Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Trump a été élu à cause du découpage électoral, pas parce qu'il a eu plus de votes. Ça devrait être facile à comprendre même pour toi.

Merci de cet exemple ridicule montrant ton niveau de paresse intellectuelle.

Ok ton exemple n est pas bon.

Prouve moi que les illegaux passe pas par la frontier des us.
Prouve moi que aucun american veux de mur a leur frontier.

a toi etre au bat.
Ok ton exemple n est pas bon.

Prouve moi que les illegaux passe pas par la frontier des us.
Prouve moi que aucun american veux de mur a leur frontier.

a toi etre au bat.
Personne n'a a passer au bat, il y a des sondages et la majorité est contre ou trouve pas que c'est une priorité, au mieux 51% est pour 2.5B de funding pour débloquer mais pas les 5 milliards. Je ne sais pas si the hill est une bonne source par contre

m'étonne pas que Kossak aies des pensées pareilles...

Il écrit et pense comme un gars du bayou, un 2 watt qui a besoin de quelqu'un pour avancer, tel les suiveux de Trumpette...
Ok ton exemple n est pas bon.

Prouve moi que les illegaux passe pas par la frontier des us.
Prouve moi que aucun american veux de mur a leur frontier.

a toi etre au bat.

Fais un peu de recherches par toi même. Ça va peut-être apprendre à penser. Je vais être gentil et te donner un indice: Visa overstay.

J'ai jamais dit "aucun américain". J'ai dit la majorité des américains. Commence par employer les mots exacts si tu veux discuter avec les adultes.
Trump got elected by saying MEXICO would pay for the wall. When that failed, he kept pushing and brainwashing his base to a point that now they want a wall no matter who pays for it.

This goes to show you how dumb some people are.... blindly following cheetos in chief and discrediting anything against him by saying fake news....

Statistically, it's been proven that people who overstay their visa outnumber illegal border crossings. Not sure why democrats don't focus on this fact. If the wall does go up, I'm pretty sure illegal immigration numbers won't change much. At that point, CheetoHead will probably be dead, in prison or working at walmart after the collapse of his empire.

In any case, it makes for good TV.
Trump got elected by saying MEXICO would pay for the wall. When that failed, he kept pushing and brainwashing his base to a point that now they want a wall no matter who pays for it.

This goes to show you how dumb some people are.... blindly following cheetos in chief and discrediting anything against him by saying fake news....

Statistically, it's been proven that people who overstay their visa outnumber illegal border crossings. Not sure why democrats don't focus on this fact. If the wall does go up, I'm pretty sure illegal immigration numbers won't change much. At that point, CheetoHead will probably be dead, in prison or working at walmart after the collapse of his empire.

In any case, it makes for good TV.
He's saying he's against illegal immigration but that doesn't prevent him from employing illegals in his golf clubs:
Pense tu vraiment c est lui qui engange le monde dans ses shit.
tent que l argent rentre.

p.s J'avais raison encore c est du cheap labor.
For those who have Netlfix, I would suggest you watch episode #6 of "Dirty Money". It's an hour long documentary on the Donald and his empire.

From his early beginnings to today. You get to realize how his real estate empire wasn't really one based on developing but licensing his name. The Apprentice is what cemented the image of who he is, but his so called empire was built on shady deals and loads of BS. He was basically broke when he started the show from what I understand.

It's quite interesting.
For those who have Netlfix, I would suggest you watch episode #6 of "Dirty Money". It's an hour long documentary on the Donald and his empire.

From his early beginnings to today. You get to realize how his real estate empire wasn't really one based on developing but licensing his name. The Apprentice is what cemented the image of who he is, but his so called empire was built on shady deals and loads of BS. He was basically broke when he started the show from what I understand.

It's quite interesting.

Why don't you watch Trump: An American Dream on Netflix, it's a whole show about him and it's also super interesting
Illegal immigration costs the US well over $50 billion/year. Wall could cost $25 billion. Stop illegal immigration and the wall's paid for in no time. Where do most illegal immigrant enter? Mexico. Boom, Mexico just paid for the wall.
Illegal immigration costs the US well over $50 billion/year. Wall could cost $25 billion. Stop illegal immigration and the wall's paid for in no time. Where do most illegal immigrant enter? Mexico. Boom, Mexico just paid for the wall.

This is what happens when you have faulty data. The majority of illegals enter the US through normal entrypoints via Visas. Then they stay in the US when their Visas expire. A wall would do nothing to prevent that. Boom, you just spent $25 billions for the equivalent of the Maginot Line.
Because the hard way is possible. No need to block the easy way....

you guy will be great at network security....
This is what happens when you have faulty data. The majority of illegals enter the US through normal entrypoints via Visas. Then they stay in the US when their Visas expire. A wall would do nothing to prevent that. Boom, you just spent $25 billions for the equivalent of the Maginot Line.

You're right, I purposely significantly lowered the number that illegal immigration costs the US. It's closer to $200 billion/year. Surely 25% of that is because of illegal immigration through Mexico.

In 2016, Mexicans made up approximately 50% of illegal US immigrants.

Were you okay with George Bush's $2.3 billion border wall that Obama and Hillary Clinton supported?

Section of wall ok. Big wall racist. Got it.