A question about crypto mining

Safemoon is a "smart" ponzi scheme.
It has nothing original in it and only grows because of a predatory unsustainable mechanism built into its code (stealing 10% of the transaction and benefitting earlier investors).
It has no reason to exist except make money quick, and when it stops because of unsustainable growth the price will collapse.

Juste pour le fun, contract snifer..... it's a SCAM

J'dis pas que DOGIRA est plus safe mais.... snifer = ZÉRO problème détecté.

shitcoin pour shitcoin, je prend celui qui look au moins un peu safe pour le moon.... (sans faire de jeux de mot plate)
vous acheté ou vos shitcoin?

Donne le gout de gossé un peu avec ça

Tous mes shitcoins a date proviennent d,un pancake swap, il existe plusieur tutoriel sur youtube comment acheter safemoon etc... c'est a peu pres le meme principe pour tous.

Sinon vendu safemars avec un maigre 87% profit (investi 1.91 BNB vendu pour 3.4BNB) et mit ca sur un autre shitcoin (ZEP) qui vient de dip un peu.

Lol jai essayer de vendre mes shitmoon y too mais binance etait down et le BSC aussi, finalement ca aura bien fait il a remonter lol
Faudrait bien que je me remettre la dedans...

Je me souvient de verge au nouvel an 2018. On étais dans un chalet. J'ai fait comme 8k de profit ce soir la avec ce coin de marde la pis tout le monde allais se couché et moi je suis aller ouvrir une autre bouteille de champagne
Do we have any experts on dogecoin (more precisely the multidoge wallet?) I just found out that I got some coins but I cannot make it synch for the life of me. It just sits there trying to connect.
Do we have any experts on dogecoin (more precisely the multidoge wallet?) I just found out that I got some coins but I cannot make it synch for the life of me. It just sits there trying to connect.

Doge's network is quite garbage, you probably need to add some peers manually.

...well it seems multidoge hasn't been updated in like 3 years, maybe it won't work at all, try adding some peers manually, otherwise you can check the link below for an alternative

Doge's network is quite garbage, you probably need to add some peers manually.
...well it seems multidoge hasn't been updated in like 3 years, maybe it won't work at all, try adding some peers manually, otherwise you can check the link below for an alternative

Yeah I knew I had some dogecoins when they were like 0.002 and I bought some for shits and giggles.
I was able to open the wallet from the back up and realized how much I had. Let's just say I'm extremely happy (but not retirement happy)
the synching is a bitch though, jesus..
Yeah I knew I had some dogecoins when they were like 0.002 and I bought some for shits and giggles.
I was able to open the wallet from the back up and realized how much I had. Let's just say I'm extremely happy (but not retirement happy)
the synching is a bitch though, jesus..

haha, I sold WAY too early on Doge, who would have thought. Congrats on teh gainz though!

Ethereum is looking to shift to a proof-of-stake model within months, the Ethereum Foundation has said, and that brings with it some major changes to how the cryptocurrency operates fundamentally.

Today, Ethereum uses proof-of-work to shift transactions and generate new Ether, which is the currency used on the Ethereum network. Proof-of-work requires lots and lots of computational power to operate, much the same way as Bitcoin does, but while Bitcoin is largely powered by application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), Ethereum is powered almost exclusively by graphics cards.

Proof-of-stake will cut the requirement for GPUs. Instead, the very network itself will verify transactions, or blocks, according to their stake in Ethereum. The system remains secure because the wealth of Ether in the world has already been distributed across millions of people.
Ca fait quand même longtemps qu'ils en parlent. Une autre crypto va surement prendre le relais après je peut pas croire..