Canada's Migrant Problem Should not be Ignored

Do you have a link to that plan?

They have totally bought into that plan. Why do you think Legault wants to tighten up immigration in Quebec. He isn't stupid about wanting to protect our culture. Skilled labor shortage? It takes years to train people properly, that's if they even decide to enter the workforce. Some just stay here and send their families back slowly while still collecting benefits staying in school. Or take that skill and go back home.

The Martimes love the idea because they have been in a perpetual recession and have a declining population. It's a game of smoke and mirrors. As I mentioned the jobs added are low paying unskilled positions. The families that are being written about already had money and ties to Western Europe before they came here.

The war in Syria is winding down. It's clear people and the military are loyal to Assad. The spirit wasn't broken. The coup failed. Assad is a dictator yes but he still allowed citizens some freedom and woman had rights.

Next up we will be taking in the Central American refugees. The focus will shift from Syria and the Middleeast soon.
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What you should be really concerned about and it's the elephant in the room.. Canada cannot adequately defend herself from a foreign force. So massive population growth and no means to defend a country. Fun times ahead
un replacement de la population.

-Nos ecole enseigne que les blanc = mechant.
-il a du chaillage que les travailleur d'origine Italian Irlandaise et Francaise (les blancs) coute trop cher sur sur le marcher du travaille.
ce n estai pas le cas il y a 50 ans.
-Les immigrant sont du cheap labor.

a mon avis le remplacement des blanc est economique.
il nous faut suivre l argent ou tout autre anologue a l argent....

Je relis des points p-e je suis dans le champs.
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un replacement de la population.

-Nos ecole enseigne que les blanc = mechant.
-il a du chaillage que les travailleur d'origine Italian Irlandaise et Francaise (les blancs) coute trop cher sur sur le marcher du travaille.
ce n estai pas le cas il y a 50 ans.
-Les immigrant sont du cheap labor.

a mon avis le remplacement des blanc est economique.
il nous faut suivre l argent ou tout autre anologue a l argent....

Je relis des points p-e je suis dans le champs.

Tu a oublié d'écrire le mot "agenda" pour paraître plus sérieux...
Je viens trouver ca.

Research Summary: The Economics of Mass Migrations by Jeffrey G. Williamson

The Lessons of History(11)

There was a deglobalization implosion after 1914, driven by two world wars, two periods of fragile peace, the Great Depression and the Cold War. The last few decades of the 20th century have marked a successful struggle to reconstruct that pre-World War I global economy. Conventional wisdom has it that these spectacular changes in global policy were regime switches that were pretty much independent of economic events; thus they can be taken as exogenous.

This view ignores the fact that immigration policy in labor-scarce parts of the global economy became increasingly restrictive prior to 1914 and that much of this retreat from open immigration policies was driven by a defense of the deteriorating relative economic position of the working poor. It also ignores the fact that liberal attitudes toward trade were brief and that protection rose sharply almost everywhere on the European continent from the 1870s onwards. Most of this retreat from free trade was driven by a defense of the relative economic position of both the landed rich and the landless poor.(12)

Thus, a more accurate narrative of globalization experience in the decades prior to the World War I would read like this: A spreading technology revolution and a transportation breakthrough led first to a divergence of real wages and living standards between countries; the evolution of well-functioning global markets in goods and labor eventually brought about a convergence between nations; this factor price convergence, however, planted seeds for its own destruction because it created rising inequality in labor-scarce economies and falling inequality in labor-abundant economies. The voices of powerful interest groups who were hit hard by these globalization events were heard, generating a political backlash against immigration and trade.

A late-19th-century globalization backlash made a powerful contribution to interwar deglobalization. Is this history likely to repeat? Maybe not. After all, the migration from poor to rich countries today is a pretty trivial affair compared with the mass migrations of a century ago. And governments today have far more sophisticated ways to compensate losers than they had a century ago. Yet, history does supply a warning: a backlash against globalization can be found in our past, so it might reappear in our future.

trouver le documents source

ces mass immigrations etait payent pour bien du monde.

A faire le paralle avec nos temp moderne c est CyberPunk as fuck.
yEAH get rich culturally ...but poor financially ...

'' The average immigrant who arrived since 1985 imposes an annual fiscal burden on taxpayers of $6,000, a total of $25 billion annually when all recent immigrants are taken into account. This is the result of these immigrants having low average incomes and paying correspondingly low taxes while they are entitled to all the benefits offered by Canada’s welfare state. There is no chance to find double the current number of immigrants with better or even the same economic prospects as recent immigrants. Therefore, the Globe’s proposal would substantially increase the fiscal burden on Canadian taxpayers.''

''Canadians need a rational and full discussion whether the costs and risks stemming from much higher immigration levels and population are worth the ideological benefits claimed by its advocates.''

Mais parler ouvertement d'immigration est Raciste , Xénophobe , Immorale ...
Another 100m+ to figure out housing. It's the usually monthly amount. Sadly these fools will win another term
on fait quoi avec Islam?

On fait quoi quand on pense que l'on "connais" quelqu'un qui a visiblement un problème de santé mentale (ex: fixation sur l'islam, l'homosexualité, le féminisme...), qu'on a l'impression que cette personne a besoin d'aide sinon elle risque de commettre des actes criminels graves?

Vous avez pas idée à quel point je peux être sérieux...
On fait quoi quand on pense que l'on "connais" quelqu'un qui a visiblement un problème de santé mentale (ex: fixation sur l'islam, l'homosexualité, le féminisme...), qu'on a l'impression que cette personne a besoin d'aide sinon elle risque de commettre des actes criminels graves?

Vous avez pas idée à quel point je peux être sérieux...


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