Steam group


Active member
Hey guys,

I wasn't sure if we had a steam group so I decided to make one, basically we can all join the group and it makes it easier to find each other and squad up to play games.

The idea of the steam group is basically we join it and it makes it way easier to find each other instead of browsing through the "post your gamertag" thread.

I know there's a "post your gamertag" thread but its like 100 pages long and instead of browsing through the list to find one person which is kinda semi creepy when you think of it. We can just all join the steam group and add each other.

Edit: I wasn't sure if this should go into gaming or computers because steam is not a game and its only for PC.
I have a bunch of mr user in my steam, never played a single game with them lol.


The points to get all of us on the same page, if we play together or not is a different subject. :dunno: