The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness: stats for nerds edition


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The lives of women in the United States have improved over the past
35 years by many objective measures, yet we show that measures of
subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness has declined
both absolutely and relative to men. This decline in relative wellbeing
is found across various datasets, measures of subjective wellbeing,
demographic groups, and industrialized countries. Relative
declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness
in which women in the 1970s reported higher subjective well-being
than did men. These declines have continued and a new gender gap
is emerging—one with higher subjective well-being for men.

overall a freaking good Reading.

To anwser the ethernal question of menkind.
do Women are Drunk or just Fucking crazy.
Up until about 20 years ago, women were told to be happy, and that they were lucky a man was putting food on the table.

That's not the case anymore.
Up until about 20 years ago, women were told to be happy, and that they were lucky a man was putting food on the table.

That's not the case anymore.

They now have more responsibilities and stress in their daily lives.... like all husbands have had since "forever". Comes with "being equal".

Suck it up buttercup? You cant have it all.
They now have more responsibilities and stress in their daily lives.... like all husbands have had since "forever". Comes with "being equal".

Suck it up buttercup? You cant have it all.


But do you notice something?! Us the average man could deal with multiple responsibility in a weak.
House, Work, Wife. I think the reason it is when we have our own logic to deal with Issues. We can adapt this logic into new situations. ( it is probably not the best logic but if it kinda work, who care)

If you look at a career woman. Most of the time they are really good at school because they learn very well the method in school.
But when they get more responsibility this School method don't work anymore. that why they stress, they lose control.

Also To have a family the woman need to put more energy and time to the baby than the man have to do.
a man with a good wife can Raise a family and be at work 40hours and more. A woman cant. The baby and young child need too much attention.

Finally Media push the idea woman need to be LIKE man.... most of woman like traditional woman duty.
not all woman want to spend 40 hours or more in a freaking office. They want a warm home and a table with children around it.

Why fight natural other?
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This is gonna be good.


Men and women are wired differently on how we think and prioritize things, that's been proven ad-nauseum. But saying they cant do it... I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole.

But the discussion is real. At 30 years old, should a women, that had 2 years off due to maternity leaves, be at the same point in her career than the men who did NOT take those 2 years off? The answer is pretty simple as far as I'm concerned. If the women does not want to fall behind on her career, she has to make choices and her husband/father of the childrens has to do the same. Someone has to take a hit on their career. Just an example out of many.

Cant have it all.
toutes les methodes de contraception fuck leur cerveau. c'est comme si elles sont "enceinte" continuellement mais sans que rien ne sorte. c'est CALISSEMENT pas naturel de prendre tout plein de shit pour empecher de tomber enceinte. La seule maniere de pas tomber enceinte c'est de faire croire a ton corps que tu l'es deja... aucune question a se poser pourquoi "TDF".

ensuite tu as les maudits groupes qui pensent que les femmes sont moins bonnes que les hommes parce qu'elles restent a la maison a s'occuper que tout soit sa coche. depuis qu'elles ont envahie le marche du travail, les prix ont monte 10x, les enfants n'ont aucune education, tout le monde est stresse x 1000, pis elles sont enormement moins heureuse parce que ya pu rien dans la vie qui leur dit d'etre heureuse et qu'elles comptent pour la famille.

anyway je pourrais en parler pendant des semaines mais rien va changer. trouvez-vous une arabe ou une asiatique, allez rester ailleurs que la grand ville et soyez heureux !
toutes les methodes de contraception fuck leur cerveau. c'est comme si elles sont "enceinte" continuellement mais sans que rien ne sorte. c'est CALISSEMENT pas naturel de prendre tout plein de shit pour empecher de tomber enceinte. La seule maniere de pas tomber enceinte c'est de faire croire a ton corps que tu l'es deja... aucune question a se poser pourquoi "TDF".

ensuite tu as les maudits groupes qui pensent que les femmes sont moins bonnes que les hommes parce qu'elles restent a la maison a s'occuper que tout soit sa coche. depuis qu'elles ont envahie le marche du travail, les prix ont monte 10x, les enfants n'ont aucune education, tout le monde est stresse x 1000, pis elles sont enormement moins heureuse parce que ya pu rien dans la vie qui leur dit d'etre heureuse et qu'elles comptent pour la famille.

anyway je pourrais en parler pendant des semaines mais rien va changer. trouvez-vous une arabe ou une asiatique, allez rester ailleurs que la grand ville et soyez heureux !

Non continue.
dis nous plus.

Je n avais pensé au pillule qui fuck a leurs hormones.

Mon coisin c est marié avec une Arab. Yer Bin.

Men and women are wired differently on how we think and prioritize things, that's been proven ad-nauseum. But saying they cant do it... I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole.

But the discussion is real. At 30 years old, should a women, that had 2 years off due to maternity leaves, be at the same point in her career than the men who did NOT take those 2 years off? The answer is pretty simple as far as I'm concerned. If the women does not want to fall behind on her career, she has to make choices and her husband/father of the childrens has to do the same. Someone has to take a hit on their career. Just an example out of many.

Cant have it all.

You're right, we should just stop reproducing and end humanity so we can all advance our careers...
Moi j'serais down d'avoir une femme qui reste à la maison pour s'occuper de tout, j'aurais aucun problème à tout payer, en autant qu'elle s'entretienne et aie pas l'air d'une grosse torche après 3-4 ans.
You're right, we should just stop reproducing and end humanity so we can all advance our careers...

You are so short sighted...

Friend of mine had a kid... wife has a better career, daddy took the year off to stay at home with the newborn and she was back at work 1 month after giving birth. They made a choice and are happy with it.

Problems come up when parents want kids... and once they are there they put the career above their family again... and hope the "system"(kindergarden and school) will take care of turning them into functional people as they grow older.
Sérieusement, même si j'aurais pu me le permettre financièrement, jamais j'aurais voulu prendre le congé de 1 an pour rester avec le bébé, j'aimerais mieux aller travailler sur l'asphalte à 40 degrés dehors plutôt que de devoir m'occuper d'un bébé 7 jours sur 7.
Sérieusement, même si j'aurais pu me le permettre financièrement, jamais j'aurais voulu prendre le congé de 1 an pour rester avec le bébé, j'aimerais mieux aller travailler sur l'asphalte à 40 degrés dehors plutôt que de devoir m'occuper d'un bébé 7 jours sur 7.

Mais cette decision, vous l'avez pris a 2 aussi j'imagine...
I honestly believe that most women don't handle certain stressors the same way men do and vice versa. Women will take any comment at heart, whether or not it was meant for them, whereas most men learn to brush it off and not give a fuck. This is extremely helpful in the workplace which a lot of women can't handle. At home men have a harder time handling the stress of trying live up to expectations whereas women dont have this issue because well men dont give a fuck. So as roles get reversed the women are more occupied with their work so they dont have time to always check what the husband is doing therefor less stress on the man. Just my 2 cents
Moin d'homme Vyril , Plus de femme germaine . La femme va travailler sont 40h semaine pendant que lhomme est a maison a cuisiné et soccuper des enfant . A finit par aller se faire fourer ailleur pcq son mari joue au pokemon jusqua 3h du matin .
C'est en partie de la faute des Féministes mais aussi des homme pas de colonnes .

En gros c toute des criss des folles .
Interesting topic.

Women didn't accommodate to their habitat and drugs ( contraception pills, etc) aren't helping.

Women (95% of them, they are exceptions) are unable to work under daily stress that a job has. They are instable emotionally and don't know how to react to their own feelings.

A female would never be able to do what a men does. I see it at work, even being a masculine environment, women have lower sales numbers then men where a women could take advantage of her being a women and sale way more.

For example this girl at work, I was talking to her and she said that it was a busy week for her and she's so stressed because she had lots of orders and she is overflowed with work. I looked in the system how many orders she had, she had half the orders I had received and that not taking account the amount of the orders. She has more experience then me, and she's been working for far more years then me. I didn't say anything, but that kind of makes a point.

Also with the pills thing, I was dating this girl, older then me by 5-6 years. She was an accountant. Was she good at her job ? I don't know, but she had trouble managing her own money. She would forget to pay bills, she was late on payments, even though she had founds. She had studies to back her up, but things she didn't learn from school or that are not similar to what she did/learn, she was completely blinded. Anyways we where together for 6 months when she decided to go on contraception pills and we dumped the condoms. I noticed how her comportment changed, she was less focused then before, she was also more anxious and more stressed. She would react the same way she did before. I didn't knew her anymore, she was very strange. I tried to talk with her about work and stuff, snooped around see if something was wrong but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

I stumbled upon one of her friends and even she noticed that she changed. She asked me if something happened to her and I said no, she asked me if she's taking any medication, and told her that she's on the pill but that was about it. She's a nurse and she told me to talk to her about stop taking the pill/ changing the brand. That's what I did, but she freaked out. She was saying that I'm cheating that's why I want to go back to condoms and she was trying to say that I think she's crazy because of the pill and so on. She became a stranger. We broke up. She left to the states for work, never heard of her again.

I really think the modern women hasn't correctly adapted to our society yet.
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Moin d'homme Vyril , Plus de femme germaine . La femme va travailler sont 40h semaine pendant que lhomme est a maison a cuisiné et soccuper des enfant . A finit par aller se faire fourer ailleur pcq son mari joue au pokemon jusqua 3h du matin .
C'est en partie de la faute des Féministes mais aussi des homme pas de colonnes .

En gros c toute des criss des folles .
en partie oui.

les feministes on lutter telement fort a tuer le genre masculin.
aujoudhui les femme cherche des vrai homme et son fustrer que de tomber sur des petit gars a moman.
She had studies to back her up, but things she didn't learn from school or that are not similar to what she did/learn, she was completely blinded.

I observe that on so many women in so many offices.
every manager or tech I speak of they observe the same from women colleague.

They performe like crazy in a controlled environment lilke school.
but in Work when you are the only one responsible and you have to make your own out of the box decision.
They cant manage. They stick to the only strategy they know. If it fail it is everyone else fault.

I really think the modern women hasn't correctly adapted to our society yet.
I really think the modern women hasn't correctly adapted to our society yet.

but is the society they Create.
new school are rules by woman. Woman rules government jobs.
More girls than ever in university.

everyone paid for that. I know every men here Would like to have a strong familly with his loved on as a pillar.
we cant have that anymore Mono parental Woman is the standard now. Or crazy 30 years old one with a lot of cats.