Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Dude je sais que ça doit pas être facile d’écrire en étant paralysé en fauteuil roulant à travers une machine qui décode ce que tu dis mais quand même, y’a pas des ajustements tu pourrais pour que ça sorte mieux ?
The USA is huge and diverse. A lot of population and resource. Remember the fed is more close to European union than a country like Canada.
The states do have a lot of leverage.

We could see Texa living the USA. They can build an army to defend his sovereignty.

The federal always struggle to keep the USA under one flag. If they continue shooting on citizens it could be it. The end of the United States of America. Will be only the states of America.. With confederation of different Groupe of states.

That's the way I see it playing out as well. I don't believe there will be a civil war that will fragment the country (IE Balkanization)

I believe cartelization is more likely.
That's the way I see it playing out as well. I don't believe there will be a civil war that will fragment the country (IE Balkanization)

I believe cartelization is more likely.

also is more an information war than a traditional one.

for now I don't see how it will escalade to more voidance.
It will cost too much for each group.
Hey les gars. jpense on perd notre temp a parler politique.

Substantial differences exist in the cognitive styles of liberals and conservatives on psychological measures
We speculate that the association of gray matter volume of the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex with political attitudes that we observed may reflect emotional and cognitive traits of individuals that influence their inclination to certain political orientations.

Ubiquitous facial recognition technology can expose individuals’ political orientation, as faces of liberals and conservatives consistently differ. A facial recognition algorithm was applied to naturalistic images of 1,085,795 individuals to predict their political orientation by comparing their similarity to faces of liberal and conservative others. Political orientation was correctly classified in 72% of liberal–conservative face pairs, remarkably better than chance (50%), human accuracy (55%), or one afforded by a 100-item personality questionnaire (66%). Accuracy was similar across countries (the U.S., Canada, and the UK), environments (Facebook and dating websites), and when comparing faces across samples. Accuracy remained high (69%) even when controlling for age, gender, and ethnicity. Given the widespread use of facial recognition, our findings have critical implications for the protection of privacy and civil liberties.

notre afliation politique est pratiquement aussi encrer en nous que la couleur de nos yeux.

comme tou qui est phenotype c est facilement exploitable.

un bon essai.

je vais rajouter des ligne de Generation Identitaire. Qui parle au boomer qui a cree le liberalism moderne.

You were born after the war. You’ve seen the rubble from the destruction and heard the reports firsthand. The horror and devastation left behind by the rule of the National Socialists left a deep mark on
So it was that you wanted to do the opposite of the Nazis in all respects. Where there was
something to which they said yes, you uncritically said no, without once thinking about the actual
National Socialism determined your entire thinking. No one shaped your worldview more than Adolf
Nazism was racist, so you wanted to be ‘anti-racist.’ Nazism was nationalist? Naturally, you
became internationalist. It was militaristic, fascistic, and imperialistic, and so you became antimilitary, anti-fascist and anti-imperialist. If Nazism promoted a belief in the traditional family, you
had to damn that as well.
In this way, Adolf Hitler became your greatest role model.
Your efforts to reject the extremist ideology of National Socialism led you to create your own
extremist ideology. Fanatically believing that you were doing the right thing, you set out to lay waste
to Europe.

I will had an Pop culture example. Like I talk about john wick simply show the Social contract.
The joker in batman. Simply show the villain is an hero is in own head.
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Imagine les épais qui croient dans Q depuis 4 ans comment ils doivent se sentir présentement... LOL

Ça doit être difficile d’accepter le fait de s’être fait embarqué dans une secte.

Serrieusement c est quoi l affaire de Q.
tu une referance a startrek?

au debut jpensais cetai une MEME poche sur 4chan ignorai toujours les tread. finalement c est main stream?
C est quoi Q sur les media de normal?
Serrieusement c est quoi l affaire de Q.
tu une referance a startrek?

au debut jpensais cetai une MEME poche sur 4chan ignorai toujours les tread. finalement c est main stream?
C est quoi Q sur les media de normal?

La reference de claquer des doigts et avoir ce qu'on veut me vient a l'esprit :D

All I know there is extremism on both sides and as bad it is, it's a necessary evil to give the rest of the people a sense of range and what's over a line or not, cause let's not forget those are all defined by ourselves, I think that the left was seen as the more "reasonable" faction in the past, it isn't the case anymore... for good or bad reasons, will it help or hurt, not sure, not sure I even care, generally things tend to balance them out, as well as when going out of balance, the difference in weight gets smaller over time, so impacts tends to be lesser, which will make people less responsive to balance out things, however again that difference will regrow with time and force people to balance it out, and so on... it's ok, humanity will continue, I think it's pretty clear we serve some sort of purpose, when we wont, than we'll disappear, as an apendix that's removed from our body when it bursts.
La reference de claquer des doigts et avoir ce qu'on veut me vient a l'esprit :D

All I know there is extremism on both sides and as bad it is, it's a necessary evil to give the rest of the people a sense of range and what's over a line or not, cause let's not forget those are all defined by ourselves, I think that the left was seen as the more "reasonable" faction in the past, it isn't the case anymore... for good or bad reasons, will it help or hurt, not sure, not sure I even care, generally things tend to balance them out, as well as when going out of balance, the difference in weight gets smaller over time, so impacts tends to be lesser, which will make people less responsive to balance out things, however again that difference will regrow with time and force people to balance it out, and so on... it's ok, humanity will continue, I think it's pretty clear we serve some sort of purpose, when we wont, than we'll disappear, as an apendix that's removed from our body when it bursts.

a 1 min.
Q Go Bother Picard

Dans la science fiction. A lire: The Handmaid's Tale.
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Dude je sais que ça doit pas être facile d’écrire en étant paralysé en fauteuil roulant à travers une machine qui décode ce que tu dis mais quand même, y’a pas des ajustements tu pourrais pour que ça sorte mieux ?

Honte à toi qui insulte les Christopher Reeves de ce monde.
Imagine les épais qui croient dans Q depuis 4 ans comment ils doivent se sentir présentement... LOL

Ça doit être difficile d’accepter le fait de s’être fait embarqué dans une secte.

250 devrait être en mesure de te répondre
Q is a theory that Cheeto will put butt babies in all of his worshippers, and they will give birth to only orange men, who will scour the earth and destroy the evil USSR.
Q is a theory that Cheeto will put butt babies in all of his worshippers, and they will give birth to only orange men, who will scour the earth and destroy the evil USSR.

The clue was the pizza gate, because opposed to pizza we have BBQ
Baby Q!!!!
Also, another clue, remember the previous black out, more babies were born 9 months later, so get ready for the next black out.
Sans surprise, les business de trump sont impactés:

"Deutsche Bank ne fera plus affaire à l'avenir avec Donald Trump ni avec ses entreprises, à la suite de l'assaut perpétré par des partisans du président américain au Capitole le 6 janvier, a rapporté le New York Times, citant une personne proche de la banque.

Deutsche Bank est le principal créancier de Donald Trump, avec environ 340 millions de dollars (279,67 millions d'euros) de prêts en cours accordés à la Trump Organization"

Côté golf, PGA of America n'utilisera plus le golf club du New Jersey appartenant à trump