Portland diner owner under fire for yelling at toddler: parenting question


Legacy Member
I know we had a similar post not long ago...


What does MR think of this?

I personally get very annoyed when I`m a paying customer and get bothered by crying kids (I`m not talking the ones that shut up if the parents tell them so, I`m talking about the ones that go off like siren and wail like someone just cut off their hands).
At the end though they are kids, they don`t know better so it defaults back to the parents. In my opinion a civilized and educated one would ask the child to be quiet or bring him/her outside not to bother the rest of the customers, or am I the only ass who thinks that way?
I`ve seen parents leaving their kids crying their eyeballs out and when someone made a comment to perhaps control the kids, they started verbally attacking the person to mind their own business, that to me is uncivilized and selfish.
So was the child screaming and crying for 10 minutes or an hour? That determines who's to blame in this situation. I don't shy away from calling people out on their shitty parenting, yes they may be your child and you can raise them however you want but eventually they grow up and I don't want to live in a society filled with terrible and idiotic people.
When I go in a restaurant, not a fast food place like McDo, I don't want to hear your weak pullout game screaming.
You don't deal with the kid, you deal with the stupid parents. That's it.
I would have called the police.

I would have called the police.


When I worked at Reebok, I remember a family of 2 kids, mother and father who were shopping on a busy day.
Their daughter was throwing a turbo tantrum. Normally we say nothing if it lasts up to 5 minutes.
After 15 minutes of tantruming and the parents doing fuck-all about it, and after receiving about 2 comments from other customers about it, I decided to go see the parents and I gave them 2 choices:
1 - Shut your kid up (not exact words)
2 - Get out of the store

They started rambling on about how they were never coming back to shop here and how ridiculous it is for me to ask them to leave. I told them I didn't give a shit if they never came back.

Turns out they filed a complaint against me at the head offices of Reebok. My district manager called me and told me I did the right thing and congratulated me.
When my kids throw a tantrum, its because something didn't go the way they want it and they can't control their emotions...
meh, there`s obviously 2 sides to the story......owner says it lasted an hour and she just yelled after all this time and the mother claims it was much less and the owner screamed and leaned angrily over the counter at the little kid. Two very different things. For some reason, simply based on the interview with the owner, the 2 FB posts and the phone convo with the mother, I`m more inclined to think the mother`s side is closer to the truth. The owner looked crazy as fuck and her FB post would be a PR disaster if it were a bigger company.
I agree with the owner.

T'es pas chez vous, quand tu perds le contrôle ça ne change rien que ça soit 5 minutes ou 3 heures, tu sors le flot dehors.
I agree with the owner.

T'es pas chez vous, quand tu perds le contrôle ça ne change rien que ça soit 5 minutes ou 3 heures, tu sors le flot dehors.

That's not agreeing with the owner.

Agreeing with the owner is agreeing that it's fine to intimidate and be aggressive towards someone else's child and then mention on your retail business' FB page that the customers were lucky you didn't get physical....
fuck les enfants rois, kids going apeshit deserves a spanking

That south park episode is hilarious but public physical punishment can land you in jail. It's really crazy how now-a-days you gotta be extra careful what you say and do in public with your own kid. You can forget about spanking, you'll have the DPJ on your ass in no time.
A l'époque que je n'avais pas d'enfants, je trouvais ca tellement irritable des enfants pleurant au restaurant. Sachant que c'était meme un restaurant familiale, je m'exposais tout de meme a la possibilité d'en entendre pleurer, mais je dealais avec.

Étant rendu avec 2 maintenant, n'ayant pas de mauvaises expériences a date, touche du bois, au resto, mais vivant des situations de crisent a la maison parfois, je comprends et tolere mieux ceux des autres qui pleurent au resto ou lieu publique. Mais on vient vite a cibler et voir ceux qui ont des parents pas de colonnes/qui s'en criss/qui ont pas de respects.

Il y a toujours une solution quand ca arrive pour désamorcer la crise et calmer...C'est juste de savoir comment s'y prendre.
If a waiter/waitress/they assign me to a table near a family with babies I ask them right away for another table. Fuck that noise.
En temps que directeur adjoint de magasin, j'ai déjà appelé la police parce que les parents ne m'écoutaient pas et ne voulaient pas sortir du magasin. Les autres clients, ceux qui n'étaient pas partis, commencaient à devenir agressifs à cause des circonstances. Il m'ont dit que c'est la meilleur chose que je pouvais faire dans cette situation.
Dans ce cas là oui.

Ca m'est déjà arrivé aussi de faire sortir des clients par la police.
Debut Juillet au restorant PortoVino, place qui sert des filets mignon de 53$ (calisse... j'ai pris du Carbonara a 19$ a la place...) reunion de famille pour le 60 d'un de nous autres. On est 14 personnes et aucun enfant.

Direct a cote, autre attablee pour un autre anniversaire, ils sont environ une 15e eux aussi mais avec 5-6 enfants d'age pre-scolaire. Ca court partout, ca crie, de temps en temps on en ramasse dans nos jambes parce qu'ils "crawlent" a terre et sous les tables.

Je me suis leve, je suis alle voir un papa de l'autre table et je lui ai dit textuellement: "Hey gros, c'est pas un La Belle Province icitte, controlez votre marmaille."

Il a appele sa gang de kid pis ils se la sont fermes tout le restant du souper jusqu'au dessert la ca s'est encore leve pis ca s'est remis a courir partout, j'ai juste regarde le meme bonhomme pis il les a rappeles a l'ordre.

Discipline tabarnak. Quand t'as du monde qui payent 50$+ pour leur souper generalement ils veulent pas manger dans une crisse de garderie.

La patronne du diner dans l'article avait 10000000% raison. T'est pas content pis t'as des enfants que tu sais pas comment controler? Tu les fais garder ou tu fais tes reunions de famille au Chucky Cheese.
La patronne du diner dans l'article avait 10000000% raison. T'est pas content pis t'as des enfants que tu sais pas comment controler? Tu les fais garder ou tu fais tes reunions de famille au Chucky Cheese. Mais elle a pas à gueuler comme une malade en faisant des gestes brusques et menaçants sur un bébé...
