Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

The establishment of the Dems is still composed of old rich people, they fear anything that could be a risk to their assets, aka taking the rich to reasonable levels. On that topic, they fully align with Trump's politics.

makes sense


Et c’est quoi ça Crowdstrike, c’est tu un peu comme Cambridge ? Ceux qui ont fait la campagne à Trump en 2016 ?
Further information on the DNC email "hack"

- The FBI never checked it themselves, relied only on CrowdStrike:

An Ex-NSA officer, William (Bill) Binney conducted a test of transfer speeds cross Atlantic and couldn't get anywhere near the claimed "hack" download speeds:

As a shout out to Grim:


2 of 4 FISA warrants on Carter Page were illegal

Boiled down, it means they wrongfully spied on the Trump campaign
I just watched the entire 2 hours of the opening statements from Trump's defense team.

I have to say that like being a Boston Bruins fan, it feels great to be on the winning side.

I highly suggest you watch the entire thing if you want to discuss impeachment.

2 hours of GREAT moments (skip to 8 min and great until the end to understand everything):

Facts, after facts after facts from the Democrats' own impeachment inquiry to annihilate their own bogus case.

Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi get their reputation entirely destroyed before the Senate. What a beautiful moment.

I expect the MSM to hype the Coronavirus to the max after this.


-Subpoenas issued by the House were invalid. (it required a full vote by the House before)
-Trump never invoked executive privilege
-Obstruction of Congress is DEAD

-Ukraine never knew the aid was withheld before August 28th after reading it in a Politico article.
-The call with Zelensky took place on July 25th (No Quid Pro Quo)
-Abuse of Power is DEAD

91 year old Democrat is sick of Pelosi, Nadler & impeachment process. He tells this Rep... be better... than this. You have a future. LEAD not follow:

Is Common Sense making a comeback? Talking about Common Sense.

Here is Rudy Giuliani's new Podcast. Common Sense:

Episode 1 was released yesterday.

The pushback has begun.

Imagine spending 2 hours on Saturday watching a foreign nation leaders trial.
This would almost be edgy if Trump hadn't picked his defense team based on how well he thinks they will perform on TV.

"CNN reports that Trump has told those close to him that he wants a "high profile" legal team that will perform well in televised appearances".
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

#Triggered. You're a racist for posting those lyrics. You mean to say you want to destroy all African countries to stop them from fighting each other and eliminate Muslims because they fundamentally cannot separate religion from their lives. That's so racist. [/sarc]

Truthfully though, the problem is people refer to Imagine in a superficial virtue signaling way and don't understand the fundamentals behind the lyrics.

Take "No religion too". We're not just talking Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, etc... People worship at the alter of money and will push their grandmother in front of a train if it meant getting $10 million dollars. There is no peace if these kinds of people still exist.

More aptly, too many people ultimately seek to control others. There is no "live and let live" to these people, they want to control every facet of life and would be ready to reeducate you at all costs to make you comply with their beliefs. Just go watch the Veritas videos of the Bernie Bros. IMHO this is worse than any official religion because it's stealthy and not well understood by most of the population. It's what divides us the most.
#Triggered. You're a racist for posting those lyrics. You mean to say you want to destroy all African countries to stop them from fighting each other and eliminate Muslims because they fundamentally cannot separate religion from their lives. That's so racist. [/sarc]

Truthfully though, the problem is people refer to Imagine in a superficial virtue signaling way and don't understand the fundamentals behind the lyrics.

Take "No religion too". We're not just talking Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, etc... People worship at the alter of money and will push their grandmother in front of a train if it meant getting $10 million dollars. There is no peace if these kinds of people still exist.

More aptly, too many people ultimately seek to control others. There is no "live and let live" to these people, they want to control every facet of life and would be ready to reeducate you at all costs to make you comply with their beliefs. Just go watch the Veritas videos of the Bernie Bros. IMHO this is worse than any official religion because it's stealthy and not well understood by most of the population. It's what divides us the most.

I refer to imagine because the word imagine was being used alot and the song came up in my head....

But there's always people with messed up minds who look for reasons to take things to a point for no reason.... you need to go out a little, get some fresh air and enjoy life a bit more. You all just sound like grumpy Greta, just on a different subject....
Case in point.......

Naturellement, les pays sont formés selon la géographie et la proximité des ressources. Le pays défini les gens qui cohabitent et servent ce territoire. S'en suit les moeurs et la culture qui solidifient cet attachement social.

Il existe des contradictions territoriales, par exemple le Canada dont les axes naturels sont du nord au sud, et non de l'est à l'ouest. L'argent déployé dans le développement de ces axes est faramineux...
Je veux en venir au fait que nous avons perdu la notion et la signification d'un pays.

Ouvrir les frontières, c'est laissé cours au libre-marché sans qu'il n'y ait d'interventions en cas d'abus de pouvoir par les riches. Les guerres civiles se multiplient puisque l'ennemi et l'allié se battent pour les mêmes ressources.

Si tu ne veux plus dormir de peur de te faire attaquer pendant ton sommeil, appui l'ouverture des frontières.
I refer to imagine because the word imagine was being used alot and the song came up in my head....

But there's always people with messed up minds who look for reasons to take things to a point for no reason.... you need to go out a little, get some fresh air and enjoy life a bit more. You all just sound like grumpy Greta, just on a different subject....

By messed up mind, you mean to say not being the average dumbed-down tax automaton in 2020 who has an attention span greater than that of a goldfish and not looking for their next dopamine hit on Instagram. Guilty as charged. See third quote in my sig for more context.

As for enjoying life, i do quite a bit, up until I can't enjoy because others ruin my enjoyment. I'll give you an example. It doesn't actually apply to me, I'm just giving it because it should be easy to understand.

If somebody wants to wear a red MAGA hat and goes out to enjoy a day of fresh air as you say, over time the probability goes to 100% that they will cross paths with a "special needs NPC" who thinks it's their civic duty to accost that person solely because of the red cap on their head. Would it not be reasonable to then address the issue(s) so that you could go out and take a walk with your favorite rep cap?

The counter argument is usually "Well, those cases are few and far between." Yeah, it is for now, but it starts to spread like an intellectual virus if not combated. It's so bad that it will even make family members hate each other to the point they won't talk anymore so how are we to expect civility from random strangers?

80,000 feet view:
Left: The right is comprised of bad people with ideas
Right: The left is comprised of people with bad ideas
Ok Greta.

Its funny though how you always think that YOU are right and others are dumb lol
Says alot about you....