Starwars: The Last Jedi *SPOILER*

I was never going to pay Disney to see this movie since I HATED The Force Awakens & Mark Hamill warned us before TFA came out by hinting at many things. He did the same even more clearly for EP8.

What do you guys think of his reaction AFTER seeing the movie? lol

Starship Troopers est mon film Culte. La politique la propagande la manipulation opinion publique.

Pas une ne filme d'action c’est un filme politique. Comme dans la B.D il a beaucoup de jeux dans les coulisses du Gouvernement.

La scène que tout monde bugs. Quand astéroïde frape la terre (c’est comme le 9/11 avec les terroristes)
Comme avec les U.S. attaques fait que la terre tombe en mode Pro Guerre. Être contre le conflit c’est équivalent être un terroriste.

Le pourquoi le monde trouve la scène de l'astéroïde conne. Le monde dit c’est impossible astéroïde fait la grande distance en si peu de temps.

Vous avez raison. Parce que Astéroïde ne vient pas des Planet des insectes. Mais c’est un false Flag du gouvernement.

La preuve. Dans la scène la Chick remarque que la route n’est pas optimale et la change.
La route est calculée par ordinateur c’est impossible de trompé. La navigation est automatique.

Le second commandant avait rentré volontairement une route non optimale pour ne pas être dans la trajectoire de l'astéroïde.

La Guerre! Première attaque sur les Arachnides est un massacre. C’est voulu. C’est un test pour bien étudier les capacités des insectes.
Le but du gouvernement est d’utiliser les Arachnides comme une arme biologique. Mais ça va back fire dans leur face. Parce que les insectes vont infiltrer le gouvernement. Les Arachnides sont plus brillants qu’il parait.

Meilleur film de tous les temps.

Tu me feras jamais aimer ce film. Ce n'est pas pour un film culte. C'est un film de série B, that is.

Pour ma part, un film culte qui traite de la politique, de la propagande et la manipulation publique, c'est Robocop. Là, je ne parle pas du remake (quoique c'est un bel hommage), je parle de l'original de 1987.
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Tu me feras jamais aimer ce film. Ce n'est pas pour un film culte. C'est un film de série B, that is.

Pour ma part, un film culte qui traite de la politique, de la propagande et la manipulation publique, c'est Robocop. Là, je ne parle pas du remake (quoique c'est un bel hommage), je parle de l'original de 1987.

Je te le donne RoboCop est un film culte.

Dans les ansés 80. il y a une révolution dans les filme de SciFiction.

Dans les années 60 et 70. Tout allais bien le future était génial.

Dans les années 80 la différence entre le bien et le mal commence à criser.
Le futur est sombre et violent. Les corporations sans cœur. Le gouvernement corrompu.

Les space operas sont chose du passé. Ce sont que des contes de fée dans l’espace. Le cyberpunk est né. Pas de héro, il y a que des rapaces.
lol starship troopers un film politique et de propagande

yes. Lyrics de starship troopers:

We call upon our troopers, in this our darkest hour,
Our way of life is what we're fighting for,
The flag that flies above us, inspires us each day,
To give our very best, in every way!

Its a good day to die
When you know the reasons why
Citizens, we fight for what is right
A noble sacrifice
When duty calls you pay the price
For the Federation I will give my life

Well all is fair in love and war,
That's what my gunny says:
You're not alive unless you're almost dyin',
These are the words I march by: Duty, Courage, Honor,
And every single day I'm out there tryin'!
Je te le donne RoboCop est un film culte.

Dans les ansés 80. il y a une révolution dans les filme de SciFiction.

Dans les années 60 et 70. Tout allais bien le future était génial.

Dans les années 80 la différence entre le bien et le mal commence à criser.
Le futur est sombre et violent. Les corporations sans cœur. Le gouvernement corrompu.

Les space operas sont chose du passé. Ce sont que des contes de fée dans l’espace. Le cyberpunk est né. Pas de héro, il y a que des rapaces.

Yup, juste a regarder les Star Trek originaux. Good VS Evil a l'état pur. Pas de grosse politique et de corruption compliqué. Juste Kirk qui mets sont poing dans face d'un alien.

Et Robocop FTW. Le premier était vraiment bon pour le temps.
Dans les années 60 et 70. Tout allais bien le future était génial.

J'ai accroché à ça.

Films des années 60-70 où le futur n'était pas génial:
- La planète des Singes (la série complète de 1968 à 1973)
- Soylent Green
- THX 1138
- A Clockwork Orange
- Apocalypse 2024
J'ai accroché à ça.

Films des années 60-70 où le futur n'était pas génial:
- La planète des Singes (la série complète de 1968 à 1973)
- Soylent Green
- THX 1138
- A Clockwork Orange
- Apocalypse 2024



Blade Runner en 1982.
la scene que Ben demande a Rey de le joindre et qu'ensemble il vont gouverner la galaxie c'est un foutu copy paste de lorsque Darth Vader demande a Luke de le joindre et qu'ensemble il vont tuer Dark Sidious pour régner sur la galaxie
And the same way Anakin wanted to overthrow Palpatine and to rule the galaxy and asks Padme and Obi-Wan to join him and they refuse.

It's just a recurring theme amongst the Sith to want to rule.

I just watched the movie last night. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and closet geek. I'm open to the expanded universe and all extra stories beyond the movies... I love the world that Lucas created. I enjoyed the prequels. But this movie was long, dragging, slow and pointless... honestly, had I not been with friends I hadn't seen in a long time and hanging out after, I would've left the theater. The thought really crossed my mind twice. I was actually bored.

The real lack in development of the characters.
One huge villain that appears and disappears just as fast without any back story.
The very disappointing story of Luke.
The continuous rehash of material.
The useless side story to go to a planet, talk about arms dealing, the back story of a character noone cares about, toss in Benicio del Toro for a terrible role (who could've escaped at anytime but instead was just sleeping) and then in one of the most epic scenes in star wars (even though it would be the same as star trek and independence day) with Fin about to take his own life to save everyone, some random chubby asian chick saves him and is in love with him.... How to useless extend a movie for no reason....

What a fucking terrible movie.

Episode 1 was a masterpiece compared to this Hollywood garbage.

The only thing I enjoyed were the references to the old movies... that's about it.

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Pour vrai finalement episode 1-2-3 étais pas si pire... Y'a juste jar jar qui étais out of place mais sinon finalement l'histoire est meilleur que 7-8
J'ai accroché à ça.

Films des années 60-70 où le futur n'était pas génial:
- La planète des Singes (la série complète de 1968 à 1973)
- Soylent Green
- THX 1138
- A Clockwork Orange
- Apocalypse 2024


des bon exemple que tu donne.
I cant wait Hollywood to fall apart. To decentralized the movie industry.

I watch a popular Bollywood movie this month.
It was good. Action pack Good story and character arch.

People are sexy They dance and fight. Woman love man. Man love woman.
movie about Hero saving the day, courage and honors.
Watched last night too
They couldve done a lot better but then again must have been a challenge to have something good coming out of ep7
- i agree with you all, that random asian girl aas cringy as fuck especially when she declares love to fin out of fkin blue. I felt fkin bad for finn lolll it must have been fkin awkward haha

- that bomber scene.. they are in space, they open the hatch but nothing happens? Everything should've been thrown out in the space as soon as the hatch was wide open, including the girl and that goddman remote that was hanging on the edge. I thought first maybe there is some kind of separation between where the girl is and the bomb area but nope. Not to mention how bombs were dropped as if they were in low atmosphere wtf man

- they managed to plug in a colorful feminist looking hero. I gotta admit, i giggled inside thinking of kossak lol

- kylo ren, the shittiest villain ever

- first order,, most incompetant army ever along with the empire army. Do they ever get things done right? Fail after fail lol

- snoke.. who the fook was that guy

- leia cheating her own death.. cmon man why even put her in that scene in the first place if she wont be dead there? When the fuk was she even remotely interested in use of force? Rip admiral akbar, youve been sacrificed for a bs

- rey,.. what a fkin joke.

- i didnt really understand the point of the whole black hole scene in the island

- and the fkin jokes. Only han solo can be funny. Dont fkin make SW a comedy, fuk u disney

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On est allé en famille mardi dernier au cinéma (4 et 6ans). Il y avait 3présentations simultanées de Star Wars. Ma conjointe a insisté pour aller voir Coco et je l'ai même pas obstinée et, malgré tout, tu me payerais cher pour aller voir ce Star Wars.
Watched last night too
They couldve done a lot better but then again must have been a challenge to have something good coming out of ep7
- i agree with you all, that random asian girl aas cringy as fuck especially when she declares love to fin out of fkin blue. I felt fkin bad for finn lolll it must have been fkin awkward haha

- that bomber scene.. they are in space, they open the hatch but nothing happens? Everything should've been thrown out in the space as soon as the hatch was wide open, including the girl and that goddman remote that was hanging on the edge. I thought first maybe there is some kind of separation between where the girl is and the bomb area but nope. Not to mention how bombs were dropped as if they were in low atmosphere wtf man

- they managed to plug in a colorful feminist looking hero. I gotta admit, i giggled inside thinking of kossak lol

- kylo ren, the shittiest villain ever

- first order,, most incompetant army ever along with the empire army. Do they ever get things done right? Fail after fail lol

- snoke.. who the fook was that guy

- leia cheating her own death.. cmon man why even put her in that scene in the first place if she wont be dead there? When the fuk was she even remotely interested in use of force? Rip admiral akbar, youve been sacrificed for a bs

- rey,.. what a fkin joke.

- i didnt really understand the point of the whole black hole scene in the island

- and the fkin jokes. Only han solo can be funny. Dont fkin make SW a comedy, fuk u disney

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in the canon universe, the jedi temple is built over the sith temple when they fought the war.
in the canon universe, the jedi temple is built over the sith temple when they fought the war.
Ok i dont know anything canon but sure
What i didnt understand is the point of that scene. What did she get out of it?

At least i didnt pay for the movie, my date did lol

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Ok i dont know anything canon but sure
What i didnt understand is the point of that scene. What did she get out of it?

At least i didnt pay for the movie, my date did lol

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yeah thats another debate lol i guess it<s to show that she is also attracted to the dark side
yeah thats another debate lol i guess it<s to show that she is also attracted to the dark side

I guess so too but because of JJ Abrams & Kahtleen Kennedy they cheaply made Rey a fucking feminist heroine for the "missing market segment" aka lil girls. Since TFA there has been ZERO chance Disney's little princess goes bad.

If they actually wanted to make a movie OT fans want & have a real dark twist, they could have done the following & would actually have liked Rey. When they kill those guards (by the way Rey should not able to fight 3 people like Kylo) & Kylo puts out his hand and asks her to join him. Rey could have been a bad ass villain & joined Kylo as some queen bitch who wants jewels, power & mad money after having a shitty life on a desert planet. It would have actually been a cool twist & would make people actually like Rey, along with having a powerful & cool villain.