Islam Thread

Une première: une ville américaine élit un conseil à majorité islamique:

Back in 2009, we told you that this same Michigan city council was now half Muslim. Then, in 2013 we told you that Three Muslims were charged with election fraud in Hamtramck and a 4th tried to sell votes. After that Muslim voter fraud was detected, Muslims failed to win Hamtramck elections. Six years later, the Muslims have conquered Hamtramck.
via Hamtramck is 1st American city to elect majority Muslim council

HAMTRAMCK, Mich. -The Polish flocked to Hamtramck in the 1900s and evidence of the city’s Polish roots remain.
However, over the last few decades a new wave of immigrants, primarily from the Middle East, South Asia and Southeastern Europe, has dramatically changed the face and culture of this community.
Now, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect that diversity.
“We are very proud and we are very happy for that achievement, what we have done in this city, for our city,” said Jamal Alturki, a voter.
Voters gave Abu Musa and Anam Miah another term in office. Saad Almasmari was elected for the first time. Now four of the six City Council members will be of Muslim faith.
It’s said to be the first majority Muslim City Council not only in Hamtramck but in the entire country.
“I think that sends a message not only to Hamtramck but throughout the region that people want their representation in offices,” Miah said.
Although there will be more diversity at the table, they want to make clear the goal of public service stays the the same.
“My concern is to give the people, everybody, equal opportunity and be fair for everybody,” said Musa.
“We are going to represent everybody. We are going to serve everybody, Christians, Jewish, Muslims, everybody,” said Almasmari.

A search on Creeping Sharia for Hamtramck evidences what Muslims have done for the city of Hamtramck. It’s not pretty.

As the Muslim invasion of America continues more cities will fall and non-Muslims will be shunned and forced out.
Connaissance sur l'Islam : la Kaaba

Je n'avais jamais approfondi ce que les musulmans appellent la pierre sacrée : Kaaba.

Les commentaires pro-musulmans de ce vidéo parlent de sacrilège/ignorance/mauvaise foi/islamophobie.

Pensez-vous que la pierre sacrée soit d'origine divine ? ... 1.2 milliard d'humains y croient dur comme fer.

Remarquez que toutes les religions ont des origines payennes , chacun peut croire en ce qu'il veut , en autant qu'il n'y ait pas d'obligation/de force pour les autres d'y croire.

[h=2]La Kaaba, temple de la déesse Allat[/h] Ka’aba signifierait cube en arabe, mais la Ka’aba elle-même serait l’ancienne « Kaabou », du mot grec qui signifie ‘jeune fille’, et désigne la déesse Astarté, c’est-à-dire Aphrodite dans la mythologie grecque qui correspond à la Vénus Romaine et l’al-‘Uzza (العزى) des Arabes considérée comme la déesse de la fertilité.

Peux-tu combattre ce que tu ignores ... l'ignorance c'est la force

Le PowerBall c'est haram :run:

Quand ca sera le temps Loto-Québec va disparaitre.
So here's Islam in a nutshell.

I can prove that Mohhamed was a paranoid Schizophrenic.

He lived in a cave, in those times villages and towns exiled the crazy people to live in caves on the outskirts.

He heard voices in his head that drove him to the brink of suicide (jumping of a bridge) until one of the "voices" told him to stop and that it was Allah that was trying to drunk-call him all this time. (paranoid suicidal tendencies are VERY present in paranoid schizophrenia)

It was said that a "morning star" hang in the sky when he was getting revelations. Morning Star - avatar of.... wait for it.... Lucifer.

When the literary character Jesus was asked about how to recognize a false prophet he said "He will come from the desert and you will judge that tree by it's fruit" (I paraphrase.)

Mohamed lusted after Abu Bakr's baby daughter and said to him that he will marry her when she grows up... which he did... when she turned 6 then when she turned 9 he raped her.