The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?

not that it's a big loss but the virtue signaling is level 10 cringe (or he just wants to spend more time with his wife cuz she got fired/fucked up)

White guilt is strong in this one. If he really wants to make a statement, he should give all his fortunes to the blacks.
Like these dummies.
Ariane Moffat, la Millennial en chef, s'en permet beaucoup. Une chance qu'une chance des GenX comme Lucie Laurier et Guy Nantel ont critiqué la "petite fête parfaite de Moffat et ses amis unis et engagés"

Des artistes unis et engagés. Cette soirée demeurera assurément pour moi une forme de rite de passage vers ce "renouveau" monde que l'on souhaite tous plus vrai et "connecté" que celui "d'avant
Trudeau got a pass, why not him?

Because we've reached the next level of leftist cannibalization. Now even their own, unless at the upper echelon of wokness, are subject to cancel culture. At this rate if a new black face picture of Trudeau come out in a year or so, and the world hasn't already corrected itself, they will be calling for his head too.
I don't understand the big fuzz about blackface.

Why are people bringing this up now instead of when it actually happened?

It reminds me of the shit they pulled on Kevin Hart right before he was supposed to host the Oscars.

Bunch of opportunists.

I don't see anything wrong with Kimmel dressing up as Karl Malone. Immitating someone is racist now?

I swear people are grasping and straws, looking for any possible reason to get offended. Pulling up shit from 15-20 years ago and expecting public apologies. It's pathetic.
Barbary Slave
The slaves captured by the Barbary pirates faced a grim future. Many died on the ships during the long voyage back to North Africa due to disease or lack of food and water. Those who survived were taken to slave markets where they would stand for hours while buyers inspected them before they were sold at auction.

where is my reparation for the 1million white slave ship to north africa?

Gender Studies Professor Powerfully Explains Why 'If Time Had A Race, It Would Be White'
T'es retomber dans une lancée "white identity is under attack" mon kossak?

Qu'est-ce qui se passe de bon avec Richard Spencer et Cie de ce temps ci?
Maudit qu'ils sont butthurt les noirs , que les comédiens noirs se peinture la face en blanc et fassent des sketchs , ça pourrait être drôle
C est fait.

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le seul endroit safe en ce moment est MR.
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