The Jewish Question.


Active member
Ronin in a other thread give me this idea. Maybe it is time to talk about the Jews implication in the past even. those Even we talk about in the past years.
Islam have his own thread, here lets talk about the Jewish lobby.

This thread Could become really offensive if we are not ready for it I invite mods to Shut it down.

I will kick start the thread with a well made little video that resume every subject that can be debate.
youtube shut the video down

re upload time

everybody welcome Nazi/Zionisms/islamic/liberal/communist/anarchism/liberalism
In reality I believe we are all Kebs Dealing with the government laws everyday influenced by the interest of strong lobby.

I think we can stay civilized and learn.
Maybe I am all wrong.

Discuss and also remember
You can accept a conclusion but reject an argument
you can give value to a argument and reject a conclusion
no one here a pure evil no one here is flawless good
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Si on devait écouter les Juifs, la vie d'un Juif vaudrait davantage que 6 vies d'Arméniens. C'est pour ça que l'Holocaust est si important (dans la gradation et dans la couverture médiatique) par rapport au Génocide Arménien.
I will advance the conversation with the fallowing text.

The Jew
by Joseph Goebbels

Everything is discussed openly in Germany, and every German claims the right to have an opinion on any and all questions. One is Catholic, the other Protestant, one an employee, the other an employer, a capitalist, a socialist, a democrat, an aristocrat. There is nothing dishonorable about choosing one side or the other of a question. Discussions happen in public, and where matters are unclear or confused one settles it by argument and counter argument. But there is one problem that is not discussed publicly, one that it is delicate even to mention: the Jewish question. It is taboo in our republic.

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense.

Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him, and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist. Nothing could be more mistaken than to defend oneself. That is just what the Jew wants. He can invent a new lie every day for the enemy to respond to, and the result is that the enemy spends so much time defending himself that he has no time to do what the Jew really fears: to attack. The accused has become the accuser, and loudly he shoves the accuser into the dock. So it always was in the past when a person or a movement fought the Jew. That is what would happen to us as well were we not fully aware of his nature, and if we lacked the courage to draw the following radical conclusions:

1. One cannot fight the Jew by positive means. He is a negative, and this negative must be erased from the German system, or he will forever corrupt it.
2. One cannot discuss the Jewish question with the Jews. One can hardly prove to a person that one has the duty to render him harmless.
3. One cannot allow the Jew the same means one would give an honest opponent, for he is no honorable opponent. He will use generosity and nobility only to trap his enemy.
4. The Jew has nothing to say about German questions. He is a foreigner, an alien, who only enjoys the rights of a guest, rights that he always abuses.
5. The so-called religious morality of the Jews is no morality at all, rather an encouragement to betrayal. Therefore, they have no claim to protection from the state.
6. The Jew is not smarter than we are, rather only cleverer and craftier. His system cannot be defeated economically — he follows entirely different moral principles than we do. It can only be broken through political means.
7. A Jew cannot insult a German. Jewish slanders are but badges of honor for a German opponent of the Jews.
8. The more a German person or a German movement opposes the Jew, the more valuable it is. If someone is attacked by the Jews, that is a sure sign of his virtue. He who is not persecuted by the Jews, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous.
9. The Jew evaluates German questions from the Jewish standpoint. As a result, the opposite of what he says must be true.
10. One must either affirm or reject anti-Semitism. He who defends the Jews harms his own people. One can only be a Jewish lackey or a Jewish opponent. Opposing the Jews is a matter of personal hygiene.
These principles give the anti-Jewish movement a chance of success. Only such a movement will be taken seriously by the Jews, only such a movement will be feared by them.

The fact that he shouts and complains about such a movement therefore is only a sign that it is right. We are therefore delighted that we are constantly attacked in the Jewish gazettes. They may shout about terror. We answer with Mussolini’s familiar words: “Terror? Never! It is social hygiene. We take these individuals out of circulation just as a doctor does to a bacterium.

we can relate the text with the Rothschild.
My feelings are mixed with jews. It's something of an annoyance but also a respect/admiration.

Annoyance, the guilt. We get it, what happened to the jews was truly horrible (I have visited auschwitz and what they tell you there will make you vomit or cry) however similar things happened to a lot of African countries, the Koreans/Chinese under the Japanese rule in recent years. The world doesn't owe them anything anymore.

Having said that, I truly admire their determination to find those war criminals (Wiesenthal) and bring them to justice, I admire that they look after each other. I respect that influential people in this world in finance, economics, politics, medicine, academia etc. are often times jewish.

Jews bitch a lot but they also get even and then some. This is how people should thrive, become successful and give back to their community and help each other out. I have yet to see a community as tightly knit as the jewish community anywhere in the world. From Taglit (birthright Israel) to interest free small loans in the jewish community.. they do it all. They are also proud people and are ready to fight (we saw this during the 6 day war where most arabs were getting the fuck outta their country but Israelis were flying in from all over the world to fight and defend Israel)

Do I agree with what their are doing? maybe not but if I were (or my peeps) were in power, would I do the same? fucking hell yes.
My feelings are mixed with jews. It's something of an annoyance but also a respect/admiration.

Annoyance, the guilt. We get it, what happened to the jews was truly horrible (I have visited auschwitz and what they tell you there will make you vomit or cry) however similar things happened to a lot of African countries, the Koreans/Chinese under the Japanese rule in recent years. The world doesn't owe them anything anymore.

Having said that, I truly admire their determination to find those war criminals (Wiesenthal) and bring them to justice, I admire that they look after each other. I respect that influential people in this world in finance, economics, politics, medicine, academia etc. are often times jewish.

Jews bitch a lot but they also get even and then some. This is how people should thrive, become successful and give back to their community and help each other out. I have yet to see a community as tightly knit as the jewish community anywhere in the world. From Taglit (birthright Israel) to interest free small loans in the jewish community.. they do it all. They are also proud people and are ready to fight (we saw this during the 6 day war where most arabs were getting the fuck outta their country but Israelis were flying in from all over the world to fight and defend Israel)

Do I agree with what their are doing? maybe not but if I were (or my peeps) were in power, would I do the same? fucking hell yes.

I just comeback from the OSM.

I go once a month and I notice a significant part of the audience are jewish. Sometime I have a nice chat during the intermission.
Every time I learn something from a 15 min talk. Always have some admiration and respect to those old folks from the elite.

but they do not hide what they did what their people did. It trouble me because:
If I was a jew like them. I will probably ack like they do.
"This item has been deleted because of a possible violation of our terms of service!"

Dafaq kind of video was this OP? Must be pretty bad if it gets taken down by LiveLeak.
je suis persuadé qui existe un forum et qu'un gars fait juste parler des blanc qui domine le monde (oh wait...) et des femmes qui ne sont pas soumis au homme et blablabla et qui brainwash (répète la même shit a longueur de journée) les users.
La détermination des Juifs est admirable , on peut/devrait s'en inspirer. De là à dire que les Québécois ne sont pas du même calibre , c'est faux , notre problême
est que collectivement nous manquons de confiance en nos capacités.

Autant nous avons collectivement un pourcentage de colons , autant nous produisons des génies dans nombre de domaines.
Il nous manque la culture de gagants propres aux Juifs.

J'ai travaillé pour plusieurs juifs , c'est pas qu'ils étaient plus intelligents que nous ...mais plus rusés (pas peur de fourrer le système).
Faut le faire , mon ancien patron avait fourré la banque de $600,000 ...s'en ai tiré assez bien , avait pris les bilans vieux de 2 ans et refaits
les chiffres plus reluisants pour emprunter ville mont-royal, mercedez,épouse sur la payroll qui travaillait end.

Bref ...les Juifs , faut en prendre exemple mais modérément.
Les lobbys juifs sont influents au Québec/Canada, mais jamais autant qu'au États-Unis et sur le reste de la scène internationale (ONU). Vous ne vous imaginez même pas ce que certains sionistes se permettent en Israël/Palestine sans avoir aucune répercussion. Le pire dans l'histoire c'est qu'ils font pratiquement vivre la même chose qu'ils ont vécus pendant la Shoah aux Palestiniens :/

Le seul truc positif qu'on peut prendre du peuple hébreux, c'est l'entraide et la solidarité, en essayant de l'appliquer à tout le monde au lieu de son simple peuple '' supérieur ''
"This item has been deleted because of a possible violation of our terms of service!"

Dafaq kind of video was this OP? Must be pretty bad if it gets taken down by LiveLeak.

Grosomodo, celui initialement qui était sur youtube dans le premier post, c'est une jeune fille de 16-18ans avec une petite voix enfantine racontant des faits, véridiques et véritables, du fait les membres de la communauté juive aux USA contrôlent les communications de masse et IT (Comcast, Viacom, Facebook, Google, Oracle), le 7e art (Hollywood) et le pouvoir monétaire (les derniers présidents de la US Federal Reserve étaient tous Juifs) et politique (Anti-Deflamation League, NAMBLA, groupes activitistes pour le multiculturalisme/pro-choix). La démarche de l'auteure de cette vidéo montrait un contrôle juif dont le but est de créer un génocide culturel Blanc aux USA et en Occident.

Ce vidéo était bien monté et bien argumenté.
Si on devait écouter les Juifs, la vie d'un Juif vaudrait davantage que 6 vies d'Arméniens. C'est pour ça que l'Holocaust est si important (dans la gradation et dans la couverture médiatique) par rapport au Génocide Arménien.
Ça me fait penser aux Québécois qui vont crier au meurtre quand ISIS fait des attentats en Europe mais se crissent éperdument des victimes des attentats d'ISIS dans les pays arabes ou africains.