Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

That article explains that it was taken out of context. Did you even read it?

I read it.

99.9% of Americans didn't because it's not being broadcast on TV or anything, it's just an article on CNN that you have to dig to find.

Put that thing live with that actress that was crying on MSNBC the other day and we'll talk.
They already started work on the Space Force.

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Fake News confirmed:

Le gouvernement du Honduras a assuré vendredi que Yanela Varela, la fillette en une du Time en larmes face à Donald Trump, n'avait pas été séparée de sa famille, comme la photo le laissait entendre.

«La fillette, qui va avoir deux ans, n'a pas été séparée» de ses parents, a déclaré à l'AFP la responsable de la Direction de protection des migrants au ministère des Affaires étrangères du Honduras, Lisa Medrano.

La Une du Time, révélée jeudi, montre Donald Trump dominant une fillette en larmes, dont la photo a largement contribué à alerter l'opinion, avec le simple titre: «Bienvenue en Amérique».

Le magazine a édité la photo de la petite fille pour la montrer seule, sur un fond rouge, et l'image a été largement reprise sur les réseaux sociaux par les opposants à Trump pour dénoncer sa politique, depuis abandonnée, de séparer les familles d'immigrants clandestins.

Le père de la fillette, Denis Varela, a également confirmé au Washington Post que sa femme Sandra Sanchez, 32 ans, n'avait pas été séparée de Yanela et que les deux sont actuellement retenues dans un centre pour migrants dans la ville de McAllen, au Texas.

Entre le 5 mai et le 9 juin, plus de 2300 mineurs ont été séparés de leurs parents, en vertu de la politique de "tolérance zéro" du président américain, provoquant un vif émoi et poussant Donald Trump à signer mercredi, dans un revirement fracassement, un décret mettant fin à ces séparations.

I wonder if Trump will sue Times magazine lol...
They should issue an erratum with a picture of the 2300 children who actually got separated from their parents. Trump signed an executive order that ceases the practice of sending the children away but it actually doesn't do anything for the ones that were already affected. Not that it would change much: the government in its incredible efficiency forgot to track the identities of the children so they have no idea who or where they are.
Les fournisseur d'aluminium n'ont pas perdu de temps pour majorer leur prix suite a l'annonce de Trump

encore une hausse pour le consommateur lol

I cannot believe there are actually people on this site who are defending Trump and what's going on in the USA. Crossing the border illegally is a *misdemeanor* punishable in most cases by a $10 fine. You don't lose your kids over a misdemeanor. They are taking brown people's kids and then deporting the parents which is not only criminal in most rational people's minds but arguably fits the legal definition of genocide.

Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

This is what you are defending. It goes beyond politics at this point which is why you see so many prominent Republicans shunning the party.
finalement un meme du time magazin

Just keep looking for answers and you'll also learn that the mother was already kicked out of the US once for entering illegally, guess she tried it with the kid this time for sympathy. The dad couldn't believe that she just skipped out on him with the kid, he did not even have a chance to say goodbye to his own daughter. The media are scum, on both sides living off misinformation and lies, but I like how people keep digging for the truth on their own like they should these days with all the info you need at your fingertips 24/7.