Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

This specific case is anecdotal, but when a former Philly judge is willing to sell his vote and fuck with the election, it's not a huge gamble to think lesser men and woman wouldn't throw their ballot in the direction they're told to if a little compensation was included.

But they still insist there's absolutely positively no reason to be extra vigilant in Philly, Detroit or Atlanta.

Your reaction now seeing Sleepy Joe winning against God Bless Trump.




Watching this for the last couple days makes days go by fast. It's incredible how polarized both sides are to vote as they have. Both have had more votes then any other presidential elections!
Trumptards suddenly interested in having a rational debate after having their king emperor gaslighting the entire world for 4 years and polluting the internet with Pepe memes and Gateway Pundit and Breitbart articles.

If you were one of the more rational Trump supporters (if that even exists), this is not directed at you.
I don't care who's what. There's a way to have a proper debate.

People in this thread have literally advocated for the genocide of democrats and "libtards" and this is where we draw the line?
(And no, despite what people may be thinking, it wasn't kossak's doing.)

There have been countless utterances of the word retard and variations of it to suit both sides. It's just political trash talking. Is it the basis of a solid argument? No. But people like blowing off steam and trolling the opposite side.
We're talking about California become a massive blue state after Reagan last won it.

California voted Republican during the first Bush administration, which was after Ronnie Reagan.

They went back democrat when Clinton showed up with his saxophone and have been ever since.
California voted Republican during the first Bush administration, which was after Ronnie Reagan.

They went back democrat when Clinton showed up with his saxophone and have been ever since.

You probably need to dig deeper. I don't think Clinton playing the sax flipped that state around.