Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Je me récite moi-même vu que personne m’a répondu. Bref ça fait juste me montrer que tous le copy paste que vous faites c’est juste de la marde pas vérifiée et que vous gobez n’importe quoi.

It's like discussing two similar but different shades of color with a person who's color blind... Because it's a waste of time.

The best was I remember posting a podcast from Dan Bongino who doesn't delve into conspiracy and he does a great job of explaining the complexities and subtlety of the ongoing campaign to get Trump. Response: I don't have an hour to watch. I can't remember who it was exactly, but then we're supposed to waste our time responding when the answers are already out there but ignored.

I only took the time to respond so we don't have to see you quote yourself 25 more times.
It's like discussing two similar but different shades of color with a person who's color blind... Because it's a waste of time.

The best was I remember posting a podcast from Dan Bongino who doesn't delve into conspiracy and he does a great job of explaining the complexities and subtlety of the ongoing campaign to get Trump. Response: I don't have an hour to watch. I can't remember who it was exactly, but then we're supposed to waste our time responding when the answers are already out there but ignored.

I only took the time to respond so we don't have to see you quote yourself 25 more times.

When you don't have an answer, attack their character!
It's like discussing two similar but different shades of color with a person who's color blind... Because it's a waste of time.

The best was I remember posting a podcast from Dan Bongino who doesn't delve into conspiracy and he does a great job of explaining the complexities and subtlety of the ongoing campaign to get Trump. Response: I don't have an hour to watch. I can't remember who it was exactly, but then we're supposed to waste our time responding when the answers are already out there but ignored.

I only took the time to respond so we don't have to see you quote yourself 25 more times.

Merci mais t’as pas compris mon point.
Emprisonnement et/ou exécution de ses opposants politique.

Pour le reste, il y a des élections pour congédier un gouvernement.

Surtout que dans ce cas ci les élections sont dans 9 mois, pas comme si son mandat venait de commencer.
Tant mieux parce que 250 est quand même plus sensé, le plus idiot c’est toi.

Tu as passé je sais pu combien de pages à essayer de convaincre tout le monde avec passion que Trump était 100% innocent, preuves et vidéos à l’appui (lol), pour ensuite te discréditer toi-même en changeant de version.

Tu as zéro crédibilité et l’a prouvé toi-même, bravo champion. C’est qui le mouton maintenant qui croit tout ce qu’il voit sans regard critique ?
Strong projection.

Please tell me more

Il a tres bien compris, il te dit qu'il n'a plus de temps a perdre avec toi.

Treason, Bribery or OTHER high crimes and misdemeanors.

Trump asked Ukraine (treaty with ukraine + POTUS has the obligation under the U.S. Consitution) to investigate a CORRUPT American politician.

A U.S. President MUST investigate into corruption or he can be impeached. Appreciate the irony.

He got impeached for DOING THE RIGHT THING.

It was a Coup by the Democratic party, the Deep State & MIC, and some corrupt Republicans.

Reread the whole thread, all the information is there.

Shokin HIMSELF tells you what happens from 34 min:

Shokin already stated that UNDER OATH but here he is in realtime.

Once again, there was NO QUID PRO QUO by Trump because Ukraine DIDN'T know the AID had been withheld. The call with Zelensky was on JULY 25th and Ukraine only learned about the withhold aid on August 28th

You can't have a Quid Pro Quo WITHOUT the QUO.
There was no THIS for That because THERE WAS NO THAT

Are you still upset you think I was attacking you by explaining you fit the literal definition of a cuckold?
Je n'ai jamais changé de version a aucun moment. Informe moi ou j'ai changé ma version? Tu as du mal comprendre.

Trump est 100% innocent.

MEME dans un scenario ou il avait commis le Quid Pro quo (ce qu'il n'a pas fait), ce n'était pas une charge suffisante pour la destitution.

Donc double fail.

Pelosi has 'no plans right now' to seek John Bolton subpoena

Why no more need for John Bolton anymore, Nancy? Adam Schiff should explain this to us.

Beginning of the end for the Biden Family: CEG RHJ to Secret Service (Biden Travel).pdf

Correction: il a vraiment dit ça, nul doute. Est-ce assez pour destituer: non effectivement, il a dit des singerie bien pire que ça durant son mandat. Ce qu'il a dit, n'importe quel petit PDG d'une PME à la con ou pedler de vendeux de balayeuse aurait dit parreil. Il voulait faire son male alpha et montrer qu'il est le boss à l'autre Ukrainien
Ça fait pitié quand même voir aller Grim...

Je trouve que c’est bcp d’énergie pour homme qui ne sait même pas qu’il existe.