Repairing a cracked bumper


New member
Has any one repaired a cracked bumper themselves? If so, what products do you recommend? Is it worth it?

Wondering if it's worth trying to fix a 3" crack near the bottom of my front bumper instead of just getting a new bumper.

Post up a pic. Easier to asses the damage that way. I've fixed/patched up my cracked bumper. Haven't had a chance to touch it up with paint yet
Only one way to do it...


... Coune-it
I weld the bumper together with tie wraps, sand down, put a little putty, sand down until smooth, primer paint, don't forget to blend with the original paint a little *tu* *tu*
There's no point of filling it with any type of product like bondo. You would need to get something that can flex with the plastic, so essentially a urethane filler. If u put bondo, the smallest movement I'm the bumper will just cause it to crack
Exact same shit happened to me. Just pop it back into place so it alligns. Then seal it from behind with something like an expoxy or plastic weld. As for the front, sand down the crack if there's rough edges, then just touch it up. It's not worth going at it with putty and all. You'll have the repaint the lower part of your bumper. Too much work for something that won't be noticeable
exactement ce que MBalik a dit


Quand tu fais la réparation du côté intérieur:
-tu sables un peu pour que la surface soit rugueuse
-tu laves avec du savon à vaisselle pour enlever toute la graisse
-après tu mets du tape à membrane(c'est quadrillé) et tu patch par dessus les craques. Tu shoot de la colle en spray 3M par dessus et tu laisses sécher.
-Pour le edge du bas du bumper, si tu peux y ajouter un morceau de tupperware plastique assez rigide mais flexible que tu découpes, ça va aider à solidifier.
-tu enduis ensuite tout ça dans une belle couche d'époxy et tu laisses sécher au moins 12 heures, idéalement 24.
*tape de l'extérieur et arranges-toi pour que tes surfaces restent bien enlignées