Targa newfoundland , car and rally question


New member
Im planning to do it a near feature with my dad and i have a couple questions about a car for that type of event.

I know porsche since i race them, but rally stuff, i dont know much at all.

I currently have in my inventory a subaru sti 2010 that im repairing.
Car has a blown motor and need some parts(tires, brakes, axle, body parts, etc) . Car is very rough but the price came with it. (Dirt cheap)

So, engine is getting rebuilt, car already have a 3" exhaust.

I have a good cage builder(seb Rochon)

What else am im missing ? Do i need a super high coilover setup?

Also, how's the resale for a caged sti with rebuilt engine? Plated car, not salvage, 125 000km, hatchback, white

Do i need a super high coilover setup?

Do not lower the car. You need a good ground clearance since you are not doing the race on a super smooth race course. You don't need an off-road type suspension, but some of the roads are rough.

Few observations from a friend who did it as a co-pilot a few years ago...

-Roads are rough. Forget fancy 19" wheels and 45 profile tires, 16-17" with sticky tires are your friend if you can.
-Need suspension and clearance. Alot of those small bridges over culverts and such have quite the bump
-Roads are slippery, this is a typical euro style rally with gravel on the edges of the road. No1 cause of not finishing is coming in too hot in a corner and hitting a guardrail/smashing the front end.
-Dont drink too much... half the racers out there use this "race" as an excuse to party... hard.
-The usual "slower pace but at least you'll finish" of rally applies here. Targa is as much about the race as at least finishing it.

Otherwise it's an expensive but experience of a lifetime.
J'ai fait le "Fast Tour" il y a 2 ans! Les routes sont roughs, c'est une grosse semaine excluant les reconnaissances si tu veux en faire mais c'est tellement un beau trip!

Pour ton setup, ça va dépendre de la classe dans laquelle tu veux compétitioner. Prends le temps de bien lire toute la réglementation et ça devrais répondre à pas mal de tes questions. Tu pourrais être porté à faire certaines modifications qui vont te faire grimper dans une autre classe et te forcer à modifier encore plus l'auto.


Comme d'autres ont dit, garde-toi une certaine garde au sol, on a roulé sur certaines spéciales qu'il y avait plus de nids de poule que d'asphalte!

Si ce n'était pas aussi dispendieux, j'y retournerais souvent!