Bank wants to seize my vehicle for previous owner's default

You guys realize the bank can't get a hold of the original owner? How will he? Lol this story makes my blood boil
You do know that if anything happens to the car NOW, as in after receiving the paper from the bank they will really investigate. Don't burn the car, don't sell it in parts, give it back and go after the original owner.

Enfin un qui as vraiment compris dans quelle situation est l'OP !
For the ludicrous amounts of money we give the SAAQ they should be the one checking the registry of RDPRM.

It's a f*cking retarded procedure. IMO just a money catch.

Good luck OP.
The bank owns the car....their name will appear on the check from the insurrance.

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If the 1st bank has a lean of 17k and let's say the op took out a loan for the car of 17k. Who would own the car?and who would get the check from the insurance. This whole situation is ridiculus, you shouldnt be able to sell a car if it has a lean on it.
The car is owned by the financial institution who finances the car according to the financing contract the original owner signes. If Op took a personnal loan for the car then not only does he owe the bank 17k for the car but he is also 17k in debt....a financial institution would have verified there was a loan on the car before consenting to finance it wich would have saved OP a lot of trouble.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong.

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Ayoyes ton histoire me choques, mais ce qui mes choques encore plus c'est les esti de caves qui disent '''AH BEN T'AURAIS DU CHEKER LE RDPRM'''
Non mais etes vous sérieux, gang d'esti de caves de calisse, le gars est dans le trou de 17 K, pi votre réponse c'est t'aurais du ?
Méchantes belle gang de colons, vous en faites pas d'erreur vous autre en
Excuse moi mais qu'est que tu veux que le monde lui dise. C'est vraiment la seul chose a dire....rdprm rdprm c'est frustrant le lire 2x mais moins crustrant que de payer sa voiture 2x

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at least now all people who read this post knows about the rdprm :p

Good luck OP. PM me if you know where he lives and you need a hand recovering what he defrauded you of. I'll hook you up.
I'm not going to sell it. I have morals.
I'm not going to burn it. I paid money for it.

I am actually in contact with the previous owner. I know where he lives. He's alive and well and active on his public Facebook. He has told me he's trying to clear it (he's not poor so don't feel bad for him), but that's BS of course because he would have done it by now. My only course of action now is to leave it to my lawyer. Unless someone has other ideas ;) Either this guy will actually come through like he's saying and clear it (I doubt it) or the more likely case is that the bank will take the car soon and I will have to sue this guy for the value of the car. And give thousands to my lawyer in the meanwhile.

And no, barely anyone I asked knows anything about the RDPRM.

This system is a joke.
I'm not going to sell it. I have morals.
I'm not going to burn it. I paid money for it.

I am actually in contact with the previous owner. I know where he lives. He's alive and well and active on his public Facebook. He has told me he's trying to clear it (he's not poor so don't feel bad for him), but that's BS of course because he would have done it by now. My only course of action now is to leave it to my lawyer. Unless someone has other ideas ;) Either this guy will actually come through like he's saying and clear it (I doubt it) or the more likely case is that the bank will take the car soon and I will have to sue this guy for the value of the car. And give thousands to my lawyer in the meanwhile.

And no, barely anyone I asked knows anything about the RDPRM.

This system is a joke.

As retarded as it might sound, I would sue the sh1t out of the S.A.A.Q. this is a freaking money trap.

It's a shame because now you can't even drive that car as if it gets scanned it'll be seized... So you need to find a new mean of transportation, hide the sh1t out of that car.

How much did your lawyer suggest to sue the P.O. for?

Good luck man, this is horrific.
I'm not going to sell it. I have morals.
I'm not going to burn it. I paid money for it.

I am actually in contact with the previous owner. I know where he lives. He's alive and well and active on his public Facebook. He has told me he's trying to clear it (he's not poor so don't feel bad for him), but that's BS of course because he would have done it by now. My only course of action now is to leave it to my lawyer. Unless someone has other ideas ;) Either this guy will actually come through like he's saying and clear it (I doubt it) or the more likely case is that the bank will take the car soon and I will have to sue this guy for the value of the car. And give thousands to my lawyer in the meanwhile.

And no, barely anyone I asked knows anything about the RDPRM.

This system is a joke.

i doubt he will ever pay it lol , what can you do? beat him to death? burn his house? There's nothing that you can do legally to force him to pay. It was a trap, a setup. I would say anything to make you backoff if i was him. Your lawyer can't do shit because its legally your debt now. So what you sue the guy? he will win the cause easily with RDPRM. All he has to say is : Well , the buyer didnt check RDPRM , then the judge will ask you : Well sir , did you check RDPRM ? Then you answer, i didnt know that thing existed. Boom , you already lost half credit. Its basically like saying , i bought a accidented car but i didnt check with carfax prior on purchase. Its like saying : Yes , i did something wrong.

Ayoyes ton histoire me choques, mais ce qui mes choques encore plus c'est les esti de caves qui disent '''AH BEN T'AURAIS DU CHEKER LE RDPRM'''
Non mais etes vous sérieux, gang d'esti de caves de calisse, le gars est dans le trou de 17 K, pi votre réponse c'est t'aurais du ?
Méchantes belle gang de colons, vous en faites pas d'erreur vous autre en

Qu'est que tu veux que le monde disent? Awnnn pauvre petit ? Il y aucun recours pour le probleme. Le monde est REALISTE. Si une solution existerait , on l'aurait deja suggere. Arrete de faire ton hero.
Sell it overseas. Selling it here would put the liability on someone else and you said you have morals and you don't want to do that. So sell it overseas where the bank can't get it.

Anyone have a contact that ships cars overseas? You guys should get in contact.
Sell it overseas. Selling it here would put the liability on someone else and you said you have morals and you don't want to do that. So sell it overseas where the bank can't get it.

Anyone have a contact that ships cars overseas? You guys should get in contact.

selling overseas is basically having it stolen / burning it. They will make an investigation on it.
Je parles du mondr qui sont casiment en train de rire de lui de pas avoir cheker le rd shit. J'etais pas au courant non plus pi je serais en tabarnak de me faire did "lol noob mistake" ou de quoi du genre quand je viens ici demander de l'aide ou des conseils.
Je parles du mondr qui sont casiment en train de rire de lui de pas avoir cheker le rd shit. J'etais pas au courant non plus pi je serais en tabarnak de me faire did "lol noob mistake" ou de quoi du genre quand je viens ici demander de l'aide ou des conseils.

lol paysant


reste que le gars a par fais ces devoirs
Je parles du mondr qui sont casiment en train de rire de lui de pas avoir cheker le rd shit.

C'est toi qui présume qu'on est quasiment en train de rire de lui. Au contraire, on est plutôt bien triste pour lui. Et on essaie de lui trouver une solution depuis le début du thread en ne lui faisant pas de faux espoirs...

J'etais pas au courant non plus pi je serais en tabarnak de me faire did "lol noob mistake"

Dans la vie, Il y a ceux qui réfléchissent et se renseignent, et puis il y a les autres... Et devant un juge, dire que "je ne savais pas", ça vous rends automatiquement indéfendable.
It is not the new owners debt. He does not have to pay the 17K.

But he does not own the car, the bank does. If the bank takes the car they have ruined the credit of the previous owner, not the new owner.

I would talk in person to someone at the bank. Give them all the info of where the previous owner is, maybe they have not been able to track them down.

Try to work something out with the bank before they seize the car.