320 millions pour doubler le réseau cyclable de Montréal

J'ai aucun "hate" envers les vélos à part que je crois qu'ils devraient respecter les mêmes règles que tous les autres usagés de la route.

Arrêts, lumières rouge, sens unique, limites de vitesse, etc...

Pour leur sécurité et la mienne.

Je sais que c'est déja le cas. On doit respecter toutes les règles à vélo. Mais j'aimerais que la police n'est aucune pitié et fasse allé le pad à ticket.

Ex: Je suis allé au top du Mont Royal la semaine dernière. Il y a une section 50kmh en descendant. Je roulais environs 45kmh (je crois qu'il y a un photo-radar dans ce coin là...) je me suis fait dépasser comme si j'étais arrêté par une groupe de vélos. Évidemment, ils ont passé sur la lumière rouge rendu en bas de la côte.

Je peux pas être en désaccord avec toi la dessus mais tu peux pas détester les cyclistes à cause de cette raison sinon on doit aussi détester les automobilistes pour rouler 120 km/h dans une zone de 100. Mon problème est ceux qui ne font pas leur stop et qui me retournent un doigt d'honneur quand je les claxonne. Really? Tu es chanceux que je t'ais vu sinon tu serais sur une civière. Heureusement, ça arrive rarement.
Avoir une piste cyclable a cote d'une route n'a jamais empeche les bourrelets en Spandex (TM) de rouler dans la route pareil.

TBH les cyclistes "ordinaires" qui se servent de leur velo pour aller du point A au point B ne m'ont jamais derange et d'ajouter des chemins reserves et voies cyclables c'est bon pour eux.

Par contre, je pense que tout le monde s'entend pour dire que les troupeaux de 16+ Spandex (TM) qui se promènent en rang deux par deux tout en brulant (meme pas ralentir ni rien) tous les stops et en depassant la limite de 30km/h ca peut rendre un conducteur violent.

J'imagine ta face de rage au volant de ta miata, je pourrais pas m'empêcher de rire.
Plis de pistes cyclables oui

Réduire la vitesse des autos ou permettre les vélos partout quand ya une piste cyclable drette à côté non!

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encore faudrait-il obliger a les utiliser quand il y en a une. sinon c'est complètement inutile et un gaspillage de taxes épouvantable.
Depuis que j'habite en ville je prends des bixi 4-5 fois par jours et c'est tellement mieux que conduire entre les meetings. Ya quand même 3 chars à moi de parked à l'appart lol.
Je peux pas être en désaccord avec toi la dessus mais tu peux pas détester les cyclistes à cause de cette raison sinon on doit aussi détester les automobilistes pour rouler 120 km/h dans une zone de 100. Mon problème est ceux qui ne font pas leur stop et qui me retournent un doigt d'honneur quand je les claxonne. Really? Tu es chanceux que je t'ais vu sinon tu serais sur une civière. Heureusement, ça arrive rarement.
Tu serais surpris... 2 fois en 2 jours:

P.S: désolé pout la qualité des photos car je devrais partir asap. Mais disons que j'en vois fréquemment des accidents de vélos

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I'm all for if if they don't reduce the number of lanes on the street and if it gets cyclists off the road.....but highly unlikely
I love my city, despite the condition of the roads, the politics and corruption, I would never move. I love the city- I live on the plateau and have been doing so for 25 years- I love it BUT....... I HATE cyclists with a passion BECAUSE , the majority have no idea what they are doing- they disobey basic street laws, do not follow common cyclist rules and most of all DO NOT use the cycle paths that are already there.
The slow the traffic down- we have to go around them because they are on the streets and not on the designated paths.

I really despise the tour de l'Ile and more so the Tour de nuit - what a way to fuck up circulation twice in a weekend.

The law says they are not obliged to use paths when present...WTF law is this? So cars have to use the roads- makes sense right?

Anyways more paths will not change the way the majority of casual cyclists use the roads- they are a nuisance. As far as riding in the winter- the stupidest thing ever. I have a good time watching these morons crash on slush and snow covered roads- like what are you trying to prove.

The day cyclists PAY for the right to use the roads, I will see the legitimacy of all this, but as long as automobilists pay for the roads- beware cyclists.
The day cyclists PAY for the right to use the roads, I will see the legitimacy of all this, but as long as automobilists pay for the roads- beware cyclists.

Ah seigneur.... Donc tu crois que le réseau routier est financé avec le 220$ de plaque que tu paie par année ? Ou bedont tu veux vraiment ajouter une charge de 10 millions de vélo a plaquer au système déja très bureaucratique ? cant be serious. Pourquoi pas les piétons un coup parti :dunno:
I love my city, despite the condition of the roads, the politics and corruption, I would never move. I love the city- I live on the plateau and have been doing so for 25 years- I love it BUT....... I HATE cyclists with a passion BECAUSE , the majority have no idea what they are doing- they disobey basic street laws, do not follow common cyclist rules and most of all DO NOT use the cycle paths that are already there.
The slow the traffic down- we have to go around them because they are on the streets and not on the designated paths.

I really despise the tour de l'Ile and more so the Tour de nuit - what a way to fuck up circulation twice in a weekend.

The law says they are not obliged to use paths when present...WTF law is this? So cars have to use the roads- makes sense right?

Anyways more paths will not change the way the majority of casual cyclists use the roads- they are a nuisance. As far as riding in the winter- the stupidest thing ever. I have a good time watching these morons crash on slush and snow covered roads- like what are you trying to prove.

The day cyclists PAY for the right to use the roads, I will see the legitimacy of all this, but as long as automobilists pay for the roads- beware cyclists.
Le tour de l'île est annoncé d'avance avec l'itinéraire et c'est toujours les mêmes week-end. Je comprend ta frustration si tu es pris la dedans mais en sachant tout ça, tu aurais pu l'éviter donc entièrement de ta faute.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk
I love my city, despite the condition of the roads, the politics and corruption, I would never move. I love the city- I live on the plateau and have been doing so for 25 years- I love it BUT....... I HATE cyclists with a passion BECAUSE , the majority have no idea what they are doing- they disobey basic street laws, do not follow common cyclist rules and most of all DO NOT use the cycle paths that are already there.
The slow the traffic down- we have to go around them because they are on the streets and not on the designated paths.

I really despise the tour de l'Ile and more so the Tour de nuit - what a way to fuck up circulation twice in a weekend.

The law says they are not obliged to use paths when present...WTF law is this? So cars have to use the roads- makes sense right?

Anyways more paths will not change the way the majority of casual cyclists use the roads- they are a nuisance. As far as riding in the winter- the stupidest thing ever. I have a good time watching these morons crash on slush and snow covered roads- like what are you trying to prove.

The day cyclists PAY for the right to use the roads, I will see the legitimacy of all this, but as long as automobilists pay for the roads- beware cyclists.

I would start giving out fines to people who walk on cycle paths. As I said before it drives me insane when people decided to start walking in the middle of a path. Also paths speed limits of 20 kph, 20 kph on my road bike is not even breaking a sweat. Tour de L'ile is pretty much always the same weekend and has been going on for 30+ years, yes when I lived on the Plateau it was annoying and yes even here in Lachine it gets annoying but we plan accordingly!

Most of Montreal's cycle paths don't lead to other paths. Yes Lachine Canal, Bord du Lac do but the for the most part they abruptly end

I cycle to work pretty often, It's a stress relief me
I love my city, despite the condition of the roads, the politics and corruption, I would never move. I love the city- I live on the plateau and have been doing so for 25 years- I love it BUT....... I HATE cyclists with a passion BECAUSE , the majority have no idea what they are doing- they disobey basic street laws, do not follow common cyclist rules and most of all DO NOT use the cycle paths that are already there.
The slow the traffic down- we have to go around them because they are on the streets and not on the designated paths.

I really despise the tour de l'Ile and more so the Tour de nuit - what a way to fuck up circulation twice in a weekend.

The law says they are not obliged to use paths when present...WTF law is this? So cars have to use the roads- makes sense right?

Anyways more paths will not change the way the majority of casual cyclists use the roads- they are a nuisance. As far as riding in the winter- the stupidest thing ever. I have a good time watching these morons crash on slush and snow covered roads- like what are you trying to prove.

The day cyclists PAY for the right to use the roads, I will see the legitimacy of all this, but as long as automobilists pay for the roads- beware cyclists.

I think you're just suffering from a serious case of confirmation bias, every time one cyclist messes up boom automatically reinforces your stereotype. The 10-20 other cyclist that are just putsing around obeying the law you don't register in your mind.

Of all the things that causes traffic to be slow in the city cyclist are the last thing I think of. Assholes that are double parked at all times of the fucking day, delivery trucks on st-laurent. Idiots that can't move over when waiting for a light so they can turn.

Cars have to use the road? The only reason the road is there is for cars, so yeah I'd expect them to use it otherwise give us back the public space.

I laugh at the people that bitch about the pack of cyclist in spandex that don't pay taxes like car owners do. They almost certainly have nicer cars than the majority of people here and pay more taxes. Those damn dentist with their audi's and road bikes.

Do you believe that the taxes collected from the sell of cars, gasoline, fees from the SAAQ and taxes collected on any other car related purchase approaches the amount we spend on roads? I'd love to look into that just for fun, shit just off the top of my head the city of montreal derives something like 80%+ of it's revenue from municipal taxes. So those local montreal streets aren't paid for by car owners. They're paid for by homeowners.
I would start giving out fines to people who walk on cycle paths. As I said before it drives me insane when people decided to start walking in the middle of a path. Also paths speed limits of 20 kph, 20 kph on my road bike is not even breaking a sweat. Tour de L'ile is pretty much always the same weekend and has been going on for 30+ years, yes when I lived on the Plateau it was annoying and yes even here in Lachine it gets annoying but we plan accordingly!

Most of Montreal's cycle paths don't lead to other paths. Yes Lachine Canal, Bord du Lac do but the for the most part they abruptly end

I cycle to work pretty often, It's a stress relief me

Honestly pedestrians on bike paths are my biggest petpeeve but there's no coherent bike path design in montreal, unless you're paying attention (and really how much effort are people putting into actively walking anywhere?) One minute the bike path is adjacent to the road and the sidewalk is furthest away, then the next interesection its inverses.

Don't even get me started on the bike paths that lead nowhere. If cyclist were only confined to bike paths that would easily add 25%+ distance to your journey.
Prochaine étape on renomme Montréal pour Mont-Paris.
Lol, paris a 15 ans de retard sur nois côté vélo. Pistes cyclables sur les trottoirs avec des vendeurs de fruits ou de souliers dessus, rond points cahotiques, etc.
Les deux sur la piste cyclable?

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Oui, le 1er est un cycliste qui a foncé sur un piéton (femme environ 40 ans) probablement une commotion cérébrale

Le 2e est un char qui a tourné à gauche sans faire son angle mort...le cycliste a volé ben haut dans les airs (flip)...une chance qu'il avait son casque parce que probablement il serait mort ou légume.

Btw, 1 semaine avant que ceci arrive, j'ai vu 2 cyclistes qui on failli se battre...rage au guidon.

Bref, il s'en passe beaucoup dans les rues avec les cyclistes...sauf ils n'en parlent pas dans les nouvelles

Sent from my ASUS_Z01BDC using Tapatalk
Honestly pedestrians on bike paths are my biggest petpeeve but there's no coherent bike path design in montreal, unless you're paying attention (and really how much effort are people putting into actively walking anywhere?) One minute the bike path is adjacent to the road and the sidewalk is furthest away, then the next interesection its inverses.

Don't even get me started on the bike paths that lead nowhere. If cyclist were only confined to bike paths that would easily add 25%+ distance to your journey.
My ride home would be 3km longer if I stuck the the path...
Tu serais surpris... 2 fois en 2 jours:

P.S: désolé pout la qualité des photos car je devrais partir asap. Mais disons que j'en vois fréquemment des accidents de vélos//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170706/a1a6ceffda15df7a8d9068b3064f1336.jpg//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170706/44826739d716a8ce8d5a34617a684519.jpg

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Faut dire qua cette intersection, 80% des cyclistes sont des osti de malades qui freinent pas quand la ptite main rouge commence à flasher.

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