My 2 year old almost died after eating 1 kashew!


Legacy Member
I'm just put'n this out there, it might save a life.

My daughter was with us doing some shopping, there was a barrel full of kashews, she grab one, pop'd it in her mouth, my wife grabbed her arm but it was too late. She had a big smile while chewing it, she is 2 years of age and some change. She has eaten peanuts and many other tree nuts, never had a problem. 5 minutes later, she was screaming and crying like we have never seen or heard from her, we knew it was bad what ever it was, dialled 911. By the time the ambulance got there, she was puking and getting red patches around her face. Once we arrived at the hospital she was red all over her body like a lobster. Her pulse 70 when it should be like 130. Blue in the face and lips, they rushed her in. After all the meds given and her looking like she was about to pass, she started to come around, it was intense for me and my wife having to see her like that, her eyes rolling in back of her head marked me for life. Nobody in our family has any peanut allergies, so it was kind of a shock to us that she is allergic to kashews. I've been up all night, can't sleep, still freaked out by the day I had, been drinking the night away and thanking the man upstairs for being blessed to have her with us in our home safe and sound. Please introduce new foods with caution, even if you attempt to give a small chunk and wait to see the reaction, it might have the same big allergic reaction. Moral of the story is be ready when allowing your kids to eat new foods, don't get caught off guard in a remote area, no cell phone signal or just plane too far from a hospital while handing out new foods to your little ones. Peanut allergies, I would've never guessed! I would see the adds and think nothing of it! Blue to the sky, orange to the tigh! You could save a life!

Please use caution with your kids eating any kind of new foods! Be ready! We got caught off guard! Wish'n you all the best of luck with the journey with your little one's!

Kids have epi pen like adults! It is safe to use it but only if she/he is showing true signs of allergic reaction! Having trouble breathing or major rash starting. You must still bring them in to the Hospital after using it. It might be good for only 15 minutes and they might shows sign of a reaction again.
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Glad your kid is ok! Severe allergies are nothing to mess with and can be fatal. Like you said, parents have to be extra careful when giving kids new foods. In the same time it doesn't mean you should constantly limit what the kid eats to make sure they're safe.....they're so many delicious and nutritious natural foods out there.
They don't prescribe EpiPen for toddlers or infants.

I'm glad she's okay. There are so many allergens out there nowadays and kids are getting worse, there are many theories as to why but nevertheless now you will have to watch everything she eats at restaurants, friend's house, etc.

You have to make sure she gets an allergy bracelet too if the allergy's that severe.
Thats too intense. Glad your kid is safe. I never really thought about this sorta thing being 20 but its scary realising that kids can be so delicate about food...
They don't prescribe EpiPen for toddlers or infants.

I'm glad she's okay. There are so many allergens out there nowadays and kids are getting worse, there are many theories as to why but nevertheless now you will have to watch everything she eats at restaurants, friend's house, etc.

You have to make sure she gets an allergy bracelet too if the allergy's that severe.

En cas de danger tu peux meme injecter une dose pour adulte a un enfant.

Le seul danger de l'épipen c'est de pas l'administrer. Tu pique pi tu fais le 911 meme si stun épipen d'adulte.

Et oui il y a aussi des dose pour enfant, une ptite machine qui parle pi qui te dis comment te piquer.
They don't prescribe EpiPen for toddlers or infants.

I'm glad she's okay. There are so many allergens out there nowadays and kids are getting worse, there are many theories as to why but nevertheless now you will have to watch everything she eats at restaurants, friend's house, etc.

You have to make sure she gets an allergy bracelet too if the allergy's that severe.

on a un épipen prescrit depuis que mon plus jeune a 2 ans ... jamais de réaction grave mais juste les picotements qu'il disait avoir dans la bouche en mangeant des chose fait avec du beurre de peanut nous on fait aller voir un docteur et un allergologue ... c'est léger mais l'allergie est là ...

Pour info ... les allergie au noix ou arachide ont 20% de chance de disparaitre avant l'age de 7 ans ... pour les autre allergie (soya, oeuf, etc) c'est 70% avant 7 ans ...
Must have been traumatizing.. I`m glad your little one`s ok and take care of your wife, she probably is still in shock...
Jesus. I can't imagine what you must have been going through. So happy to hear she's ok.

en avez vous une dans la famille?

Je recommanderais d'en avoir deux. L'efficacité d'un Epipen ne dure que quelques minutes et des fois ce n'est pas assez pour donner le temps aux services d'urgences d'arriver et de prendre la relève.

Les gens pensent souvent à tord que l'Epipen règle le problème de réaction allergique alors que ce n'est pas le cas. Ce n'est qu'une solution temporaire jusqu'à ce que le patient reçoivent les soins appropriés à l’hôpital.
shhhiiiittt worst nightmare ever, glad shes ok.

man, everytime my kids are eating im freaking out for all the possible reasons, I'm a freak you have no idea, my girlfriend is always laughing at me for this but man... everytime they cough on something or when my 1.5yrs daughter seem to have difficulty sawllowing something Im scared like shit everytime... I swear she does this on purpose now just to see me freak out.

Im lucky none of my kids have allergies, I wouldnt sleep without a belt of epipen on my waist ready to be used.
J'angoisse juste a penser a ca ! Shit il me reste juste ca mes enfants, faudrait pas je les perdre !!! Content de voir que tout est ok pour vous !
Good to hear she's ok.

My Son who just turned 2 loves to stuff his mouth as full as he can just to see how much he can swallow in one shot like a badass, this has lead to me more then once, having to literally stick my fingers down his throat and pull out a giant chunk of food, I know the feeling of seeing a little one struggle, and it is pretty intense.

PS: Stop spreading weak genes....

PS#2: I joke :D.
Selon moi les règles de prescription d'epipen devraient être adaptées à la réalité des enfants ou gens qui pensent pas a traîner ça tout le temps, genre en avoir dans les restos, etc. Moi aussi j'ai fait un gros choc vers 3 ans à cause du poisson