This is how they recycle oil filters

i always thought the process was more harmful than that. looks like every drop of oil is recuperated.
wow thanks for sharing, good to know we don't recycle these and they end up in the trash anyway...
Any local business that collects them and recycle them?

Good to know, but what about the gaskets burning? Is it really harmless?

Now that EVs are coming, I hope that Québec will support the battery recycling industry quickly.
We have come a long way from when trashing the filter and draining the oil in the sewer was common practice!
Thanks for sharing
We have come a long way from when trashing the filter and draining the oil in the sewer was common practice!
Thanks for sharing

A good practice would be for some people to realize that we dont live the stone anymore and oil has come a long way. People should stop changing their oil under 5k. in recent regular cars with every day usage is, when their cars recommend 8k, 10k and even 15k oil changes.... Would be less harmful to the planet and much less waste.
A good practice would be for some people to realize that we dont live the stone anymore and oil has come a long way. People should stop changing their oil under 5k. in recent regular cars with every day usage is, when their cars recommend 8k, 10k and even 15k oil changes.... Would be less harmful to the planet and much less waste.

You aware that used oil is simply micro-filtered and re-bottled ? Virtually oil can be re-used forever, they simply add the additives they need for the oil application.
You aware that used oil is simply micro-filtered and re-bottled ? Virtually oil can be re-used forever, they simply add the additives they need for the oil application.

Did not know no, I also do not believe its that easy as you make it sound to recycle it.
You aware that used oil is simply micro-filtered and re-bottled ? Virtually oil can be re-used forever, they simply add the additives they need for the oil application.

Read a bit about it, while you are right, only 10% of used oil gets re-refined to be used again for us to use, the rest goes to other uses such as oil burning.

Re-refining into base stock for new lubricating oil - Re-refined oil is dewatered, distilled and hydro-treated to remove contaminants. The resulting product is virtually identical to virgin oil stock and must meet the same American Petroleum Institute (API) standards. Re-refining prolongs the life of the oil resource indefinitely, making this method the gold standard for oil recycling.

Also not every garage, person that changes oil disposes of it properly, so I still stand by change your oil less often.
Read a bit about it, while you are right, only 10% of used oil gets re-refined to be used again for us to use, the rest goes to other uses such as oil burning.

Also not every garage, person that changes oil disposes of it properly, so I still stand by change your oil less often.

Well it may be different for engines oil since they endure extreme conditions, but i do know that hydraulic oil is pretty easy to recycle but then again, what do i know. It's something i learned while doing my millwright class.

But i'll bet you my 2 cents that re-refining oil is too expensive versus burning it so they sacrifice the planet for a couple of bucks.
veolia vont même jusqu'a couper les bloc pressé pour s'assurer de l'efficacité du pressage avant l'incinération. on en a coupé a plusieurs reprises, c'est tuff sur les lames de scie...
Je travaillais avant dans une usine de décontamination et la plupart des filtres a huile de la région de montréal c'est nous qui les détruisait. Dans le video ca l'air fancy au boute leur affaire lol.

Ici ca se passe dememe:

-Les filtres se ramasse dans un gros bassin avec un convoyeur au fond. Le convoyeur les amene a un shredder a la demande pour les découpé en morceau. A coté de ce gros monstre, il y avait un autre shredder pour découpé les La rip de métal que ca faisait on s'en servait pour balancé les mix de plomb car certain mélange avait besoin de fer. En plus vu qui reste un peu d'huile dans la rip, ca aide a balancer les temperature des Les fours se maintienne a 600 degrée celsius, 24h sur 24.

-Comme c'est nous qui ramassait l'huile usée de la région (caca tire garage etc) et bien l'huile des filtres se mixait avec ca. On brulait aussi des matiere caustique pour la meme raison (balancement).

-On avait un systeme de décontamination triple sur 5 étages / 300 pieds de long pour le traitement des boucanes. L'huile usée c'est de la petite biere comparé a la poussiere de plomb. Le principe en général de ces systeme sont la décantation, filtres (baggers) et post combustion. Pis je parle meme pas du traitement des acides... lol

btw un shredder cest ca