The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?

the goal is to feminizing the average male.
like we do with GOOD house dogs.

Need to be a good boy. Forget that MALE toxicity. That Toxicity that is independent and question stuff.
the goal here is to sell more crap while making it seem that they are adapting so societal issues. so now everyone will have to pay for all the extra accessories that they may or may not use. add useless stuff and bump the price results in customer push back and dropped revenue. add useless stuff and bump the price while wrapping it in the cloak of activism results in increased revenue. they are patting themselves on the back and awaiting the revenue disclosure to give themselves bonuses and tell everyone that they are geniuses.
I mean seriously.


They're relentless, will not stop until they have overtaken every single institution in that country.
the goal here is to sell more crap while making it seem that they are adapting so societal issues. so now everyone will have to pay for all the extra accessories that they may or may not use. add useless stuff and bump the price results in customer push back and dropped revenue. add useless stuff and bump the price while wrapping it in the cloak of activism results in increased revenue. they are patting themselves on the back and awaiting the revenue disclosure to give themselves bonuses and tell everyone that they are geniuses.

consoom product.
62% of Americans are afraid to express their opinions and 80% think the current PC culture is toxic but don't do anything about it.


"Un cours universitaire de l'UQAM a tourné au vinaigre il y a une semaine, un cours d'anatomie auquel assistaient plusieurs étudiants en visioconférence.

La chroniqueuse du 98.5 Sabrina Rivet raconte ce qui s'est passé alors que la professeure de biologie expliquait l'influence des chromosomes, les hormones, les cellules et les organes qui sont propres à un genre, donc soit à l'homme ou à la femme.

Elle disait que tous ces aspects pouvaient influencer l'identité d'une personne et son orientation sexuelle."
1 - Indians eh? funny how I like dudes like Patel or Rajesh with their bows and arrows on their horses defending their secret land
2 - Angela R Riley, (English/irish last name) Sonia K. Katyal,(hindu last name) Rachel Lim (chinese last name)… of course it is 3 girls who probably have no relation or blood ties to natives anyway had to be the beacon of light for the oppressed red skins.