Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Ça c'est de loin la mesure qui va lui faire le plus mal, drette ou ça compte, l'égo. Que plus de monde aient écouter sleepy joe que ses délires, sa va le tourmenter.

Mal a son ego!?!?! lol atteindre le ego d'un crazy person est pas mal dur, il va juste se dire que c'est des "fake numbers"
Donny requesting extraction, how copy?

“You know what? Running against the worst candidate in the history of American politics puts pressure on me,” Trump told the crowd. “Could you imagine if I lose? My whole life—what am I going to do? I’m going to say, I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics! I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country, I don’t know.”

Stay and get prosecuted or go run the Trump resort in Москва?
Les Trumpers qui soutiennent un failed businessman qui a fait faillite 6 fois, pas une, pas deux, 6 putains de fois. Trump Casino qui a fait faillite. Il faut être un putain de raté en business pour faire faillite avec un casino. Et bien Donald Orange Trump réussi à faire ça lui.

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Les Trumpers qui soutiennent un failed businessman qui a fait faillite 6 fois, pas une, pas deux, 6 putains de fois. Trump Casino qui a fait faillite. Il faut être un putain de raté en business pour faire faillite avec un casino. Et bien Donald Orange Trump réussi à faire ça lui.

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Who cares le nombre de fois que l'une de ses entreprises a fait faillite. Il n'a pas été le seul qui a abusé de ce système de mise en faillite et beaucoup de millionnaires l'ont fait autant.
Who cares le nombre de fois que l'une de ses entreprises a fait faillite. Il n'a pas été le seul qui a abusé de ce système de mise en faillite et beaucoup de millionnaires l'ont fait autant.

Ok.... comment expliques tu alors qu’il a fait faillite avec un ... casino?!?!

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"I know nothing about QAnon, I don’t know what’s white supremacy, I don’t know who is David Duke, I don’t know what’s Ku Klux Klan"

Either he is a pathological liair or a total and pure ignorant as president.

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Je vois pas l'obsession de vouloir qu'il dénonce qanon, c'est pas comme si c'est eux qui crissait les villes en feu. Je connais pas trop qanon moi même, mais sont-ils une menace? Si non, pourquoi cette question, srs.
It's funny how you guys are so quick to judge cheetos supporters, claiming that doesn't matter what, his base will blindly support him. But people blindly hate him for nothing other than watching mainstream media hammering bullshit for 5 years about him doing the exact same. How do you bankrupt a casino you ask, he is the only failure with a casino you believe because somebody says so? If you look it up, opening a casino is not a safe bet in the US.

Failed atlantic city casinos
Las Vegas Casino Death Watch

Next time you hear something, google it, then one day you'll realize that you shouldn't believe everything you hear from the MSM. You can dislike somebody and still not believe all the garbage the media constantly floats around about them.
In less than a freaking week, we went from:

“There is no Hunter Biden story”

“it’s Russian disinformation”

And now to

“Come on, who wouldn’t sell dad’s role in foreign policy to the highest bidder? No big deal.”

A week! My God the corruption of the mainstream media is now total and complete. There are no journalists covering politics in the USA at the major outlets, they're activists blabbering Democratic party talking points and masquerading it as news.
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Je vois pas l'obsession de vouloir qu'il dénonce qanon, c'est pas comme si c'est eux qui crissait les villes en feu. Je connais pas trop qanon moi même, mais sont-ils une menace? Si non, pourquoi cette question, srs.

He can't say anything on Qanon because no matter what is said, they are going to chop up his answer and twist a sound bite against him.They've done it in the past, example "Mexicans are rapists" which is complete bullshit but that's how they work. So he sticks to I don't know anything about it even though the running theory is that he's Q+

Back to the Biden shitshow, StyxHexenHammer puts the situation into perspective pretty well

A happy result of this, Twitter and Facebook in front of the Senate on Oct 28th, might we FINALLY see some progress on revision of Section 230. Remove their protection and open the floodgates to death by lawsuit.
It's funny how you guys are so quick to judge cheetos supporters, claiming that doesn't matter what, his base will blindly support him. But people blindly hate him for nothing other than watching mainstream media hammering bullshit for 5 years about him doing the exact same. How do you bankrupt a casino you ask, he is the only failure with a casino you believe because somebody says so? If you look it up, opening a casino is not a safe bet in the US.

Failed atlantic city casinos
Las Vegas Casino Death Watch

Next time you hear something, google it, then one day you'll realize that you shouldn't believe everything you hear from the MSM. You can dislike somebody and still not believe all the garbage the media constantly floats around about them.

Can i still hate him for screwing over the small contractors he refused to pay for their work?
There are no journalists covering politics in the USA at the major outlets, they're activists blabbering Demicratic party talking points and masquerading it as news.

There are a few, very few, but they're there. Only thing is they don't get any attention because they're not spewing whatever the DNC wants them to. Check out if you want an MSM badge that still does journalism.
Donald John Trump is now president: what does it mean for you?

Je vois pas l'obsession de vouloir qu'il dénonce qanon, c'est pas comme si c'est eux qui crissait les villes en feu. Je connais pas trop qanon moi même, mais sont-ils une menace? Si non, pourquoi cette question, srs.

Oui, selon le FBI ils font parti d’un groupe d’extrême droit prêt à mener des attentats terroristes domestiques à l’endroit de ceux qu’ils voient comme étant leurs ennemis (les démocrates). Va googler Pizzagate, tu vas voir que c’est une bande de coucou prêt à faire des gestes violents pour revendiquer leurs théories complotistes.

Sérieux entre des coucous d’extrême droit et des coucous djihadistes, il n’y a pas grand différence! Leur manière de revendiquer leurs théories sont les 2 violentes de manières plus ou moins différentes.

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Donald John Trump is now president: what does it mean for you?

It's funny how you guys are so quick to judge cheetos supporters, claiming that doesn't matter what, his base will blindly support him. But people blindly hate him for nothing other than watching mainstream media hammering bullshit for 5 years about him doing the exact same. How do you bankrupt a casino you ask, he is the only failure with a casino you believe because somebody says so? If you look it up, opening a casino is not a safe bet in the US.

Failed atlantic city casinos
Las Vegas Casino Death Watch

Next time you hear something, google it, then one day you'll realize that you shouldn't believe everything you hear from the MSM. You can dislike somebody and still not believe all the garbage the media constantly floats around about them.

Oh ok! So we will compare Trumps failed business to other failed bussiness (ie: casino), so he might not be that bad after all. You are suppose to compare with the best, not the worst. Sorry but Trump is still a total failed businessman. Do you remember the "succesfull Trump shuttle Airline"?

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Oh ok! So we will compare Trumps failed business to other failed bussiness (ie: casino), so he might not be that bad after all. You are suppose to compare with the best, not the worst. Sorry but Trump is still a total failed businessman. Do you remember the "succesfull Trump shuttle Airline"?

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I get trump is a clown and you clearly despise him, but LOL at saying he’s a total failed businessman. What have you accomplished in life?

We can hate the man, but he’s accomplished way more than any one of us here.
Can i still hate him for screwing over the small contractors he refused to pay for their work?

Go for it, I think he is an obnoxious jackass.

Oh ok! So we will compare Trumps failed business to other failed bussiness (ie: casino), so he might not be that bad after all. You are suppose to compare with the best, not the worst. Sorry but Trump is still a total failed businessman. Do you remember the "succesfull Trump shuttle Airline"?

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Not comparing anything to anything. You posted "Ok .... how do you explain when he went bankrupt with a ... casino?!?!" pretending like a casino is a sure bet to be successful and you have to be a real idiot not making it. And I let you know that it isn't a sure bet and they are going under all the time. If you really want to get into details, it was his first wife Ivana who ran the casino.
Imagine comment Trump doit faire un ptit rire chuckle avec des ptits coup d’épaules quand il entend un peasant qui travail fort pour son 68 574$ annuellement dire qu’il est le plus gros fail de businessman qui existe :laugh:
Donald John Trump is now president: what does it mean for you?

I get trump is a clown and you clearly despise him, but LOL at saying he’s a total failed businessman. What have you accomplished in life?

We can hate the man, but he’s accomplished way more than any one of us here.

Ok, on peut aussi bien demander à toute la population canadienne qu’est-ce qu’ils ont accompli parce qu’il n’en n’a pas eu un qui a réussi à se faire élire président des USA, donc ton point ne vaut pas grand chose. Il n’est pas question de moi ou toi, il est question de Trump qui prétend être un businessman à succès. Pour une raison inexpliqué le monde ne comprennent pas que le dude est un échec total ayant fait faillite à 6 reprises avec l’héritage de Fred Trump qui lui a monté une entreprise (Trump Organization) de rien. Tout le mérite revient à Fred Trump, pas à little Donnie.

Le gars est tellement un mauvais payeur, tellement fait faillite souvent qu’il doit se tourner vers des banques étrangère (Deutsche Bank) pour avoir du cash parce que les banques américaine ne veulent rien savoir de lui. S’il est aussi riche qu’il le prétend, il ne devrait pas payé uniquement que 750$ d’impôt en 2016. Donc soit il est riche, mais c’est un putain d’escroc qui fait de l’évasion fiscal, ou bien il n’est pas riche, mais plûtot surendetté.

Il n’y a pas d’autre option.

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Ok.... comment expliques tu alors qu’il a fait faillite avec un ... casino?!?!

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Il y a deux villes où une grosse concentration de casinos aux USA: Atlantic City et Las Vegas.

La compétition des maisons de jeu est forte dans ces 2villes. Pour se diversifier, les casinos sont aussi devenus des salles de spectacles et des arènes de sport de combats. T'as la meilleure venue de la ville, tu attires + de monde.

Voilà, je te l'ai expliqué.