News: Montreal-area cop pepper-sprays man while his kids are in the car


Staff member
I looked but I didn't see a thread on this. Summary: Officer sees man stopped in side of the road talking to someone with his hazards lights on and decides to pull him over. Man asks why he was pulled over and cop refuses to say. Man refuses to identify himself or exit the vehicle so cop decides to pepper spray him even though his kids were in the back seat. Man is take to the police station and then let go but receives three tickets in the mail: for obstructing the work of a police officer, failing to turn off his vehicle when pulled over and for using his hazard lights unnecessarily.

There seems to be two schools of thought here. The first blames the driver for refusing to cooperate with the officer. The second school of thought faults the officer for abuse of power and refusing to inform the driver why he was pulled over. Personally I think both individuals are to blame but I give slightly more blame to the officer who is a professional and who should have known better. You should always comply with an officer of the law but the officer should never have pepper sprayed someone simply for non cooperation - especially when kids are close by.

At first I thought the cop abused.. but after seeing it a few times I'm beginning to think it's the typical black drama queen profile.

Looks to me the man didn't stop with cops right behind him. Surely enough this can trigger troubles. The man doesn't cooperate with cops. What should a cop do in this situation? He's on the driver seat, seems uncooperative, unstable, and with kids behind. I'm pretty sure they just can't be passive on this, they have to prevent a possible situation where, lets say, he floors it with the kids in the car.

I hope they disabled the car before they sprayed him.

As for the wife, I understand her concerns, but pepper spray isn't the end of the world, there's no health consequences for her kids, although it's a psychological event for them, and the dad is also responsible for that.

The only point that needs to be clarified is that the dad said he was harassed by cops. This is hey factor that needs to be proven.
Cop doesn't have to say shit about why he's pulling you over and you don't get to decided if it's a valid reason or not.

You don't get to debate about if you should identify yourself or not. It's the law and you have to do it.

It's 100% the drivers fault.
Cop doesn't have to say shit about why he's pulling you over and you don't get to decided if it's a valid reason or not.

You don't get to debate about if you should identify yourself or not. It's the law and you have to do it.

It's 100% the drivers fault.

Lol you don't know shit. Ask a lawyer for fun...
At first I thought the cop abused.. but after seeing it a few times I'm beginning to think it's the typical black drama queen profile.

Looks to me the man didn't stop with cops right behind him. Surely enough this can trigger troubles. The man doesn't cooperate with cops. What should a cop do in this situation? He's on the driver seat, seems uncooperative, unstable, and with kids behind. I'm pretty sure they just can't be passive on this, they have to prevent a possible situation where, lets say, he floors it with the kids in the car.

I hope they disabled the car before they sprayed him.

As for the wife, I understand her concerns, but pepper spray isn't the end of the world, there's no health consequences for her kids, although it's a psychological event for them, and the dad is also responsible for that.

The only point that needs to be clarified is that the dad said he was harassed by cops. This is hey factor that needs to be proven.

Ecoute comment la mere prepare psychologiquement ses enfants a dire ce qu elle veut qu ils disent. C est de la manipulation qu elle fait pour sortir son connard de mari failure at life de la marde. Encore une fois. What a fucking moron that dad.
Lol you don't know shit. Ask a lawyer for fun...

Si t'as rien à cacher, ca prend 5 minutes, tu lui donnes tes papiers et that's it.

Ou t'as l'option B, tu argumentes, tu fais un drama et tu te retrouves dans marde comme le gars...

Choose wisely.
Ecoute comment la mere prepare psychologiquement ses enfants a dire ce qu elle veut qu ils disent. C est de la manipulation qu elle fait pour sortir son connard de mari failure at life de la marde. Encore une fois. What a fucking moron that dad.

J'ai comme un peu l'impression qu'ils ont joué la carte du drama et que ca explose beaucoup plus qu'ils n'auraient souhaité, mais que là ils sont bien enfoncés alors ils y vont jusqu'au bout.
Lol you don't know shit. Ask a lawyer for fun...

Seriously, is this Nazi germany where the gestapo can just stop you for whatever reason they want? Sure he can pull you over/stop you for whatever reason they want but you also have the right to know that reason.

On Friday, four days after the incident, he received three tickets in the mail: for obstructing the work of a police officer, failing to turn off his vehicle when pulled over and for using his hazard lights unnecessarily. He plans to contest the tickets, which represent a total fine of $1,068.

This just screams police bullshit, the use of pepper spray is questionable at best. The officer wasn't in any danger, there are children in the car and even if he was uncooperative use your damn words to de-escalate the situation. This isn't the wild west despite the costume he's wearing.

Oh yeah an "internal investigation" is on going.
Ecoute comment la mere prepare psychologiquement ses enfants a dire ce qu elle veut qu ils disent. C est de la manipulation qu elle fait pour sortir son connard de mari failure at life de la marde. Encore une fois. What a fucking moron that dad.

She's definitely playing up the victim/racism card, unfortunately that's probably the only way to get people to pay attention to this. I don't know where you get the failure of a husband from, he's employed and involved in this children's life which is according to most black stereotypes makes him a model parent. Sure they're probably a lower-income family but wtv.
Seriously, is this Nazi germany where the gestapo can just stop you for whatever reason they want? Sure he can pull you over/stop you for whatever reason they want but you also have the right to know that reason.

This just screams police bullshit, the use of pepper spray is questionable at best. The officer wasn't in any danger, there are children in the car and even if he was uncooperative use your damn words to de-escalate the situation. This isn't the wild west despite the costume he's wearing.

Oh yeah an "internal investigation" is on going.

J'avoue que la panoplie de tickets qu'ils ont donné est une farce et une provocation. Ca donne encore plus de raison à la famille de s'enfoncer dans un drama et de fighter les pénalités.

C'est pas le père qui écope de toutes ces amendes, c'est la famille au complet. Ils auraient du être conciliants mais ils ont décidé d'être à l'image de leur habits: des cowboys.
J'avoue que la panoplie de tickets qu'ils ont donné est une farce et une provocation. Ca donne encore plus de raison à la famille de s'enfoncer dans un drama et de fighter les pénalités.

C'est pas le père qui écope de toutes ces amendes, c'est la famille au complet. Ils auraient du être conciliants mais ils ont décidé d'être à l'image de leur habits: des cowboys.

En même temps si tu laisses tomber les amendes tu dis indirectement que le gars est pas dans le tort. Stopped his car in the left lane...ok pis la police est dangereuse pour les enfants? C'est un crisse de con le père
En même temps si tu laisses tomber les amendes tu dis indirectement que le gars est pas dans le tort. Stopped his car in the left lane...ok pis la police est dangereuse pour les enfants? C'est un crisse de con le père

Je dis pas de laisser tomber les amendes, mais ils en ont trop mis. Ca arrive souvent que la police achete la paix en te donnant un ticket "négocié" pour le faire parraître moins pire.
En même temps si tu laisses tomber les amendes tu dis indirectement que le gars est pas dans le tort. Stopped his car in the left lane...ok pis la police est dangereuse pour les enfants? C'est un crisse de con le père

le cave c'est la police.. Le policier es obliger de t'informer pourquoi il t’arrête. Autant que toi tu es obliger de t’identifier. Et c'est au policier de montré l'example et agir professionnellement.
Moi un policier qui ne veut pas me dire pourquoi il m'arrête, c'est simple, 0 coopération de ma part. It's a give and take situation.