Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

J'espère qu'à 77 ans, je vais avoir l'air plus en forme que Biden en tout cas.

Je sais pas trop, il semble dans la moyenne disons, il pête pas le feu, mais il est autonome, marche sans canne ou aide, semble avoir un bon moral, tousse pas et cherche pas son air après une phrase. Il a pas dû abusé de l'alcool, mangé trop mal, ni fumé dans sa vie. J'ai vu du monde de 75 ans et plus en pire état que ça avec des faces grugés, qui crache et tousse, regard haggard, qui pompe l'huile et longe les murs pour marcher.

C'est certain que sur un mandat de 4 ans et le niveau de stress, il risque d'être un président vieillissant qui sera surprotégé par son entourage, il y a eu des précédants avec Regan en 2e mandat, Roosevelt a fini en chaise roulante et devait se faire porter pour tenir debout, Roosevelt est mort 2 mois après la fin de son dernier mandat. Roosevelt est quand même le président qui a été président durant toute la 2e guerre mondiale.
"Please don’t leave the hotel. Trump will be disapointed without golden shower!"

Envoyé du pipi tape of Wacky Giuliani
**Movie spoiler*

"USA was ruined by evil man who stood against all American Values. His name? Barrack Obama. This led to other Africans becoming political leaders (blackface Justin)
(...) and then a new magnificent premier named McDonald Trump rose to power and made america great again.
Boring bits
"The greatest threat to kazakhstan is no longer the jew, it is in fact the Yankee."
I loved the Running of the American. " Oh no, she killed Fauci! The Americans are victorious in their battle against science."

It was a bit tedious at times, but man did he ever thrash modern american culture.
Rudy is all kinds of dumb to think this hot young chick wanted a piece of him. That said, the small head probably took over.


So much info about what is on the hard drive yet zero leaks.

Not suspicious at all....

If only it was Donald Trump JR in this instead of Hunter Biden, it would have been wall to wall coverage on all the mainstream media platforms with pictures and videos on loop for 24/7 until election day.
Watched Borat yesterday. Nothing wrong with what Giu did. She was being flirty and asked him to go to the bedroom to have a drink, even untucks his shirt.

Any dude in his position would have done the same.
I'm sure the regulars will tear this one apart, but I was listening to a podcast, and someone pointed out that technically the polls were right as far as popular vote in the last election, it was the electoral college that they got wrong.

That's impossible! Trump won the popular vote but Hillary cheated by using millions of fake ballots to win the meaningless popular vote.
You may see reports of Ohio mail ballot activity by “Party”. I will not post party statistics because they are misleading. Ohio’s party affiliation is unlike party registration in other states. In Ohio, “Party” is a record of the last party primary a voter participated in, in the current and past last two calendar years (see: Ohio Code 3513.19(3)). In Ohio’s April 28, 2020 presidential primary, 124,628 more voters participated in the Democratic primary than the Republican primary, primarily because President Trump had only token opposition. As a consequence, Ohio’s “Party” is currently artificially tilted towards the Democrats. Leveraging this quirk, both political parties and their allies have abused these party statistics over the years to make disingenuous claims about party enthusiasm in Ohio.
I'm interested on where these stats come from. You would think they would keep all of this info secret until election night.

It's party registration, not actual poll results although I remember reading that registered voters typically support their party 95% of the time.

The main takeaway here is that dems typically crush republicans on mail-in while republicans tend to vote way more in person. If Dems are not running away with mail-in, they're in big trouble on November 3rd.