Small claims court car sold with defect


New member
Hey guys. One of my buddies sold his car a few weeks ago and it was in mint mint mint condition.
The buyer didn't get the car inspected before the purchase********

A few days after the sale the buyer comes back saying that the clutch was finished and he got it replaced for 2k and now wants my friend to pay him back or he will take him to small claims court. (Hidden defect)

My friend had previously inpected the car twice and he was told it was in perfect condition.

Question is: does the buyer stand a chance in court?
No because it was his fault he should've inspected it by a professionnal and make sure all in order.

If he badly use the clutch ( burnout etc ) you are not accounted for
Lol a finished clutch is quite easy to notice by test driving the car....

I woud tell him come at me bro

Une clutch fini, c'est pas un vice caché. Pense pas que le demandeur a une chance de gagner contre toi. Ignore sa demande.
Is the friend you ?

He needs to send you a "mise en demure" Sp? Before filing ... If he files in Montreal it will be roughly a year before you pass last I checked with the backlog... Basically when it's a used car between 2 private parties its an as is sale and the fact he didn't get an inspection doesn't look good for him. Clutch is a wear item like brakes...

When I sold the M6 the buyer called me a month later saying I owed him a battery (he drained it flat)and the CEL came on because of it. I said I would scan the car if he wished and that's about it. He threatened me to which I replied "cool story brosef"

I hate selling stuff here as people think a used car is a new car with bumper to bumper coverage.
Est-ce qu'il lui a vendu avec la tank pleine pis maintenant elle est vide?

Yé venu pour se servir du lave vitre pis yen avait pu?

Une clutch usée un mois après... ben oui!!

Ya impressionné ses chums comme ça d'après moi

Calling back someone a month later for a freaking battery, how broke do you have to be?

Must of been a ticoune buying a low priced M6 and then realizing the costs of running it haha
MEme sur un char neuf une clutch, transmission manuelle c'est presque impossible a faire passé sur la garanti....bonne chance sur un char used.
Thanks for the input guys! And no the thread is not about me lol but it might convince my buddy to join the forum!
wtf, yen a qui son cave.

Mon premier char le vendeur ne ma pas dit que la clutch était due. Pis je ne conaissais pas ben ça dans le temps.

Ma réaction : Super content !!! :) , upgrade time ! :D . Je l'ai fais moi même, et j'ai appris comment ca marche.
Is the friend you ?

He needs to send you a "mise en demure" Sp? Before filing ... If he files in Montreal it will be roughly a year before you pass last I checked with the backlog... Basically when it's a used car between 2 private parties its an as is sale and the fact he didn't get an inspection doesn't look good for him. Clutch is a wear item like brakes...

When I sold the M6 the buyer called me a month later saying I owed him a battery (he drained it flat)and the CEL came on because of it. I said I would scan the car if he wished and that's about it. He threatened me to which I replied "cool story brosef"

I hate selling stuff here as people think a used car is a new car with bumper to bumper coverage.

wow, buys M6, nickle and dimes for battery price,

I hope those crank bearings and smg pump act up on him.
what a fag
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