You're the PM, set the age limits:


Active member
If you were in charge of your country, what would be the minimum legal age of each of the following and why:

Purchase & drink alcohol
Purchase & smoke weed
Drive a car
Own a gun
Have sex
Watch an adult film
Alcohol and weed: 16 at home with parental approval, 18 in public
Car: 16 but I'd implement many more training requirements before full license
Gun: 25 to own a gun at home, 16 to go shoot a gun without parents at a range or in a controlled environment.
Sex: 13 absolute minimum if other is under 18. 16 if other is under 21 and 18 if 21 and over.
Porn:Nudity, no age. Straight vanilla porn, 13. 20 for all the other weird shit out there.
Gamble: 18
Vote: When you have a job and pay taxes. If that's at 16, then 16. If you're first job is at 25, then 25. Basically I can't stand these hippies who are ready to spend other people's money when they're 18 and haven't worked a day in their life. They think Marxism is good until they see how much is stolen in taxes on their first paycheck.
Alcohol and weed: 16 at home with parental approval, 18 in public
Car: 16 but I'd implement many more training requirements before full license
Gun: 25 to own a gun at home, 16 to go shoot a gun without parents at a range or in a controlled environment.
Sex: 13 absolute minimum if other is under 18. 16 if other is under 21 and 18 if 21 and over.
Porn:Nudity, no age. Straight vanilla porn, 13. 20 for all the other weird shit out there.
Gamble: 18
Vote: When you have a job and pay taxes. If that's at 16, then 16. If you're first job is at 25, then 25. Basically I can't stand these hippies who are ready to spend other people's money when they're 18 and haven't worked a day in their life. They think Marxism is good until they see how much is stolen in taxes on their first paycheck.

Damn a 16 yr old drunk shooting guns at the gun range while getting sucked off by an adult woman. Sir, you would get my vote !
One problem.. most of what you listed in Canada falls under provincial jurisdiction. If you tried to change that as PM you would t have the backing of the provinces
Les limites d'âges sont bien correct comme elles sont présentement, donc je laisserais ça drèttre de même..
Purchase & drink alcohol : 13
Purchase & smoke weed : 5
Drive a car: 13
Own a gun: if you're black 78, if you're white 13
Have sex: 4
Watch an adult film: 4
Gamble: Prohibed
One problem.. most of what you listed in Canada falls under provincial jurisdiction. If you tried to change that as PM you would t have the backing of the provinces

greg, play along with the god damned hypothetical exercise.
I am the government, I am not god. What is it that makes me more qualified than the parents of a person to decide what is good for that person and at what age?

Nothing, Therefore there would be no age limit for anything. People are responsible of their kids until age 18 and after that people are responsible for what they put into their body.

Of course this would be under a full blown capitalist system where all healthcare is private.

BUT, if you insist that I must apply age limits because for some reason, people have voted for me and therefore I think I am better than them (in this case I am thinking as a parent towards my child):

Purchase & drink alcohol 18
Purchase & smoke weed 18
Drive a car 16
Own a gun 18
Have sex 13
Watch an adult film 18 but we all know minors do it all the time
Gamble 18
Purchase & drink alcohol - 14
Purchase & smoke weed - 14
Drive a car - 16
Own a gun - 14 assuming the same laws as we have now apply (no open carry, locked and unloaded, secure trigger, etc.)
Have sex - 13 (Youngest can have two years age difference max until 18 so a 13yr old could be with a 15yr old but not a 16yr old.)
Watch an adult film - nobody cares because of Internetz
Gamble - 21
Purchase & drink alcohol : 18
Purchase & smoke weed : 16
Drive a car: 16
Own a gun: 21
Have sex: banned for anyone unser 16.
Watch an adult film: no age restriction
Gamble: when you have a job. No job? No gambling.

Im more interested in voting age and rights.

Voting: must be over 21, have a job that pays over 25k (aka not minimum wage) and must take an informational course on who the parties are and their agendas. Yes i know i live in la la land.
Première fois que le monde a l'air à peu près satisfait des règles en place par le gouvernement.

Sinon voiture je ne serais pas fermé à monter la limite à 18 ans sauf pour aller au travail ou à l'école, si vraiment les 16-18 ans font plus d'accidents.

Gambling et loterie je monterais à 21 ans

Mais tout changement finirait sûrement par être contesté en cour suprême donc des millions plus des années à traîner.
None, toute est illegal calisse. No guns, no sex, no booze, pis meme pus le droit de voter calisse. C'est moi le chef Supreme. Pis j'renomme le Canada "Fort KickAss" pis j'batis un mur avec les US.
Purchase & drink alcohol : 18
Purchase & smoke weed : 16
Drive a car: 16
Own a gun: 21
Have sex: banned for anyone unser 16.
Watch an adult film: no age restriction
Gamble: when you have a job. No job? No gambling.

Im more interested in voting age and rights.

Voting: must be over 21, have a job that pays over 25k (aka not minimum wage) and must take an informational course on who the parties are and their agendas. Yes i know i live in la la land.

Wtf no sex b4 16

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Voting: must be over 21, have a job that pays over 25k (aka not minimum wage) and must take an informational course on who the parties are and their agendas. Yes i know i live in la la land.
Only in la la land in the sense that the politicians, especially the left leaning ones want as many stupid and poor people as they can get because that's where the vote goes. We'll never see it happen.

I struggled with this one. I too included it and was super brief. But here are my dilemmas

Age: I believe with teenagers eating tide pods these days ,18 is too young. However what about a 17 year old who is educated, intelligent, and should be voting. That's why I left it out.
Job: Strongly agree, but disagree with the limit. What about a stay at home mom, she wouldn't vote? I think a good compromise is within a married couple or for an individual if unmarried, you must have been tax positive at least once in the past 4 years before election, that is to say you have paid the government at least a dollar in taxes. That starts after the personal limit of about $11k + whatever deductions. Doesn't exclude poor people, but it does exclude the generational parasites.
IQ: Honestly it all boils down to stupid people voting. I don't think we should take away their vote, we should just reward smart people more. For example 1 vote if you can check a box, another vote if you can name a policy of who you voted for, another vote if you can do a simple math problem and one last vote if you can get current event question.

There's nothing racist or sexist about it but it checks if you know what you're voting for, if numbers are thrown at you, you understand them and if you know what's going on around the world.

If this was implemented Trudeau wouldn't have won. People who are able to do simple math would have seen his budgetary spending that would "pay itself off" was a load of shit and if they kept up with current events they'd have seen the true shit show mass immigration has created in Europe.