'Bout that time for MR 2016 awards ?


New member
We should totally have some awesome MR awards.

I suggest giving your opinion as to which member deserves which awards.
Then I will make a new thread with a poll with the nominees.
Winner can use the title he has been given by the MR crowd for all of 2017.
Maybe we can ask Danny if there can be a special colored title under the avatar.
There will be no bad categories because this will be kept civilized because we are gentlemen.

So give your opinion

Which MR member is: (category / suggested title for the winner)

- The funniest / Joker of the year
- The most savage / MR Savagery
- The one with the best arguments / Best Arguments
- The one that knows the most about politics / Politics Master
- The one that knows the most about cars / Car Expert
- The sexiest / Sexiest
- The one with the longest posts / TLDR Expert
- The one that contributes the most on threads / Best Thread Contributor
- The one with he best advices on life, the universe and everything else / Advice Giver
- The one with the most knowledge on various subjects / The old and wise
- MR member of the year (all categories together) / Member of the year
- Coolest Moderator / Cool Mod

If you want to add categories feel free to do so and I will update accordingly.
should have a categorie for people like vqnismo? Attention whores should be a good name

I quit, I'm in, I quite for real, lurks the forum

Je vote pour kranked pour car master of the year, ya fait partir le poopra de flames qui partait pas depuis 2ans
x2 Kranked

En tout honnêteté, il mérite cet honneur.

-Connaissance automobile
-Membre exemplaire
-Il a apporté de l'aide
-Toubbleshooter of the decade
Boxsterboy - best vote thread contributor

Then again he might hack the polls to win... lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
TLDR expert: LG
MR Savagery: AwayeKeven ou Kerplunk
Sexiest: 4frnt ou ExaudiMeam
Car Expert: Kranked

J’ajouterais une catégorie genre « Meilleurs conseils de vie » et je donnerais ça à SL!nky.Ako, notamment pour sa participation au thread « Bon, je pense que je vais me séparer…», et aussi une catégorie du style « Celui avec les connaissances les plus variées » pour Alain.

Et une catégorie best mécano pour Gregster.

Je pense aussi que Passat et BB devraient recevoir quelque chose, mais je ne sais pas trop quoi encore.