Yo WTF is up with all these stabbings and shootings lately?

if you're talking about the Mcdee stabbing on ste-cat and bishop, that spot is full of arab wallah gee's Algerians with way too much ego for their own good hanging there. You have the occasional haitian from mtl neg interfering with them.
I'm surprised it hasnt happened sooner
Boff ces rien ce qui se passe a MTL.

Va a St-louis ou Chicago .. la sa brasse en tbk

Chek les stat de chicago a date cette année (juste ce mois si a dat ya plus de meutre que une année a mtl)


La ville de Chicago, comme les villes enrichies culturellement sont des villes a demolir. Avec les habitants problematiques a l intérieur. C est pas une reference.

Serieusement Chicago, arrrrrk ville de marde. Population de marrrrde. C est rendu que tu voles des chars, tu fonces sur la police, la police se defend pis les mechants, c est la poliisse. N importe quoi, etouffez vous avec votre vill.e
C'est poche parce qu' architecturalement et l'endroit sur le bord du.lac cesy vraiment beau Chicago.

Mais la ville est rognée par les dindus.
newyork > chicago

New York cracked down hardcore after 9/11. I realize it was a long time ago, but they seriously cleaned up Manhattan since then. Downtown with all the tourists, seems pretty relaxed, but they have a 0 tolerance over there. Maybe in the Bronx and stuff is rough, I wouldnt know, there's no reason for me to go.

Ive been to detroit too, and the Ghettos are scary. We stopped at a gas station, the guy there knew we were from out of town, he told us literally to turn around, and head back toward downtown, he said 4 white guys in a brand new Toyota SUV, there's nothing for us that way.
New York cracked down hardcore after 9/11. I realize it was a long time ago, but they seriously cleaned up Manhattan since then. Downtown with all the tourists, seems pretty relaxed, but they have a 0 tolerance over there. Maybe in the Bronx and stuff is rough, I wouldnt know, there's no reason for me to go.

Ive been to detroit too, and the Ghettos are scary. We stopped at a gas station, the guy there knew we were from out of town, he told us literally to turn around, and head back toward downtown, he said 4 white guys in a brand new Toyota SUV, there's nothing for us that way.

As for MTL, I feel like the Hells are coming back slowly with the absence of Rizzuto and all that crap.
New York cracked down hardcore after 9/11. I realize it was a long time ago, but they seriously cleaned up Manhattan since then. Downtown with all the tourists, seems pretty relaxed, but they have a 0 tolerance over there. Maybe in the Bronx and stuff is rough, I wouldnt know, there's no reason for me to go.

Ive been to detroit too, and the Ghettos are scary. We stopped at a gas station, the guy there knew we were from out of town, he told us literally to turn around, and head back toward downtown, he said 4 white guys in a brand new Toyota SUV, there's nothing for us that way.

La mairesse s’est présentée sur la scène de crime hier avec les kodaks….

Bravo championne

Bienvenue en politique.... pas le choix de se presenter sur les lieux sinon Denis va la blamer d'etre absente.... Comme Anglade fait avec Legault en ce moment...
Quand c'est rendu raciste de faire des vérifications, à quoi on s'attend ? Les gens de couleur sont surreprésentés dans les gangs de rue et c'est la faute des blancs.

En gros, il faudrait s'assurer de vérifier un blanc chaque fois qu'une personne de couleur est vérifiée pour avoir des statistiques acceptables.

Donc, tu interceptes Jean-Batiste, Tyrone et Jackie. Ensuite, tu traverses la rue et tu interceptes Linda et ses deux kids qui sortent du Jean-Coutu pour que les stats parraissent bien. C'est con mais c'est là qu'on est rendu.

