Une mini-période glaciaire pourrait toucher la Terre à partir de 2030

J'déteste le neige. J'déteste le frète. Je déteste cette étude. Fuck you caliss, c'est sur et certain que je vais me monter une tente dans le désert. Même si y va faire 12 dans le désert a ce moment la, au moins j'aurai pas a aller travailler a -78 a déneiger pis déglacer mon char tout les matin/soir/nuit/midi pendant 230 minutes pour attendre 20 minutes que mon char dégele pour une ride de 20 minutes.

Inbefore j'suis le plus grand hater de l'hiver. Je le confirme.

Tu peux faire quelques recherches, mais dans un desert comme en Afrique du nord ou le desert du Sahara ca descend à des températures en-dessous de 0 degré celcius durant la nuit avant de remonter durant le jour.

Pis si tu déménage dans un desert ton trajet vers le travail va etre beaucoup long que de se tapper le pont Mercier un vendredi à 5h. Vas falloir tu te trouve un autre spot.
Tu peux faire quelques recherches, mais dans un desert comme en Afrique du nord ou le desert du Sahara ca descend à des températures en-dessous de 0 degré celcius durant la nuit avant de remonter durant le jour.

Pis si tu déménage dans un desert ton trajet vers le travail va etre beaucoup long que de se tapper le pont Mercier un vendredi à 5h. Vas falloir tu te trouve un autre spot.

Iv heard about that. But I honestly find it hard to believe. I know its true and proven by science and all. But its mind blowing that somewhere so hot can get so cold in a matter of hours...

And inb4 Le patriote becomes Lawrence of Montreal.

Iv heard about that. But I honestly find it hard to believe. I know its true and proven by science and all. But its mind blowing that somewhere so hot can get so cold in a matter of hours...

And inb4 Le patriote becomes Lawrence of Montreal.


The extreme cold temperature is caused by the absence of water in the desert who retains most of the heat.

You don't need a scientist to prove that, just ask people who went to the desert lol
Tu peux faire quelques recherches, mais dans un desert comme en Afrique du nord ou le desert du Sahara ca descend à des températures en-dessous de 0 degré celcius durant la nuit avant de remonter durant le jour.

Pis si tu déménage dans un desert ton trajet vers le travail va etre beaucoup long que de se tapper le pont Mercier un vendredi à 5h. Vas falloir tu te trouve un autre spot.

Pas de trouble, je vais m'en trouver un autre spot. Vous continuerez a vous faire enculer par Hydro qui va augmenter vos tarifs d'électricité. Cette nouvelles va les faire saliver.
Grosse nouvelle, ya déjà une ère glaciaire chaque année pendant 6 mois... Moi je me laisserait tenter par l'Espagne ou le Brésil (su moins violent) anytime, fuck le froid. On pourrait signer un deal avec un pays pauvre du sud pour profiter de leur soleil et eux nos ressources et compétences en administration publique

Lol, for each study, there's always a rebuttal from "Team Al Gore."

Grosse nouvelle, ya déjà une ère glaciaire chaque année pendant 6 mois... Moi je me laisserait tenter par l'Espagne ou le Brésil (su moins violent) anytime, fuck le froid. On pourrait signer un deal avec un pays pauvre du sud pour profiter de leur soleil et eux nos ressources et compétences en administration publique

administration publique You cannot be serious.

INB4TL;DR because 5th grade level readers on MR.

I've been looking at this little-ice-age theory for about a decade now and each time a study comes out, three counter-studies come out because otherwise how would they keep selling spiral bulbs (and now LEDs) and raise gasoline prices even though OIL prices have dropped dramatically?

I also have my doubts when respected scientists like Mike DeGrasse Tyson (or is it Andrew DeGrasse Clay?) , an ASTROPHYSICIST, not a CLIMATOLOGIST, try and justify the whole "global warming now turned global changes" theory by making the difference between WEATHER and CLIMATE using a dog on a beach. I'd probably agree with him if I could only read/understand things at a 5th grade level like most Americans.

Don't get me wrong, I think he's a fantastic science vulgarisator/spokesmodel and much like Carl Sagan did before him he has a way with words: showmanship.

Showmanship does not give a scientists credibility though. As a scientist, he's not been anything special other than on TV, it's not like he discovered penicillin or the remedy for AIDS/HIV so in terms of "HUMANISM" he's not any better than you or me. In fact, other than a blatant hate for anything biblical and specifically against Catholic biblical history, he's brought very little in terms of SCIENTIFIC contributions to even his own field of science.

Let's just say there will not be a Tyson/DeGrasse constant, comet, or asteroid (although I think he did NAME an asteroid he discovered in the 1990s which is nothing alarming since anyone with a decent size telescope can discover asteroids; there are literally an infinite amount in the cosmos. It's nothing rare, holy fuck 12yr old kids discover them with staggering regularity using dobsonians in their backyards!)

Quebec has had three rough winters in a row now, and the summers haven't exactly been warm ei ther.

Two years ago we had three hot days, last summer NONE, and this summer so far we had four days last week (Sat-yesterday) that were "warmer than most." Otherwise the temperature has been COLDER here. Anyone that has a pool will tell you, it's a fucking nightmare. Speaking for myself, in the last three years I've been in the pool about 1/10th of the time I've spent cleaning, maintaining it. Let me assure you when this pool breaks, it will NOT be replaced.

Thing is, if you speak/read any other languages than French and English, you should really check the weather elsewhere. Local media worldwide keeps running news reports about global-warming/changes and how we can't look at the LOCAL temperature but we must look at the WORLD temperature as a whole. But then you look at the local temperature worldwide and it DOES NOT reflect any global warming. It's been colder almost everywhere, snow in Italy, France, England, Germany, Belgium, until late spring, warm temperatures have been delayed with better temperatures only arriving in late May/June even in the traditionally hot parts of Europe like Spain, Portugal, Greece.

They claim that animals are going extinct because of this and lo and behold, every time an animal is threatened with extinction it's never something ugly like a type of crustacean or spider, it's ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS a super cute variety of Koala bear, duckling or marsupial. I wonder if that's got anything to do with attracting sympathy for a cause. After all we'd give money to a fund that saves ducklings before we gave any to a fund that saves human babies...

I don't claim to know what will happen, this study is only one amongst 321059872624 others that can (and will) be discredited by 25987209546526 more.

I do however see our future with a bleak eye, and judging by the amount of importance we allow to "social media starlets" among other human failures, we are not on the right track to get anywhere good. I don't have to run down a list of social media fails, they're everywhere. Why? Simple. Everyone wants to rule the world and be famous and rich and have people flock to "see" them. Used to be that the easiest way to achieve this was to be a professional athlete, actor or musician but this required SOME talent. Now with social media all you really need are tits/ass/sex-tape or dating a girl with tits/ass/sex-tape and voila: Instant celebrity.

And now Trump is running for the Republicans. can you say disaster?
still won't be as cold as winter 2015

I see winter 2015 and after skipping winter 2016, this winter is being more "normal" by Canadian standards.

Anyways - and I've seen it before in the late 1980s and early 1990s with Ozone Layer depletion propaganda: It's beginning to resorb itself. The only thing keeping the whole agenda from imploding is the economics that are now tied into the Global Changes rebranded from Global Warming.


One scientist who sees global warming receding as a threat — at least until the 2050s — is Valentina Zharkova at Northumbria University in the U.K., whose research indicates that Earth will soon enter a new Little Ice Age that will last decades. Her findings, which were first presented to the Royal Astronomical Society’s National Astronomy Meeting in Wales in 2015, have since gathered support from hundreds of researchers. They build on the work of numerous others around the world who in recent decades have been studying how diminished solar activity — most dramatically the absence of sunspots — affects Earth’s climate. They, in turn, are building on the work of Galileo and the newly invented telescope of the early 1600s which began the concerted study of sunspots, and of British astronomer Edward Walter Maunder, who in the late 1800s linked the absence of sunspots to the depths of the last Little Ice Age two centuries earlier. Our Sun these days, ominously, is sometimes spotless.

When/if you have an hour and a half to kill, sit back with a beer and watch this:

I nominate this bump for the most useless bump of 2018.

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Attends, l'année viens de commencer et LG va probablement en faire des plus inutiles
Donc, cette étude invaliderait le réchauffement climatique et Al Gore est un sale profiteur?
Ca aucun rapport avec la terre elle même. Le soleil va être moins fort et refroidir la terre en l'aidant à refaire ses pôles en glace mais la terre a déjà mangé une esti de volé avec ses océans rempli de marde, ses forêts détruite et son gaz à effets de serre. Ca risque pas d'aider si on chauffe la planète au complet à -23 au mazout, charbon et à corde de bois et laisser nos chars virer pendant 15 minutes avant de partir travailler pendant les 5 ans d'air glaciaire.
La couche d ozone se reforme a cause du succes du Montreal Protocol.

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