Trudeau "Canada is not at war with ISIS"

Non pas du tout , je connais des musulmans et je sais qu'ils sont pacifiques . Cependant le potentiel est grand qu'ils soient un jour ou l'autre influencé par des imams malicieux et qu'ils commencent à réclamer des accommodements irraisonnables , refusent de travailler le vendredi , refusent de transporter de la viande de porc dans leur travail.

Le problême du radicalisme viendra des ''suis-né-ici'' , je suis musulman et vous devez vous plier à mes demandes religieuses.C'est commencé dans les garderies musulmanes : subventionnées par le gvt et pourtant ils refusent de s'abstenir d'introduire l'islam dans la tête des enfants fait partie de la programmation/entrainement à l'islam ...dans 15 ans un % sera plus islamique que leur parent.

Au fond il n'y a qu'un seul islam pour le musulman pratiquant ...tout se passe dans leur programmation.
Byz, tu crois fermement que chaque musulman présent au Canada a le potentiel d'aller se faire sauter pour son dieu ?
Pas de jugement, simplement une question.
Avec explications serait encore mieux !
Non pas du tout , je connais des musulmans et je sais qu'ils sont pacifiques . Cependant le potentiel est grand qu'ils soient un jour ou l'autre influencé par des imams malicieux et qu'ils commencent à réclamer des accommodements irraisonnables , refusent de travailler le vendredi , refusent de transporter de la viande de porc dans leur travail.

Le problême du radicalisme viendra des ''suis-né-ici'' , je suis musulman et vous devez vous plier à mes demandes religieuses.C'est commencé dans les garderies musulmanes : subventionnées par le gvt et pourtant ils refusent de s'abstenir d'introduire l'islam dans la tête des enfants fait partie de la programmation/entrainement à l'islam ...dans 15 ans un % sera plus islamique que leur parent.

Au fond il n'y a qu'un seul islam pour le musulman pratiquant ...tout se passe dans leur programmation.

Merci de la précision, expliqué comme ça ça fait beaucoup plus de sens, et je peux pas dire que je suis en désaccord.
ISIS, ISIL ,AL QUIDA, THE TALIBAN. They might have changed names over the years but its still the same fabricated bullshit
Je vais faire ça simple encore une fois.

- Un illuminé qui n'a pas d'armes, c'est juste un imbécile qui fait du bruit. ISIS est une gang d'illuminé qui ont des armes.
- ISIS sont fournis en arme par des pays comme l'Arabie Saoudite, le Qatar, les Émirats arabes unis
- Les USA et d'autre pays occidenteaux vendent des armes à l'Arabie saoudite, au Qatar, aux Émirats arabes unis, etc.

Vous voyez le problème? Pensez-vous qu'il y a une solution facile à ça? La VRAIE solution serait un embargo total, comme Cuba ont subi des USA, à l'Arabie Saoudite, au Qatar , au Koweit , aux Émirats Arabes Unis et au Bahrain. Absoument rien ne rentre et rien ne sort. C'est comme ça que vous étouffer le poison qu'est l'Islam. Mais ça n'arrivera pas parce qu'on dépend trop du pétrole qu'il y a dans ces pays là.

Toutes les solutions à la con de voir le Canada aller dropper 4-5 bombes par mois en Syrie, c'est de la bouillie pour les chats. Ça ne changera rien, un show de boucane pour remonter le patriotisme d'une poingée de loser dans leur salon qui vont crier Go Canada Go.

une fois que l'électricité vas remplacer le pétrole, on va enfin pouvoir dire bye bye a ces pays de merde la.
So much ignorance and stupidity in this thread.


divisive politics are the problem.

Going onto other peoples land to overthrow their governments is the problem.

Now Justin has to fix this shit.
I think so...

He needs to be reminded of about Bibeau who decided to shot down a soldier downtown and then make it's way to Parliament? The soldiers in St-Jean, Toronto more recently... I'm sure that statement he made today went REALLY smooth with all the Canadian military personnel.

Ok..and Guy Turcotte killed his 3 kids... should we go to war with fathers?

Stupid mentality that got us into this situation in the first place.
Nah, hate that bitch as much as you want. He is right on this. We didn't invade Iraq and fuck shit up.

Let the US reap what they sow. Why have us get involved.
If I give you a blind bag of M&M.

I tell you only 5% of the M&M are poisoned. is that acceptable to you to eat the m&m from the bag.

We face the same thing with the libertard politic and media try to make us believe it is fine to get poisoned because it is only the "minority"
Minority from a large group still a lot of peoples.
So much ignorance and stupidity in this thread.


divisive politics are the problem.

Going onto other peoples land to overthrow their governments is the problem.

Now Justin has to fix this shit.

is that the BBC or the hot trending video on youtube make you believe that?
they probably use the current Year as a leading argument

or you Social Woman study teacher tell you this:

bigot ignorant It is the Fault of white male All the white male are evil.
They bomb Brown people who are pure at any level they just want to share their superior culture and race mixing.

remember goyims you Did all the crime in history. all the genocide.
Remeber you should pay for ever. White male are persecutor everyone else are victim.

White shaming Check your privilege.

I am sure it is what happen I know you kind.
Vas dire cà aux morts/blessés de la Belgique/France/Burkina Faso/...
La logique des barbares est pas nouvelle : la faute est à l'occident qui nous a colonisé/exploité , maintenant on va foutre la merde partout sur la planête.Et le prophête Justin va nous guider vers la paix universelle en leur pardonnant ....les canadiens doivent abandonner la peur ...ô merci Justin de nous éclairer sur la voie juste de l'assimilation de nos valeurs , merci de nous présenter le tapis de prière...Tu es vraiment le dernier des prohêtes.

So much ignorance and stupidity in this thread.


divisive politics are the problem.

Going onto other peoples land to overthrow their governments is the problem.

Now Justin has to fix this shit.
Trudeau "Canada is not at war with ISIS"

If I give you a blind bag of M&M.

I tell you only 5% of the M&M are poisoned. is that acceptable to you to eat the m&m from the bag.

We face the same thing with the libertard politic and media try to make us believe it is fine to get poisoned because it is only the "minority"
Minority from a large group still a lot of peoples.

theres alot of fucked up christians too. how many random killings were there in the US and Canada that were NOT done by Muslims? Are all Christians bad? Be very scared. Live in fear. Pawn.

The Germans killed millions of people not too long ago...but now it's ok to trust Germans? No issue right??

It's really too bad that this poision of hate and generalization have gotten to so many Low IQ people and make them believe this shit. It's really pathetic and you should be embarrassed.

The fact that you are embarrassed by a PM that is open and wants to being the world together shows how dumb you are.
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theres alot of fucked up christians too. how many random killings were there in the US and Canada that were NOT done by Muslims? Are all Christians bad? Be very scared. Live in fear. Pawn.

The Germans killed millions of people not too long ago...but now it's ok to trust Germans? No issue right??

It's really too bad that this poision of hate end generalization have gotten to so many Low IQ people and make them believe this shit. It's really pathetic and you should be embarrassed.

The fact that you are embarrassed by a PM that is open and wants to being the world together shows how dumb you are.

Christians in the US do not kill due to their religion. Those killings are random crimes perpetrated by single (sometimes groups of) individuals for reasons onto their own; none are connected. They are not looking to change your way of life. They do not want to kill everyone. They are not targeting any particular groups of people. They are not killing for god.

The fact that you cannot see the person in front of you is intent on killing you and you still extend to him a sandwich is really pathetic and you should be embarrassed. These people do not want to bring the world together, they want it their way and no other.

ISIS and radical Islam are akin to the Borg, they are not interested in joining you and living in peace with you, they want to assimilate you into their collective and all who resist shall die.
'' The fact that you are embarrassed by a PM that is open and wants to being the world together shows how dumb you are.''

I am glad to be dumb to not fall in Justin's trap of infancy ...i learned early to fight back : if one child kicks you in the balls , kick him twice harder.
Your philosophy is : oh i will bend over so he can screw me more ...oh bring me the carpet of prayers so i can change his behavior ...

Ô prophet Justin how great you are are the true messenger of peace , the true last prophet , peace upon him .

J'me console en me disant qu'il va se faire débarquer aux prochaines élections, il pourra pas faire tant de dommages entre-temps.
If I give you a blind bag of M&M.

I tell you only 5% of the M&M are poisoned. is that acceptable to you to eat the m&m from the bag.

We face the same thing with the libertard politic and media try to make us believe it is fine to get poisoned because it is only the "minority"
Minority from a large group still a lot of peoples.

I guess we should ban all guns to.
Christians in the US do not kill due to their religion. Those killings are random crimes perpetrated by single (sometimes groups of) individuals for reasons onto their own; none are connected. They are not looking to change your way of life. They do not want to kill everyone. They are not targeting any particular groups of people. They are not killing for god.

The fact that you cannot see the person in front of you is intent on killing you and you still extend to him a sandwich is really pathetic and you should be embarrassed. These people do not want to bring the world together, they want it their way and no other.

ISIS and radical Islam are akin to the Borg, they are not interested in joining you and living in peace with you, they want to assimilate you into their collective and all who resist shall die.

The US military is basically a giant Christian ISIS. They invade countries to spread the seed of capitalism in the name of the all mighty jesus. They are no better.
In God We Trust?