Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Juste sur CNN il ne parle presque pas du shit show qui a eu à Seattle et Portland par des antifas. Ridicule comment la couverture médiatique américaine est biaisée. Sa devrait être diffusé et condamné autant que l’extrême-droite qui a pris d’assaut le Capitole.

c'est le genre de chose qui ont pousser les gens a voter pour Trump aussi
Before you conduct diagnostics of people you barely know over the internet, you should realize that some people are stuck at home and are so bored that trolling Trump supporters is a form of entertainment.

fair point, from someone's perspective that as you mention doesn't know who you or the others are in real life, it just seemed that way...., because there's some emotion within some exchanges on both sides,

that being said not sure why I even wrote in the first place, guess I have too much time as well, that I should probably spend better than this.... :jack:
Brust qui sort enfin de son coma.

Les médias de masse américains sont des machines de propagande pour le parti démocrate, ils vont seulement les condamner si ça serait bénéfique aux démocrates qu'ils le fassent.

Je n’ai jamais été dans le coma. Tu penses que Fox News et son brown noser Sean Hannity est meilleur? À FOX ils vont spinner les manifs d’antifa à Portland non stop, c’est clairement pas mieux. Pi tu as là-dessus la conne à Laura Ingraham qui va spreader des mensonges comme il y avait des antifas au Capitole le 6 janvier dernier.

les media une entreprise.
il ne travaille pas pour personne icitte

bientot du monde va comprendre trump netai pas la source du probleme.

Il y a une marge entre dire que le problème c’est uniquement les medias et que Trump était blanc comme neige. Si il y bien un dude qui spreadait des mensonges à quantité stratosphérique et qu’il se mettait toujours les pieds dans les plats parce qu’il est à chier comme communicateur, c’est bien Trump.

Tu sais la vie ce n’est pas uniquement blanc ou noir. Il y a plusieurs niveau de gris.
pour sa aussi plus en pllus dificile a croire que biden a win legit les election.

Tu ramènes encore ça sur le tapis et ce même après 60 Court loss pi des recounts au WI et un recount de recount en GA? Tu es décidemment aussi dummey que les membres de QAnon.
Tu ramènes encore ça sur le tapis et ce même après 60 Court loss pi des recounts au WI et un recount de recount en GA? Tu es décidemment aussi dummey que les membres de QAnon.
J'ai dis c est difficile à croire. J ai dis aucune affirmations
The book's author said Trump became a target for the Russians in 1977 when he married his first wife, the Czech model Ivana Zelnickova.

"He was an asset. It was not this grand, ingenious plan that we're going to develop this guy and 40 years later he'll be president," Unger told The Guardian.

Unger added: "Trump was the perfect target in a lot of ways: his vanity, narcissism made him a natural target to recruit. He was cultivated over a 40-year period, right up through his election."

Trump's 1987 book, "The Art of the Deal," described a visit to Moscow to discuss building "a large luxury hotel across the street from the Kremlin in partnership with the Soviet government."

In fact, Shvets said, Russian operatives used the trip to flatter Trump and told him he should go into politics. Shvets told The Guardian that KGB operatives were then stunned to discover that Trump had returned to the United States, mulled a run for office, and taken out a full-page ad in several newspapers that echoed anti-Western Russian talking points.

The ad, which ran in The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Boston Globe, was titled "There's nothing wrong with America's Foreign Defense Policy that a little backbone can't cure."

The ad accused Japan and other countries of "taking advantage" of the United States and said the US should stop paying to defend other rich countries — arguments that would become the backbone of his foreign policy when he became president decades later.

Shvets said the ad was considered an "unprecedented" success in Russia's attempts to promote anti-Western talking points in American media.
the democrats are trying to get a moral victory that they hope will give them at least 16 years in power. it has happened before in the 60s (I believe) where they got 20+ years in the white house uninterrupted. the republicans don't want Trump either and he won't run again no matter what, but they will stop this in the senate, which will anger the democrats. an exercise in futility as trump cannot be removed from power anyway and his political life is d.o.n.e. instead of spending their time trying to figure out what to do with this covid thing, lawmakers are trying to change the polls some more. they should worry about the present more than anything, especially given the current conditions, but we can't forget that a politician's first goal is to get re-elected.
the democrats are trying to get a moral victory that they hope will give them at least 16 years in power. it has happened before in the 60s (I believe) where they got 20+ years in the white house uninterrupted. the republicans don't want Trump either and he won't run again no matter what, but they will stop this in the senate, which will anger the democrats. an exercise in futility as trump cannot be removed from power anyway and his political life is d.o.n.e. instead of spending their time trying to figure out what to do with this covid thing, lawmakers are trying to change the polls some more. they should worry about the present more than anything, especially given the current conditions, but we can't forget that a politician's first goal is to get re-elected.
1961-1969, not quite 20+ years.
the democrats are trying to get a moral victory that they hope will give them at least 16 years in power. it has happened before in the 60s (I believe) where they got 20+ years in the white house uninterrupted. the republicans don't want Trump either and he won't run again no matter what, but they will stop this in the senate, which will anger the democrats. an exercise in futility as trump cannot be removed from power anyway and his political life is d.o.n.e. instead of spending their time trying to figure out what to do with this covid thing, lawmakers are trying to change the polls some more. they should worry about the present more than anything, especially given the current conditions, but we can't forget that a politician's first goal is to get re-elected.

It was very much an exercise in political theater. The capitol thing definitely shouldn't have happened in the way that it did, and it would never have if Trump wasn't spreading BS theories for weeks. But to have the a significant part of the republican party turn their back on him was unlikely to happen.

A lot of republican senators will have to live with that on their voting record, and it may bite them in the ass.

More so if Trump gets done for his taxes or other shenanigans between now and then. McDonnell was back to complaining about it minutes after he cast his vote to acquit.