Turks Say They Just casualy Shot Down a Russian Jet. Happening official thread

Donc c'est juste une grosse mascarade dans l'unique but de qui va finir par avoir le contrôle du marché pétrolier européen...?
Semblerait que toute l'affaire de guerre civile entre chiite et sunnite a été manipulé par les américains. Un moment donné me semble quand t'essaye d'aller fourrer tout le monde de même ça peut pas bien virer.
Surtout quand tu as deux clans qui s'ostinent a savoir dans quel Manga le dieu est le bon. Scusez, jveux dire livre religieuuuux
Donc c'est juste une grosse mascarade dans l'unique but de qui va finir par avoir le contrôle du marché pétrolier européen...?
Semblerait que toute l'affaire de guerre civile entre chiite et sunnite a été manipulé par les américains. Un moment donné me semble quand t'essaye d'aller fourrer tout le monde de même ça peut pas bien virer.

proxy war.

rien mieux alimenté des rebel clan ou what ever en guns et déstabilisé un pays et apprêt venir nettoyer avec des bonne intention arrêté les terrorist ™
Comment tu veux Venir prendre le contrôle un pays quand il est stable?

Mass immigration, rebel, terrorist™ ou pire guerre civil tout ça on un élément déclencheur relié a un agenda de un ou plusieurs faction.

Je vous dit Ukraine un bon exemple. ça commencé par des rebel contre le gouvernement apprêt guerre civil.
manque un super puissance pour venir foutre la paix à leur goût.
1.Turkey consulted NATO when Russia started operating close to Turkey and warned Russia.
2.There has already been few recent incidents where Turkey did not act on their ROE.
3.Turkey used diplomatic channels to send clear warnings and Russian delegations have been visiting Turkey.
4.Turkey warned the Russian plane when it was 15 km from the border. Turkey shot the plane when it crossed the border.

Basically Turkey had to act at some point. Sovereign country can't send warnings and use strong words indefinitely or they lose their meaning. Russia understands this and they are known from pushing the envelope elsewhere. This won't lead into big confrontation. Russia just gained new respect to Turkeys borders.

However on the other hand I feel Turkey knew exactly what they were doing. By shooting down a Russian aircraft the pilots would be over Syria.. that's like baiting hungry sharks.

Do we know if it was an AIM-120 or AIM-9 that took the Su-24 out?
1.Turkey consulted NATO when Russia started operating close to Turkey and warned Russia.
2.There has already been few recent incidents where Turkey did not act on their ROE.
3.Turkey used diplomatic channels to send clear warnings and Russian delegations have been visiting Turkey.
4.Turkey warned the Russian plane when it was 15 km from the border. Turkey shot the plane when it crossed the border.

Basically Turkey had to act at some point. Sovereign country can't send warnings and use strong words indefinitely or they lose their meaning. Russia understands this and they are known from pushing the envelope elsewhere. This won't lead into big confrontation. Russia just gained new respect to Turkeys borders.

However on the other hand I feel Turkey knew exactly what they were doing. By shooting down a Russian aircraft the pilots would be over Syria.. that's like baiting hungry sharks.

Do we know if it was an AIM-120 or AIM-9 that took the Su-24 out?

You should go work for Turkey.

There is a pending investigation because Turkey and Russia claim different distances.. Yet Barney the plane master knows it all before everyone.
Kremlin claims that the pilot was not contacted and Turkey claims he was warned 10 times... Oh ya what a dumb unarmed pilot wished his own death... Oh ya true its because he's Russian...

While auntie Sam made it clear that this matter should be discussed directly between Ankara and Moscow and thats it.

The preliminary investigation shows that the bomber was shut down in Syrian airspace ! Good Job Barney.

I'm not taking any sides.

But I will say RT is also the Russian equivalent of FoxNews and Turkey is somewhat in bed with ISIS

So will FSB be delivering air defense systems to Kurds soon?
Im worried about what this will mean in the short run. Obviously Russians wont risk open war with NATO. But I dont like the idea of poking the bear, even if or if not he was in your house.
I'm not taking any sides.

RT is also the Russian equivalent of FoxNews.

RT can be bias I agree, its always good to compare with other different news channels for a ''better' image..

Anyhow , Turkey just lost one of its biggest economical partners .. And perfect time to raise prices on natural gas.
Im worried about what this will mean in the short run. Obviously Russians wont risk open war with NATO. But I dont like the idea of poking the bear, even if or if not he was in your house.

No one will go to war for that.. However Putin and Lavrov won't let it go easily. They will tighten the bolts from all sides.
Im worried about what this will mean in the short run. Obviously Russians wont risk open war with NATO. But I dont like the idea of poking the bear, even if or if not he was in your house.

Nothing will happen. It's just chest beating at the moment

RT can be bias I agree, its always good to compare with other different news channels for a ''better' image..

Anyhow , Turkey just lost one of its biggest economical partners .. And perfect time to raise prices on natural gas.

Ankara and Moscow will work it out. The stance I am taking is that it's well known the Turkish are uppity about unannounced airspace intrusions coming out of Syria. They have shot down Syrian aircraft before. Now perhaps there are other factors involved but now the Russian's will be just a tad more careful. I am bothered by the fact they knew the Russian pilots would eject over Syria, a rescue party would have to be sent in.. To me it seems to be rather well planned
Turkey is so full of shit!

So they shot the plane down to make an example of it? That slightly crossing their borders is off limits? How was that Russian plane any real danger to Turkey?

They obviously knew very well what they were doing and I get the feeling they wanna pick a fight. Turkey have always had two-faced international politics while they probably have wet dreams about becoming the Ottoman empire again....but this is not 16th century anymore.
Ils sont juste pas contents que les russes bombardent ISIS parce qu'ils leurs fournissent leurs armes et profitent du fait qu'ils contrôlent une partie du pétrole de la région pour l'acheter à rabais.
Anyway la Russie est pas mieux là-dedans, sont aussi pire que les américains à vouloir aller chercher la marde partout.
For fuck's sake Kossak.

Just fucking learn to spell SYRIA. You are typing the word three different way at least 15 times a day, for the last 30 days.

We all know it is beyond you to spell anywhere near acceptable levels, but the current hot topic is SYRIA, and you are harping about SYRIA more than anyone else on MR, at least learn that word. It's only 5 letters.


La dyslexie c'est pas un signe d'intelligence inférieure.
Obama hussein al-barrack and erdogan refuse to recognize the Armenian genocide.

Where over 1.5 million armenians were ruthlessly and systematically slaughtered ... They call it just a massacre.

Americans and Turks (Ottoman empire at the time) were always known to be two faced.




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On peut pas vraiment prendre ta parole au sérieux vu que tu as un parti pris, ça t'enlève la capacité de réfléchir de façon neutre.
On peut pas vraiment prendre ta parole au sérieux vu que tu as un parti pris, ça t'enlève la capacité de réfléchir de façon neutre.

C'est ce que les féministes proclament haut et fort comme excuse: "Vous êtes des hommes, on peut pas prendre au sérieux ce que les hommes disent, ça leur enlève de la capacité à réfléchir car ils sont tous misogynes."

Donc, ce que je comprends de ton message, c'est seulement ceux qui n'ont pas de parti pris pour la Russie, ceux qui soutiennent le NATO ou ceux qui s'abstiennent qui ont la merveilleuse capacité de réfléchir. C'est loin de réfléchir de façon neutre.
Tu déformes encore tout pour essayer de faire ton smat, typique HeavyMetal.
Ça reste que toute l'info propagée est totalement biaisée parce qu'il est vendu à 100% à la Russie et est incapable de voir les 2 côtés de la médaille. Dans le cas présent, tous les côtés sont aussi coupables les uns que les autres, faut croire que c'est plus difficile à accepter pour certains. Je crois que même un grand penseur comme toi devrait comprendre !
Tu déformes encore tout pour essayer de faire ton smat, typique HeavyMetal.
Ça reste que toute l'info propagée est totalement biaisée parce qu'il est vendu à 100% à la Russie et est incapable de voir les 2 côtés de la médaille. Dans le cas présent, tous les côtés sont aussi coupables les uns que les autres, faut croire que c'est plus difficile à accepter pour certains. Je crois que même un grand penseur comme toi devrait comprendre !

Répondre à une rhétorique par une rhétorique égale et opposée, c'est simplement ce que j'ai fait. Sauf que la mienne était bien meilleure que la tienne. :)