vais avoir un positif de l'évènement lol!
I thought it was bad in March 2020 when most bullion dealers had Maples and Eagles cleared out when people bought the dip.

For shits and giggles I surfed Kitco to see what they were charging as a premium only to be met with a banner saying that every single silver product is sold out. This include ornamental things they sell like four silver Ace playing cards.

There's now a WSB dynamic where they need to keep the price level of GME up to clear the shorts of Feb 14th and onwards so across the front page most posts are against silver. This is only so that there's not an outflow from GME.

Silver remains a powder keg and once the fun with GME is over, if silver is the next target, it will be worthwhile to have exposure.
I thought it was bad in March 2020 when most bullion dealers had Maples and Eagles cleared out when people bought the dip.

For shits and giggles I surfed Kitco to see what they were charging as a premium only to be met with a banner saying that every single silver product is sold out. This include ornamental things they sell like four silver Ace playing cards.

There's now a WSB dynamic where they need to keep the price level of GME up to clear the shorts of Feb 14th and onwards so across the front page most posts are against silver. This is only so that there's not an outflow from GME.

Silver remains a powder keg and once the fun with GME is over, if silver is the next target, it will be worthwhile to have exposure.

Options on ETFs are my bet. Yolo style.
$SNDL for some reason gets lots of traction too. I got in in the low $0.90s this morning and I'm not mad today :)
ouain ben GME.... cest désolant. ca commencait a devenir viral à l'international. jcomprends pas trop pourquoi le prix descend tranquillement.
Parce que c'est un stock de marde, une compagnie qui est en déclin de 30% y/y pour ses revenus peut-être?

Reddit a trollé solide Wall Street, mais ça change pas que fondamentalement GME a pas un futur très brillant devant elle avec son modèle de busines...

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n'empêche que c'est assez mauvais le rendement du share quand tu le regarde sur 1 an , pas avoir fait plusieurs swing je serais en beau criss

je n'arrive pas non plus a savoir pourquoi il ne sont pas listé sur le NYSE, quand t'es rendu worldwide comme eux, surtout avec 51 milliards de revenu

est-ce à cause des actions atd.a à vote 10 votes qui les empêches d'être listé sur le nyse , j'ai hâte de voir ce qui va arriver après que les atd.a vont disparaitre en décembre prochain, devrait avoir une offre d'un gros joueur qui va essayer de les avaler

google n'arrive pas à me le dire

Oui en effet , mais le problème c'est que tu vois sa sur un 1 an.. et une année bizarre. 1 an c'est rien en bourse la... c'est sur que dans un sujet de daytrade tu as pas beaucoup de long terme on va se le dire...

couche-tard c'est dla marde. y font la moitié dleur argent avec l'essence, pis les voitures autonomes et électriques arrivent en masse dans genre 15 ans. c'est bientot mort comme compagnie. personne aura besoin d'aller dans un couche tard.

Tes un rêveur toi avec tes char autonome je trouve.. Ont va commencer par avoir plus que 2 pourcents des chars sur le marché électrique sa serait déjà un bon début. Tu devais être comme les gens il y a 30 ans qui disait que le pétrole c'était fini car il en avait pu et que toute les business ferrait faillite. Couche-tard ne font que sa depuis quelques années de faire une grosse acquisition pour se varier.. et il vont s'adapter a l'automobile électrique. BTW tu devrais toujours faire confiance au bs qui va acheter sa bière, ses clops et ses autres cochonneries, sa sa changera jamais.
Est ce que quelqu'un a investi dans BNGO finalement? J'ai un chum qui c'est faite dans les six chiffres de profits il y a 2 semaines
I thought it was bad in March 2020 when most bullion dealers had Maples and Eagles cleared out when people bought the dip.

For shits and giggles I surfed Kitco to see what they were charging as a premium only to be met with a banner saying that every single silver product is sold out. This include ornamental things they sell like four silver Ace playing cards.

There's now a WSB dynamic where they need to keep the price level of GME up to clear the shorts of Feb 14th and onwards so across the front page most posts are against silver. This is only so that there's not an outflow from GME.

Silver remains a powder keg and once the fun with GME is over, if silver is the next target, it will be worthwhile to have exposure.

Its shady as fuck how most of the news organisations posted today ''Reddit is dropping GME and going to silver''.
We see who`s pulling the strings in the back.
Oui en effet , mais le problème c'est que tu vois sa sur un 1 an.. et une année bizarre. 1 an c'est rien en bourse la... c'est sur que dans un sujet de daytrade tu as pas beaucoup de long terme on va se le dire...

Tes un rêveur toi avec tes char autonome je trouve.. Ont va commencer par avoir plus que 2 pourcents des chars sur le marché électrique sa serait déjà un bon début. Tu devais être comme les gens il y a 30 ans qui disait que le pétrole c'était fini car il en avait pu et que toute les business ferrait faillite. Couche-tard ne font que sa depuis quelques années de faire une grosse acquisition pour se varier.. et il vont s'adapter a l'automobile électrique. BTW tu devrais toujours faire confiance au bs qui va acheter sa bière, ses clops et ses autres cochonneries, sa sa changera jamais.

les clopes sont en déclin, l'europe (ou bcp dans EU) ban les voitures à essence d'ici 2035-40, la consommation de biere est en déclin et le vin en hausse au USA, amazon arrive dans l'alimentation sans caissiers, les chaines de fast-food sont saturés.
Hum, je comprends pas les gens ''déçus'' au sujet de GME?! Le stock était à quelques dollars à peine il y a quelques jours, c'est toujours au dessus de 200$.

Loin de moi l'idée de vouloir faire semblant que je comprends bien les shorts, mais reste que la logique me dit que si les hedge founds ont shortés aux alentours de 16$, ils vont continuer d'être dans la marde SOLIDE tant que le prix est plusieurs fois ça...

Une chose que je comprends pas par contre, et j'aimerais bien avoir une explication ''à la bonne franquette'', comment est-ce que tu peux est short de plus que 100%?! Me semble qu'il doit y avoir quelqu'un quelque part à qui ça sonne une cloche si exemple il y a juste 1000 actions en circulation mais qu'il y a 1300 short, non?
Hum, je comprends pas les gens ''déçus'' au sujet de GME?! Le stock était à quelques dollars à peine il y a quelques jours, c'est toujours au dessus de 200$.

Loin de moi l'idée de vouloir faire semblant que je comprends bien les shorts, mais reste que la logique me dit que si les hedge founds ont shortés aux alentours de 16$, ils vont continuer d'être dans la marde SOLIDE tant que le prix est plusieurs fois ça...

Une chose que je comprends pas par contre, et j'aimerais bien avoir une explication ''à la bonne franquette'', comment est-ce que tu peux est short de plus que 100%?! Me semble qu'il doit y avoir quelqu'un quelque part à qui ça sonne une cloche si exemple il y a juste 1000 actions en circulation mais qu'il y a 1300 short, non?

En gros c'est juste a cause de la facon que les shorts fonctionnent.

Explication avec exemple ici:
Its shady as fuck how most of the news organisations posted today ''Reddit is dropping GME and going to silver''.
We see who`s pulling the strings in the back.

You know why right? Silver is also a good play, it would work perfectly along side GME however they can crush the paper silver market (like SLV) at any time.

See as far as i understand the extremely high volume of shorts makes the squeeze that much easier to achieve. Theoretically if everyone who owns the stocks holds, the prices would skyrocket to infinity as the shorts have to bid higher and higher to coax someone to sell. There is no out, they need to settle with stock.

With paper silver, much bigger fish play in that pool (like JP Morgan) but more importantly it can be settled in cash. That's the trick. They can basically short more than every ounce of silver on this planet in one shot to lower the price and if people take them on that bet, they don't need repay in actual silver ounces, they can claim Force Majeur and settle in cash so there can never be a proper squeeze. This is how they've rigged that market.

So they've already lost what $50+ billion in January on GME and stand to lose more in the coming months, of course they are going to get every MSM outlet they can to shift the momentum into another area where they can control the situation better.

The way silver becomes dangerous, even more so than any stock short squeeze is when it comes out of the system. When people start asking for the real thing, not only has it been suppressed in price for decades, it also eliminate capital circulating in their rigged markets. $10,000 of gold and silver sitting in a privately allocated vault is $10,000 that's not swirling around for them to skim from people. Think the ultimate anti Wolf of Wall Street Fugazi.

Honestly I didn't invest a single cent into any of the short squeeze stocks but I'm probably happier than most who have gained for one reason. People are waking up to yet another fraud that's a cornerstone of modern society. How many people now clearly see that the hedge funds can rig the markets for their gains no problem, while they cry foul when the retail investors formed a makeshift hedge fund via Reddit and outplayed the real criminals. It's a good start but I'd like to see the DTCC become a little bit more known in the mainstream as that is the real scam behind the scenes.

As for the media, that too is a wake up call. I'm sure most have already seen this bias during the Trump administration but now with a neutral topic it reaches people who might not have woken up to this either. Dangerous to to our Democracy can now be replaced with "Dump GME, buy Silver"

Just to end off, George Carlin warned us years ago with scary accuracy. People thought it was a joke, that he was overselling it for comedic purposes. If anything he just scratched the surface of the shit that's going on. Events like this are peeling away the curtain revealing the wizards of fraud.

Listen carefully

You know why right? Silver is also a good play, it would work perfectly along side GME however they can crush the paper silver market (like SLV) at any time.

See as far as i understand the extremely high volume of shorts makes the squeeze that much easier to achieve. Theoretically if everyone who owns the stocks holds, the prices would skyrocket to infinity as the shorts have to bid higher and higher to coax someone to sell. There is no out, they need to settle with stock.

With paper silver, much bigger fish play in that pool (like JP Morgan) but more importantly it can be settled in cash. That's the trick. They can basically short more than every ounce of silver on this planet in one shot to lower the price and if people take them on that bet, they don't need repay in actual silver ounces, they can claim Force Majeur and settle in cash so there can never be a proper squeeze. This is how they've rigged that market.

So they've already lost what $50+ billion in January on GME and stand to lose more in the coming months, of course they are going to get every MSM outlet they can to shift the momentum into another area where they can control the situation better.

The way silver becomes dangerous, even more so than any stock short squeeze is when it comes out of the system. When people start asking for the real thing, not only has it been suppressed in price for decades, it also eliminate capital circulating in their rigged markets. $10,000 of gold and silver sitting in a privately allocated vault is $10,000 that's not swirling around for them to skim from people. Think the ultimate anti Wolf of Wall Street Fugazi.

Honestly I didn't invest a single cent into any of the short squeeze stocks but I'm probably happier than most who have gained for one reason. People are waking up to yet another fraud that's a cornerstone of modern society. How many people now clearly see that the hedge funds can rig the markets for their gains no problem, while they cry foul when the retail investors formed a makeshift hedge fund via Reddit and outplayed the real criminals. It's a good start but I'd like to see the DTCC become a little bit more known in the mainstream as that is the real scam behind the scenes.

As for the media, that too is a wake up call. I'm sure most have already seen this bias during the Trump administration but now with a neutral topic it reaches people who might not have woken up to this either. Dangerous to to our Democracy can now be replaced with "Dump GME, buy Silver"

Just to end off, George Carlin warned us years ago with scary accuracy. People thought it was a joke, that he was overselling it for comedic purposes. If anything he just scratched the surface of the shit that's going on. Events like this are peeling away the curtain revealing the wizards of fraud.

Listen carefully

you read too much zerohedge

for every short, there's a long. takes two to tango.

i don't have the exact statistic, but commodities never settle in physical. Contracts almost always get closed before "first notice" because no one wants to take delivery (whether it's driven by the long or short side)
I bought 200 GME at 444USD, should I hold?

If you're serious yes hold. Mark Cuban is doing an AMA rn on Reddit.

Apparently short ladder attacks or whatever WSB calls them are banned tomorrow. We should see action and hopefully you make your money back