Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Lol le dude a dit ça en 1972...
J’ai dis des shits pires que ça dans ma jeunesse.

À voir comment tu te fais owned depuis quelques pages et que tu deviens lentement l’idiot du village du forum, tu devrais arrêter de poster pour un bout.
C'est connu, les gens ne changent pas d'idée en 48 ans d'existence. Jamais les gens ne disent des choses qu'ils peuvent regretter plutard. Pourquoi? Parce que Grimace sait tout et note tout.
Faut que tu comprennes que je suis ni pour ni contre Trump, en fait je n’ai pas vraiment d’intérêt là-dedans. Ma motivation à revenir dans le thread est simplement de dire des niaiseries et t’insulter au passage. Quand je vois des crétins sur le forum ça me fait plaisir de cracher dessus gratuitement, un peu comme Bad306, t’es dans la même catégorie.
Ce commentaire en dit long sur le genre 'd'homme' que tu es dans la vraie vie. Tu as beaucoup de temps a perdre on dirait. Je suis ici pour echanger, pas insulter comme un ado de 16 ans.

Beaucoup de temps à perdre ? Dude... as-tu vu c’que tu post lol ?
Tu as beaucoup de temps a perdre on dirait.

Hold on, I'm busy flexing my muscles right now while reading some Bad306 posts.

I'm getting so much attention from the MR snowflake crew today. I must have struck a nerve going hard on Bernie.

I'll be honest and tell you a secret: I hope you guys keep it up, it's so cute to have every single one of my posts sniped all the time.

It makes me feel like...Donald J. Trump.

Non, je n'utilise pas d'ignore list sur un forum de discussion parce que je considere toutes les opinions. Je n'ai pas besoin de safe space.

Des articles et opinions constructives relatives a chaque thread, toi?

En passant, plus tu m'accordes d'attention, plus je vais copypaste des articles et opinions constructives. Ca doit commencer a etre frustrant de ton coté.

Articles et opinions constructives: lol
Frustrant pour moi: lol

Au contraire, continue à poster, sinon ça va devenir plate sur le forum. De toute façon, je les lis pas vraiment.
C’est tu vrai qu’il aime ça se faire pisser dessus par des putes russes en se faisant taper les fesses avec un magazine avec sa face sur la couverture ?
Get your popcorn ready:

Michael Flynn Seeks To Withdraw Guilty Plea, Accuses Prosecutors Of ‘Retaliation’

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn filed a court motion Tuesday seeking to withdraw his guilty plea in a case that originated with the special counsel’s investigation.

Flynn’s legal team accused prosecutors of acting in “bad faith” and out of “vindictiveness” when they recommended in a court filing on Jan. 7 that Flynn receive up to six months in prison in his case.

Flynn pleaded guilty on Dec. 1, 2017 to making false statements during a Jan. 24, 2017 meeting with FBI agents regarding his interactions with Sergey Kislyak, who served at the time as Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.

Prosecutors recommended in December 2018 that Flynn receive a sentence of probation with no jail time because of “substantial” assistance he provided the special counsel’s team. Flynn also gave interviews to prosecutors in Virginia who charged Flynn’s former business partner, Bijan Rafiekian, with acting as a foreign agent of Turkey.


My impression is they're dragging the sentencing until after the election so Trump can't pardon him if he losses.
57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
-Brad Parscale - Campaign Manager for Trump's 2020 Presidential Campaign

If only you spent more time reading and researching yourself and less time copy/pasting Trump propaganda that you are being spoon fed...

I'll save you the click, it says: "Are you aware that we don’t have partisan voter registration in Wisconsin?"
If only you spent more time reading and researching yourself and less time copy/pasting Trump propaganda that you are being spoon fed...

I'll save you the click, it says: "Are you aware that we don’t have partisan voter registration in Wisconsin?"

Facts and logic have no grasp on blue pilled fanatics. Deep state is their excuse for everything, a ready made blame all for every cuckery. Just move on...
Conveniently forgetting to mention his most important and high profile client of recent memory? You know the one that didn't kill himself.
A murderer hires a lawyer specialized in murders. A tax evader hires a tax lawyer. A pedophile hires a lawyer specialized in pedophiles.
Tick tock dans le genre que le temps commence a manquer ? Y va arriver quoi ?
Dis moi pas que Hilary et Obama vont finalement aller en prison ?
Tick tock dans le genre que le temps commence a manquer ? Y va arriver quoi ?
Dis moi pas que Hilary et Obama vont finalement aller en prison ?

They can't they were on the plane that was shot down, notice how we haven't seen them in public since? The deep state is currently scrambling to get their body doubles online so they can maintain the status quo.

#redpill #ukraine #gaylizardpeople #sorosisrich