Florida school shooting

I dont get that argument. Even if they are actors, does that make the situation any better or solve any issues?
J’ai même vu des idiots qui avançaient des théories comme quoi le tueur aurait été manipulé par des ondes d’un projet MKultra par la gang à Clinton et Obama lol... y ont l’air à se croire en plus !
I dont get that argument. Even if they are actors, does that make the situation any better or solve any issues?

The theory is... if it's true...

The actors pretty much have a script already, they just fill in the blanks with known details from the tragedy, show up there, get in line with the survivors and then ends up being picked out for an interview by the news outlet sponsoring their presence. Will speak the gun control and other hot topic of the moment narrative right away, make it sound way worst than any victim under nervous shock would normally be able to... Then they start crying when the questions get too specific to avoid issues. They know the drill and how to look like a victim on TV like we are used to see in TV shows. Not a real victim/survivor whos having a nervous breakdown and could nto give a shit about your camera, they want to see their family and close friends.

When you cant get the news, you make it.

That's the theory as I understand it in a nutshell...

While I think it's a little far fetched, i'm not ready to call this 100% bullshit.
K.I.S.S. aka Keep it simple stupid


As President Donald Trump met with survivors and others impacted by the spate of mass school shootings across the US at the White House on Wednesday, he held a cue card with notes on how to appear empathetic while proposing solutions like tightening the federal background check system, raising the age of firearms purchases, having teachers store firearms, or, you know, casually employing roving squads of armed veterans to patrol schools.

But though the president managed to strike a sympathetic tone, it looks an awful lot like someone in the White House wasn’t sure that would happen and thought he needed to be reminded to say basic things to the survivors like “I hear you.” Per CNN, in what’s becoming somewhat of a pattern in this administration, a photographer once again caught what was supposed to be intended for only certain eyes:
Almost all politicians use cue cards or teleprompters to some extent, though the most favorable spin on this for the White House would probably be that a written reminder to tell friends and relatives of mass shooting victims that he is, in fact, listening to them is deeply insulting to the president’s intelligence. The less favorable spin would be that someone in the administration is concerned that Trump’s human guise would slip in the middle of the conversation. Take your pick, folks.

Point #5... really??

C est juste pour dire qu'il est vieux mais pas sourd, ''arretez de me repeter les memes affaires ca#%@!''

Donald Trump.
And... I dont know what regulations are in the US but WTF is he doing with just shoving an AR-15 in the back of an SUV with no locks on it or whatever?

And lulz on the optic indeed :D
Stirred the pot and boy oh boy did it get spicy in here. It seems like the last 80 posts or so just keep on repeating the same things without evolving or addressing fallacies.

So without further ado

1) More gun control. Can both sides acknowledge the following, on one side you have people who know guns and the laws surrounding them and on the other side you have people who are emotional and know shit all. PLEASE, do some research and realize that there is a system in place. Instead of calling to ban AR-15s present logical solutions on how to improve the system. I will cede that the extreme view of no background checks on the other side of the argument is just as dumb but those voices are much fewer in numbers than their ban guns counterpart.

The best example of this is when I hear you can just walk into a gun show and get a gun. Totally false, any retailer regardless of their sales location needs to do a check. What they don't need to do is check if it's a private seller to a private buyer. So the logical thing would be to propose that even private sales need to have checks done.

2) Removing guns would lead to more safety. So you take away the right of others to own one to protect the lives of others.....except not really. As has been pointed out, you're removing a method of destruction, not the reason it's happening. Please tell me why it's so hard to fathom that even it a perfect scenario where every single gun in the world is magically gone, people would still try and kill other people. The secondary argument is "Yeah but there would be less deaths with no guns". Still no! What about pulling the fire alarm, getting into a vehicle and running a bunch over as they come out. Or a homemade bomb. Or 2 everyday household cleaners mixed together and put in front of the schools air intake vent. People joke about ban everything but that becomes the case when you focus on the tools of carnage instead of the person and why they're F'd up in the head.

3) Children activists. LMAO. Kids coming out of schools these days are the dumbest they've probably ever been (on the overall). They don't think, they regurgitate. Add to that the fact that they have little life experience and you got yourselves some good puppets that really tug on the heart strings.

4) Understanding the second amendment. Again so much misinformation or flawed points. Firstly unlike what one post in this thread states, it's not about active revolution, it's about being the last measure. Those who think that it's useless because the army can totally crush the resistance, I ask you to inform me how the wars in the middle east have gone for the US thus far.

What has not been widely talked about is accountability. In this specific case why is it not being broadcast on every station at all hours saying gun laws weren't the problem this time, that it was the FBI who fucked up hardcore which lead to this event. Where are the calls to reform the mechanisms that further compliment gun control? Nope... Ban AR-15s because they're deadly. But not as deadly as human incompetence.

Lastly just in general, if you really want to prove something, find someone on the other side who agrees. I don't care if you post 100 CNN articles that are anti-gun, if you have a valid point and you can find a piece from the opposing side that agrees with you, example Fox instead of CNN. That is how you know you have a strong argument.
Lol @ giving teachers guns. Is it April fools already??

The fools are the ones waiting for a change that's not happening year after year and not the ones ready to deal with the now. You can crack all the jokes you want and believe that you're funny, but tell me how useful those unarmed teachers were at this shooting beside dropping dead with the kids? Even that single armed guard they had was wondering around instead of protecting the entrance, he was another useful character. Minds me of the 3 people watching the kids here swimming and none of them noticed the boy drowning, wtf were those morons watching if not the kids in the pool!? But that's a whole other thread about incompetent morons having people's lives in their hands..
Damn! If i had answered earlier, we would have gotten an 8,000 words essay on the dangers of porn.

I wouldn't want to disappoint.

Let me just start off by giving a modern example of ignorance for latent problems which is concluded. Asbestos, it's not immediately hazardous so we put it in our walls among other things until years down the line when we started seeing the repercussions.

Firstly we're not talking about bible thumpers who think watching one video will send you to hell, nor are we talking about the occasional viewing. I'm talking about escalation and addiction. You start with subtle videos or a porn mag and eventually you can't get your rocks off unless you're watching something extreme and need it 24/7. Porn is more difficult because the repercussions are mainly social. How many relationship have directly been ruined by it? Once ruined how many cascading problems does that cause? But let take an example. It's not outlandish by any means but if you think so, tell me how.

Kid starts watching porn at 13, by the time he's 18 he can't get it up without whatever fetish/fantasy he like. He tries to sleep with a girl, can't pop a boner and like all teenage girls do, gossip soon spreads around school about his impotence. He's now the laughing stock of the school and what does he do, he grabs a gun and shoots it up in rage/revenge. Moral of this made up story, ban whatever gun he used to commit the act.

If you want a real story:https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/9bzqa3/internet-porn-ruined-my-life

Heck if you want something even more local, there was a "stop watching porn" thread on MR once upon a time.

Given that broad access to the internet and Tube sites are relatively recent, the latent problems of porn will probably only rear their head in the future. I wouldn't expect people with the deductive reasoning skills of a 12 year old to think it's a problem until well into it and then it'll be #Banporn .
The fools are the ones waiting for a change that's not happening year after year and not the ones ready to deal with the now. You can crack all the jokes you want and believe that you're funny, but tell me how useful those unarmed teachers were at this shooting beside dropping dead with the kids? Even that single armed guard they had was wondering around instead of protecting the entrance, he was another useful character. Minds me of the 3 people watching the kids here swimming and none of them noticed the boy drowning, wtf were those morons watching if not the kids in the pool!? But that's a whole other thread about incompetent morons having people's lives in their hands..

And how useful would they have been if they were armed, when the kid triggered the alarm so everyone goes out in the hall and starts shooting?

Oh you’re going to say “we’ll there would have been less deaths” ? Yeah cause that solves it all!

On top of that you would trust an unexperienced math teacher to use a gun around your kid?

Lets solve a gun problem by adding more guns to the mix...now there’s a smart idea!
People still won't address the main issue, why are so many shootings occuring in the USA? So take out the assault riffles, next time, the white autist ( cause they all seem to be white autists) will kill 6 with a sawed-off shotgun instead of 17. That's a Pyrrhic victory if I ever seen one.

Again, the NRA was thrivin in the 60's, 70's and 80's, there were no school shootings the way they're popping off nowadays, what the hell happened since then?
Arming the teachers IMO is retarded.

All the teachers I know are socialist vegans who wouldn't know how to manipulate a hunting knife.
They would be useless.
They can't even teach right so don't ask them to have another job on top of their failure at teaching

I know there are a lot of mentally stable veterans who are now jobless and who would absolutely love the job of protecting the children. Add 1 or 2 armed REAL security guards in schools. And I mean a real security guard, a guy who has real training, not an old overweight loser who had a 5 minute aikido training by watching Steven Seagal's best of.
A second option would be metal detectors. You have metal detectors everywhere in america, but not in schools, where the most precious resource of the country is (the children).
Tse quand t’es obligé de considérer des options du genre de mettre des gardes armés et des détecteurs de métaux à l’entrée des écoles, c’est parce que ton pays c’est vraiment d’la marde.
Tse quand t’es obligé de considérer des options du genre de mettre des gardes armés et des détecteurs de métaux à l’entrée des écoles, c’est parce que ton pays c’est vraiment d’la marde.
Il y avait un garde armé mais il était en break. Ou en train de regarder du porn.....
Tse quand t’es obligé de considérer des options du genre de mettre des gardes armés et des détecteurs de métaux à l’entrée des écoles, c’est parce que ton pays c’est vraiment d’la marde.

J'avoue que les US c'est d'la marde

Bah ca dépend. Quand je vais en floride 3 fois par année c'est toujours super cool, le monde sont vraiment gentils, 100x plus gentils qu'au quebec, même les dindu sont cool. Mais disons que y'a des cartiers que tu fais un détour pour pas passer par là.
Il y avait un garde armé mais il était en break. Ou en train de regarder du porn.....

