Starwars: The Last Jedi *SPOILER*

On est allé en famille mardi dernier au cinéma (4 et 6ans). Il y avait 3présentations simultanées de Star Wars. Ma conjointe a insisté pour aller voir Coco et je l'ai même pas obstinée et, malgré tout, tu me payerais cher pour aller voir ce Star Wars.

tu bon Coco?
1. so I still don't know who Rey is
2. Benicio Del Toro (really?), Laura Dern (...why), Justin Theroux (..........)
3. The more I see these sequels the more I love the originals
1. so I still don't know who Rey is
2. Benicio Del Toro (really?), Laura Dern (...why), Justin Theroux (..........)
3. The more I see these sequels the more I love the originals

JJ & Disney will cheaply say Rey is Kylo's sister because the fan's are pissed. The way TFA setup Rey there is no possible way to properly explain all her powers in a fair & true way within SW. She could have been given SOME abilites but JJ gave every damn thing, also the ability so speak droid AND wookie. All legendary items, including Chewie as co-pilot, the falcon & worst off she was given Anakin's saber that should have never been brought back.
Walked away around 40 minutes into it, where they came up with the idea of disabling something on the first ship so they can't be tracked. I can't describe what I was feeling about Disney completely fcking it up, kind of angry, kind of disappointed, kind of sad. The lack of originality, the recycling and adding Disney crap like that small bird thing making a crying face at chewie when he was trying to eat, same damn thing as the cat in shrek, trying to be a comedy or something at times. I don't even care how it ended, or if there will be another.
Damn j'ai trouvé ce SW mauvais, pas vraiment d'histoire, les personages sont fades et insignifiants, pas de grosses batailles, pas d'info sur Rey, ni snoke, Finn n'est plus le même que dans le 7 (dans le 7 il avait le potentiel d'être un Jedi, là il reste juste Rey et spoiler: *No more master to teach her. LOL at Disney for killing Solo and Luke when IRL only Fisher is dead^^*
Je me suis ennuyé tout le long, même épisode 1 est meilleur à mon goût.