The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?

He wants the next RCMP boss to be a woman or someone with aboriginal experience.

How about the best qualified for the position!? ohh I forgot cuckold Justin thinks that what's between your legs is more important than how good are you at your job, just look at his 50% female cabinet "because it's 2015" and not because they were the most qualified people. I mean who really cares if they have a clue what they're doing, they are only running the country.

This made me lol a lot reading it. She only hired women thinking it will be the best thing ever not having males around and then she got reality kicking her in the face.
How about the best qualified for the position!? ohh I forgot cuckold Justin thinks that what's between your legs is more important than how good are you at your job, just look at his 50% female cabinet "because it's 2015" and not because they were the most qualified people. I mean who really cares if they have a clue what they're doing, they are only running the country.

This made me lol a lot reading it. She only hired women thinking it will be the best thing ever not having males around and then she got reality kicking her in the face.

Lol do you remember Harpers cabinet? There were some grossly incompetent and unqualified people in there too, this is Canada you practically need at least one minister from every province to "insure representation". It's always like that when forming cabinet, rarely do the most "competent" people get into cabinet it's mostly a compromise about ensuring geographic and regional representation, he just happened to also throw in some women as an other compromise.
Mais par quelle gang de couillons sommes nous gouvernés?


Belle règle administrative boboche passée sous une impulsion sans réfléchir plus que deux secondes aux implications...
Comprenez vous pour leur gain ils vont controlé notre langage.
pas une évolution naturel du langage Il force par la manière que nous parlons.

C'est horrible
Comprenez vous pour leur gain ils vont controlé notre langage.
pas une évolution naturel du langage Il force par la manière que nous parlons.

C'est horrible

Ça me fait frémir... c'est une catastrophe, l’hécatombe. *blah*
Comprenez vous pour leur gain ils vont controlé notre langage.
pas une évolution naturel du langage Il force par la manière que nous parlons.

C'est horrible

Si seulement ils pouvaient te forcer à écrire sans faire de fautes de français...
le gouvernement Trudeau augmente la dette nationale pour... ça. merci. peut-on demander à Trudeau de rester sur l'île de son ami de manière permanente? ça aiderait.
À quel point faut-il n'avoir aucune ambition et désirer ce suicider pour sortir un tel projet?

demande au fonctionnaire responsable, surement qu'il on recu des directives pi il en as un qui ta pondu cette idée

le gouvernement Trudeau augmente la dette nationale pour... ça. merci. peut-on demander à Trudeau de rester sur l'île de son ami de manière permanente? ça aiderait.

bravo je pensais pas que c'était possible de faire le liens entre 2 chose qui n'on absolutement rien à avoir ensemble mais t'as réussi.
Si il y a moyen de leur faire savoir par quel terme on veut être appelé, je leur envoie ça :


This is my new pronoun motherfuckers, go ahead and call me.

Or maybe like some fucking unpronouncable word from an archaic tribal dialect. I swear to god I'll do it this shit will be hilarious.