Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

I wonder if his 13 key factors take into account stealth support. All the people who support Trump but don't want to say anything because they want to maintain whatever relationship they have with their left leaning co-workers/family, or worse fear being cancelled to some degree by the mob if they reveal their support.

That didn't exist in 2016 and unless he tweaked his formula for 2020, I think he's about to be wrong barring major voter fraud.
Do you consider closing the majority of drop off sites for absentee ballots in Texas as major fraud?

Absentee ballots or generic mail in ballots?

If you meant to say generic MiB's then yes, better yet they shouldn't even be sent out in the first place.

With each passing day there's another story about how people are getting MiB's for people who haven't lived there since before the 2016 election or have died or it's for their pets.

Best one I've heard about to date is about a ballot for a dead cat. Just waiting for the story about a ballot for a dead pet who's owners have moved and we'll have a trifecta.

Anecdotal evidence/jokes aside, if people stopped listening to CNN for two seconds that the elections are secure and did a little reading on the other side, they'd know the voter roll is fraught with inaccuracies. Just look at the work of only Tom Fitton, a real American patriot. 2.5 million extra voters, down from 3.5M in 2017.

Names on the roll is not that bad if you have to go in and present ID but now combine it with the mass mailing of ballots based on those lists, you're practically asking for voter fraud. Yes it will happen on both sides but the left is already okay with burning down and destroying cities. Stuffing ballots to make sure their mortal enemy doesn't get elected again is easy peasy and justifiable in their minds.

Now will it swing the entire election, very unlikely but it may give them a method to pad the popular vote.

For those who don't understand the difference, FYI, an absentee ballot is you specifically telling the elections commission you will not be in your home state for this specific election therefore please send a ballot so I can vote as an absentee. It's on a case by case basis. Also, dead people can't do this, nor can pets, so there's that. Sure there is still potential for fraud but magnitudes of difference between the two. One has to be done individually, the other is on mass based on a list that is proven to be inaccurate in a lot of places.
Absentee ballots or generic mail in ballots?

If you meant to say generic MiB's then yes, better yet they shouldn't even be sent out in the first place.

With each passing day there's another story about how people are getting MiB's for people who haven't lived there since before the 2016 election or have died or it's for their pets.

Best one I've heard about to date is about a ballot for a dead cat. Just waiting for the story about a ballot for a dead pet who's owners have moved and we'll have a trifecta.

Anecdotal evidence/jokes aside, if people stopped listening to CNN for two seconds that the elections are secure and did a little reading on the other side, they'd know the voter roll is fraught with inaccuracies. Just look at the work of only Tom Fitton, a real American patriot. 2.5 million extra voters, down from 3.5M in 2017.

Names on the roll is not that bad if you have to go in and present ID but now combine it with the mass mailing of ballots based on those lists, you're practically asking for voter fraud. Yes it will happen on both sides but the left is already okay with burning down and destroying cities. Stuffing ballots to make sure their mortal enemy doesn't get elected again is easy peasy and justifiable in their minds.

Now will it swing the entire election, very unlikely but it may give them a method to pad the popular vote.

For those who don't understand the difference, FYI, an absentee ballot is you specifically telling the elections commission you will not be in your home state for this specific election therefore please send a ballot so I can vote as an absentee. It's on a case by case basis. Also, dead people can't do this, nor can pets, so there's that. Sure there is still potential for fraud but magnitudes of difference between the two. One has to be done individually, the other is on mass based on a list that is proven to be inaccurate in a lot of places.

Absentee ballots. So is it major fraud?
Si je comprend bien sa façon de faire, sa méthode aurait fonctionné pour prédire les présidents depuis 1860? Il prédit depuis 30 ans mais en y allant à rebours avec les même critères ça fonctionnerait jusqu'en 1860.

Looks like he called it for both sides. Maybe that's the key to never being wrong?

Now, Lichtman and his "13 keys" are ready to call 2020.
In an interview with CNN, Lichtman was definitive in his answer: "The keys predict that Donald Trump will lose the White House this year."

When we sat down in May, he explained how he comes to a decision. Lichtman's prediction isn't based on horse-race polls, shifting demographics or his own political opinions. Rather, he uses a system of true/false statements he calls the "Keys to the White House" to determine his predicted winner.

And this year, he says, Donald Trump is the favorite to win.

The US mainstream media is having a complete mental breakdown right now because Trump refused to die in the hospital and instead recovered and went home.
He may have not even had it. Or got it purposely....

Huge chess move by trump. His name will be all over the news the next two weeks.... publicity, publicity, publicity...
I think this was all done with a purpose. I don't know what but it seems like a strategical move.

Bad orange man is not stupid

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He really was infected, have you guys not seen there's been like 15 infections from the unveiling ceremony of the new Supreme Court nominee last week?
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