Hypocrisy of so many people on this forum

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So, allow me to say that 50% or more of the posters on this forum are hypocrites.


Here are a few simple things to dwell on...

1) The whole premise behind the forum is MontrealRacing. "Important" threads include advisories on potential speed traps. Therefore, one of the founding principles behind the forum is a certain solidarity between people breaking road rules (duh, racing).

2) If I drive home over the legal alcohol limit, but follow the speed limit, factually speaking, I am probably less of a risk than some crazy racing down the Decarie, swerving through cars and putting himself and others at risk of an accident. His out of control exuberance far exceeds in danger my decision to drive home after 3-4 beers.

3) Whenever I stand up for myself as a person who has committed a DUI and wants to legitimately get my license back, all I get is mockery from these self-righteous people, who for some reason are members of a RACING forum, yet criticize and morally look down on me and countless others.

4) It stems from the previous facts that the argument could EASILY be made that one DUI is morally and legally less reprehensible than a life of racing and/or driving like a lunatic.

5) I believe DUI-bashing should lead to a temporary ban on this forum, because it discourages discussion, stigmatizes people who made a mistake, and plays into the abusive SAAQ punishment system that exists.
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C'est pas MontrealStreetRacing, c'est Montreal Racing.

Courser, c'est pas nécessairement dans la rue. Au contraire.

Pour courser, il faut pas être en boisson si on veut de bons résultats.

Faque c'est ça.
Y'as-tu un group de troll MR qui a décidé de fonder un lobby pro-DUI sur le forum avec des nouveaux comptes?
1- No
2- No
3- Just dont drink an drive? Pretty ez.
4- No
5- No
6- Are you drunk now?
So, allow me to say that 50% or more of the posters on this forum are hypocrites.


Here are a few simple things to dwell on...

1) The whole premise behind the forum is MontrealRacing. "Important" threads include advisories on potential speed traps. Therefore, one of the founding principles behind the forum is a certain solidarity between people breaking road rules (duh, racing).

2) If I drive home over the legal alcohol limit, but follow the speed limit, factually speaking, I am probably less of a risk than some crazy racing down the Decarie, swerving through cars and putting himself and others at risk of an accident. His out of control exuberance far exceeds in danger my decision to drive home after 3-4 beers.

3) Whenever I stand up for myself as a person who has committed a DUI and wants to legitimately get my license back, all I get is mockery from these self-righteous people, who for some reason are members of a RACING forum, yet criticize and morally look down on me and countless others.

4) It stems from the previous facts that the argument could EASILY be made that one DUI is morally and legally less reprehensible than a life of racing and/or driving like a lunatic.

5) I believe DUI-bashing should lead to a temporary ban on this forum, because it discourages discussion, stigmatizes people who made a mistake, and plays into the abusive SAAQ punishment system that exists.

assume toi pis prend ton vrai nick
So, allow me to say that 50% or more of the posters on this forum are hypocrites.


Here are a few simple things to dwell on...

1) The whole premise behind the forum is MontrealRacing. "Important" threads include advisories on potential speed traps. Therefore, one of the founding principles behind the forum is a certain solidarity between people breaking road rules (duh, racing).

2) If I drive home over the legal alcohol limit, but follow the speed limit, factually speaking, I am probably less of a risk than some crazy racing down the Decarie, swerving through cars and putting himself and others at risk of an accident. His out of control exuberance far exceeds in danger my decision to drive home after 3-4 beers.

3) Whenever I stand up for myself as a person who has committed a DUI and wants to legitimately get my license back, all I get is mockery from these self-righteous people, who for some reason are members of a RACING forum, yet criticize and morally look down on me and countless others.

4) It stems from the previous facts that the argument could EASILY be made that one DUI is morally and legally less reprehensible than a life of racing and/or driving like a lunatic.

5) I believe DUI-bashing should lead to a temporary ban on this forum, because it discourages discussion, stigmatizes people who made a mistake, and plays into the abusive SAAQ punishment system that exists.

Beau discours de future récidiviste. Je me roule sur le plancher en riant.
J'ai juste une chose a dire la dessus:

SELON MOI, la limite de 0.08 est trop generale.

Mon 0.08 pis ton 0.08 peuvent pas etre pareils, on est des etres humains avec des organismes differents et on assimile l'alcool (medicaments, cafeine, etc.) de differentes facon. Il faut voir ce qu'on mange avec, un verre de rouge a jeun c'est pas pareil qu'un verre de rouge avec deux slices de pizza pis un chip.

COMPRENEZ MOI BIEN: Je suis PAS PANTOUTE POUR l'alcool au volant. Et je suis 100% d'accord avec le TOLERANCE ZERO avant un certain niveau d'experience au volant.

Mais il faudrait aussi voir ce que les paquets de nerfs surexcites sur le red-bull/monster font au volant en parfaite legalite.

Il faudrait voir ce que les gens depressifs sur les anti-depresseurs (zombifiants) font au volant en parfaite legalite.

Il faudrait voir ce que les pot-head feront au volant, bientot en parfaite legalite.

Encore la, COMPRENEZ MOI BIEN: J'ai rien contre la personne qui se tire un joint dans sa cour arriere une fois par semaine, en autant qu'il conduise pas son Honda Accord 1998 immediatement apres...
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