Député Libéral ayant aggressé une femme?

Pretty sure she would take the pen, sign the thing, and a week later pull the same shit on me.

Good then. She has a sense of humor. If I pulled something like that on my wife today it would pass and we'd have a good laugh but if I tried that 10-15 years ago I'd have been ejected from bed.

Having said that I've done worst pranks like the time I stuck googly eyes on my penis. I think she still laughs at that one... try it. It's hilarious. If she doesn't think it's funny tell her LG made you do it. I'll take the fall for you bro...


Although I understand that you can be naked with a chick and not necessarily have sex, I don't think most people are objective enough to look at this picture and not think to themselves "Ok so you start taking off your clothes and looking all horny when in fact you're baiting the guy into a rape accusation."

Most people don't think, they take everything at face value. What they see here is not a metaphor or a subtle statement with nuances, they see chicks taking off their pants and flipping you off.

It's like I totally consent to the fact that I'll be naked in front of you in less than a minute, but still, fuck you, this means nothing.

See I'm not sure about that.

I'm not saying it HAS to mean something, but what I'm saying is that anyone, whether they are male or female, is entitled to expect sex when nothing has been discussed beforehand and the other party starts removing their clothes.

- If, while removing clothes, someone says "I don't really want to fuck but I want to fool around ok?" then things are clear.
- If it has been discussed beforehand, things are clear.
- If after the clothes are off it is discussed, then things are clear.

If nothing has been discussed, and both drunkards stumble in a hotel room and start throwing off their clothes, to me at least, that's like "We're about to fuck."

Without any discussion, there is nothing weird, sick, or wrong about assuming sex will happen when clothes start coming off. If you assumed that and then the girl or guy pulls the "Let's just cuddle naked" card, you don't beat the shit out of them, you decide if you'Re okay with it and either walk out or not.

It's not rocket science, if clothes fly accross the room and nothing is said, that's implied sex. If you have something to say FUCKING SAY IT.

This is why if it's not clear and the clothes are off, it is still important to be assertive and say what you want instead of leaving it up in the air and expect the other party to constantly enquire if everything is okay every 5 minutes because that's fucking terrible sex.

This is such a poorly thought out meme, in that it completely negates the idea that context matters.

Understanding of context and nuances is asking way too much of people these days.

These are the same people that want to constantly paint women as victims.

Honestly I feel bad for this Alice girl, I don't think she's emotionally and mentally stable right now (apparently she admitted to being bi-polar in an other interview) she's going to be paraded around by leftist/feminist groups as a poster girl and if this case goes against her in court she'll get tossed to the side and forgotten with no support and that might do her some serious harm in the long term.
Honestly I feel bad for this Alice girl, I don't think she's emotionally and mentally stable right now (apparently she admitted to being bi-polar in an other interview) she's going to be paraded around by leftist/feminist groups as a poster girl and if this case goes against her in court she'll get tossed to the side and forgotten with no support and that might do her some serious harm in the long term.

I could not have said it any better, this is exactly how I feel about it.
Une petite affaire d'infidélité avec une mauvaise botte, qui se devait être sans engagement ou sans conséquence, commence vraiment à prendre des proportions disproportionnées: next les mail-bombs et les meme-bombs.

Il est temps qu'un pussypassdenied se fait entendre au niveau provincial: Eric Duhaime est bien parti pour devoir ce Héro.
Well, i guess I should file a police report for rape as well.

a Few years back , drunk , i took a girl home from the bar. When she got undressed and i started sobering up, I was no longer attracted to her. I Still had sex because i felt bad to turn her down at this point, it was pity sex , but i never said yes either..
Ce que j'en comprend, c'est que n'importe quelle fille peut accuser n'importe quel gars maintenant. A partir de la, la vie du gars est scrap autant du coté personnel que professionnel, que les accusations soit fondé ou non. Ça veut dire que j'peut fourrer une pourrite en fin de semaine, pis si elle aime pas la façon dont notre relation s'enligne ou que je la dompe, elle peut carrément me faire mettre en prison pour viol. wtf. Ou est passée la présomption d'innocence.

C'est poche en criss parce que des vrais viols avec des vraies victimes, ça arrive. La t'a d'autres personnes qui se mette tout nue, s'embrassent, baise, retourne voir ''L'agresseur'' et qui call au viol. bull shit! Ca enlève toute la crédibilité au VRAIE plainte de viol.

Ah pis l'esti de culture du viol, y vont tu nous lâcher avec ça, les femmes on l'air a croire que c'est typique au sexe masculin, Fuck non. Juste v'la 5 minutes au bureau, y'a un dude quand même haut placé qui est arrivé en veston-cravate, grand, belle geule. Ca pas pris 2 minutes qui avait un atroupement de filles pis j'ai entendait ''ah moi des gars en habit d'même, prend moi toute suite'' la grosse classe quoi.
Son père doit se dire au fond de lui-même "Avoir su qu'elle tournait comme ça, j'aurais fait un pull-out pis venir entre les 2yeux de ma conjointe."

En tout cas, moi, être son père, c'est ce que je me dirais en ce moment.
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Ce que j'en comprend, c'est que n'importe quelle fille peut accuser n'importe quel gars maintenant. A partir de la, la vie du gars est scrap autant du coté personnel que professionnel, que les accusations soit fondé ou non. Ça veut dire que j'peut fourrer une pourrite en fin de semaine, pis si elle aime pas la façon dont notre relation s'enligne ou que je la dompe, elle peut carrément me faire mettre en prison pour viol. wtf. Ou est passée la présomption d'innocence.

C'est poche en criss parce que des vrais viols avec des vraies victimes, ça arrive. La t'a d'autres personnes qui se mette tout nue, s'embrassent, baise, retourne voir ''L'agresseur'' et qui call au viol. bull shit! Ca enlève toute la crédibilité au VRAIE plainte de viol.

Ah pis l'esti de culture du viol, y vont tu nous lâcher avec ça, les femmes on l'air a croire que c'est typique au sexe masculin, Fuck non. Juste v'la 5 minutes au bureau, y'a un dude quand même haut placé qui est arrivé en veston-cravate, grand, belle geule. Ca pas pris 2 minutes qui avait un atroupement de filles pis j'ai entendait ''ah moi des gars en habit d'même, prend moi toute suite'' la grosse classe quoi.


Anyway crier au viol c'est a la mode. Trump, Clinton, Gomechi (Gomachi? Tamagotchi?), Universite Laval, et ad nauseam.

Cry wolf - crier au loup. Moment donne si ca arrive pour vrai personne va la croire.

Comme si ce n'était pas assez ridicule comme ça!

Bien qu’elle ne regrette aucunement avoir dénoncé publiquement son agresseur Alice Paquet a choisi de reculer sur certains détails livrés lors de son témoignage au Journal publié vendredi.

À la suite d’une discussion avec ses avocats, elle dit maintenant ne pas avoir eu de points de suture, même si elle l’a affirmé à plusieurs reprises lors de deux entretiens avec Le Journal.
Ghomeshi 2.0 for sure. This bitch will end up hurting the cause of true rape victims. I can already see the guy getting cleared of charges just because she admitted going back 'for some reason' for a second rendez-vous.... seems like a legit thing for a rape victim to do. NOT.

Say what you want but there are some things set in stone:
- A man's life is ruined before any judicial process has even begun.
- The other girl's profile (Tumblrina, bipolar, ex-prostitute) speaks volume to me. She's definitely not stable and doesn't even seem to realize that her ramblings to the media are hurting her cause. She already admitted to lying about her 'stitches'. Definitely a case of crazy and/or dumb.
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Ghomeshi 2.0 for sure. This bitch will end up hurting the cause of true rape victims. I can already see the guy getting cleared of charges just because she admitted going back 'for some reason' for a second rendez-vous.... seems like a legit thing for a rape victim to do. NOT.

Say what you want but there are some things set in stone:
- A man's life is ruined before any judicial process has even begun.
- The other girl's profile (Tumblrina, bipolar, ex-prostitute) speaks volume to me. She's definitely not stable and doesn't even seem to realize that her ramblings to the media are hurting her cause. Definitely a case of crazy and/or dumb.


Tumblrina girl be like: il m'a "violé" mais je lui chargeait 300$ par session