La Propagande

KerplunK partage avec nous tes idée.

C est certain que toi et ton grande Intelligence supérieur peux nous éclairé
J'ai aucunement envie d'argumenter avec toi parce que selon moi tu es la raison pour laquelle le forum va finir par couler, et ça me dégoûte de voir à quel point le OT est une fois de plus peinturé mur à mur de propos haineux depuis ton retour.
J'ai aucunement envie d'argumenter avec toi parce que selon moi tu es la raison pour laquelle le forum va finir par couler, et ça me dégoûte de voir à quel point le OT est une fois de plus peinturé mur à mur de propos haineux depuis ton retour.

Quel propos haineux.

Tu abuse telement du mot, tu veux dire quoi?
on dirai tu lit le scrip que quelqun ta donné

Ok Gardé au sujet la propagande.
pourquoi le multiculturalist a besoin être en promotion dans les école a la TV a la radio dans les filme?
full propagande.

pourtant vivre en semble devrai être naturel.

J amais u probleme avec les immigration avent on me le pousse dans la gorge.
Toi tu sais avalé mais pas moi.

'' Transfert : cette technique sert à projeter les qualités positives ou négatives d’une personne, d’une entité, d’un objet ou d’une valeur (un individu, un groupe, une organisation, une nation, un patriotisme, etc.) sur un tiers, afin de rendre cette seconde entité plus (ou moins) acceptable. Cette technique est utilisée, par exemple, pour transférer le blâme d’un camp à l’autre, lors d’un conflit. Elle évoque une réponse émotive qui stimule la cible pour qu’elle s’identifie avec l’autorité reconnue.''
Poto ci-bas:
MR what about this:

how it is made look a Freaking ads. like a propaganda.
For what goal?
I don't see it as propaganda.

Propaganda entails that people have long term goals and motive. I don't think this is what behind this transgender thing and other so-called agenda.

Money is really the name of the game. Information is just another product corporations want to cram down our throats. We have been bombarded by "shocking" behavior since, well, I don't know how long, but pretty damn long. The thing now, there are so many different information outlets, they all compete with each other for what is a finite amount of money, either subscription or ads.

And some marketing genius figured out that schoking people brings viewer and hence revenue, so they are more outlets trying to shock us more and more.

In the 60's and 70's, people were shoked by nudity, cussing and extra marital affairs. We were bombarded with it and got used to it and became desensitized. So they needed something else.

In the 80's, peoples were shocked by material excesses, so we were bombarded with it. So much that it became normal.

In the 90's, people were shocked by homosexuality. Eveything became gay this, gay that, then it became common place and didn't shock anymore. So on to the next thing.

In the 2000's, people were shocked by sex tapes. Evrybody came out with a sextape, so we also became desensitized. Is anybody shocked (or even knows) that Hulk Hogan has a sex tape? Nobody gives a fuck about this.

And now, to shock, they came up with the transgender thing. People react strongly, so they keep showing us more and more and more, until a point where we won't give a crap.

Then it's going to be the next thing.

There is no point in any of this except making money by selling ads and subscription and clicks and whatever. There is no grand scheme. Humans being as a whole are no good at grand schemes.

But as long as we keep buying and being interested in shocking behavior, t hey'll keep hawking shit our way.

[EDIT] fuck that...


There is no propaganda. All this is done to make a buck

I don't see it as propaganda.

Propaganda entails that people have long term goals and motive. I don't think this is what behind this transgender thing and other so-called agenda.

Money is really the name of the game. Information is just another product corporations want to cram down our throats. We have been bombarded by "shocking" behavior since, well, I don't know how long, but pretty damn long. The thing now, there are so many different information outlets, they all compete with each other for what is a finite amount of money, either subscription or ads.

And some marketing genius figured out that schoking people brings viewer and hence revenue, so they are more outlets trying to shock us more and more.

In the 60's and 70's, people were shoked by nudity, cussing and extra marital affairs. We were bombarded with it and got used to it and became desensitized. So they needed something else.

In the 80's, peoples were shocked by material excesses, so we were bombarded with it. So much that it became normal.

In the 90's, people were shocked by homosexuality. Eveything became gay this, gay that, then it became common place and didn't shock anymore. So on to the next thing.

In the 2000's, people were shocked by sex tapes. Evrybody came out with a sextape, so we also became desensitized. Is anybody shocked (or even knows) that Hulk Hogan has a sex tape? Nobody gives a fuck about this.

And now, to shock, they came up with the transgender thing. People react strongly, so they keep showing us more and more and more, until a point where we won't give a crap.

Then it's going to be the next thing.

There is no point in any of this except making money by selling ads and subscription and clicks and whatever. There is no grand scheme. Humans being as a whole are no good at grand schemes.

But as long as we keep buying and being interested in shocking behavior, t hey'll keep hawking shit our way.

[EDIT] fuck that...


There is no propaganda. All this is done to make a buck


I read it all.

But but all you describe is really note like what the video is promoting
we speaking of drugging and mutilate a young child because he have Mental illness
La meilleure propagande est invisible , constante et omniprésente.

J'ai une expérience de première main qui m'a prouvé qu'un petit slogan peut changer @ 180 l'opinion qu'on les gens d'un produit.Maintenant que j'ai fermé ma compagnie je peux en parler . Étant distributeur de bijoux mode nous avions beaucoup de retours de clientes qui se plaignaient de l'allergie provoquée par nos bijoux , à tort ou à raison . Toujours est-il que nous avons introduit des bijoux plaqués or , les clientes ont été enchantées de les porter et de ne plus avoir d'allergie. Au fil du temps notre fournisseur a fermé ses portes , on est revenu à nos anciens fournisseurs mais en gardant notre slogan sur les cartes ...
malgré le placage qui était de moindre qualité. Les clientes ont gardé le même comportement : plus aucune plainte pour les allergies ...combien de fois j'ai entendu les clientes dire '' pas de problême avec ces bijoux , c'est marqué sur la carte.''

Robert Bourrassa avait trouvé une idée de génie avec ses promesses de '' 100,00 emplois ''

René Lévesque\ Lesage avec '' Maitre Chez Nous ''


'' [FONT=&quot]La manipulation consciente, intelligente, des opinions et des habitudes organisées des masses joue un rôle important dans une société démocratique. Ceux qui manipulent ce mécanisme social imperceptible forment un gouvernement invisible qui dirige véritablement le pays.''

'' [/FONT][FONT=&quot] Le mécanisme qui permet la diffusion à grande échelle des idées a nom propagande : soit, au sens large, tout effort organisé pour propager une croyance ou une doctrine particulière.''

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]''[/FONT][FONT=&quot]la propagande au vrai sens du terme est une forme parfaitement légitime de l'activité humaine. Une organisation sociale, religieuse ou politique qui professe certaines valeurs et entreprend de les faire connaître, de vive voix ou par écrit, pratique la propagande.''[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
