The two cellphone guys (or ladies ) thread

1 phone crew checking in. no phone bill is the best damn thing ever. i let my employer buy my number that i had for 10 + years, i dont really see the use of 2 phones tbh, can you folks tell me why that is necessary? i mostly use it for calls and email. no CIA spying here. my employer can monitor my shit all they want, all they gonna see is a bunch of memes and pron.

What are they gonna do if they find pron usage on your working hours if they wanna get rid of you?
With work profile they cannot.monitoranything you do on your private side. porn or terrorist stuff.

They can monitor and wipe your work profile side though.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Had a company phone from 1999 to 2005, went to a Palm Treo which became the phone I kept the longest (2006 to 2012) then switched to Samsung S3 which I kept until 2014 when I started this job and was handed an iPhone 5. Fortuitously the S3's plan was expiring a month after I started so I discontinued the plan with Telus and kept the work phone.

After a few months of iPhone 5 and almost throwing it at several different walls on several different occasions, I switched to Sony Z3 which I used for 2 years.

I have a spare iPhone 6+ that is unlocked and I use when I go to the US. Otherwise I take whatever phone is available at cheapest (reasonable) from Rogers Enterprise.

Currently I have a Huawei P10+ and I like it just fine but my next phone might be the KeyOne, I just got one for one of the reps and am awaiting feedback - he's a Blackberry guy. Used a Q10 until it died last week and Rogers have none left so...

Do I care that my employer sees what I do on my phone? Not really. I don't use if for pr0n, all they'd find honestly are my Facebook feed which is quite boring and my Gmail which I can reset whenever I want from remote. I don't even use my cell phone for MR since Tapatalk on it blows dead bears.
LG when answering a question (but he's the female version):
View attachment 32518

Personnally I have 1 phone...if I get fired or leave I'll text everyone and tell them my number changed and that's it. Sometimes it's even better to do that so you can get rid of contacts you ever speak with it...
For the two sim card people: as i said, i have a Iphone for work and i have no choice here, our system has to be in the phone

Already lost my amazing 13 year old phone number when i got this new job so...

i'll bring back my ipod nano at the gym , for less distraction and less beating on my phone like i used to when i was dedicated

not having paid a phone bill in 9 years is Fun.

yah fack it ill stick with workphone for now , im cheap that way
LG when answering a question (but he's the female version):
View attachment 32518

Personnally I have 1 phone...if I get fired or leave I'll text everyone and tell them my number changed and that's it. Sometimes it's even better to do that so you can get rid of contacts you ever speak with it...

Anecdote about my "feminine" side. A long (long) time ago, before I was with my wife - I must have been 18 or 19yrs old, I didn't have a girlfriend and some friends and I used to go to this underground bar called "Mars" in Montreal, not very popular place but they used to play what was then Alternative music (techno today... sigh...) like Bauhaus or Love and Rockets, The Cure, Depeche Mode (before they were popular) and even New Order.

I was trying to pick up this girl you know, the usual when you're 18: Basically blowing smoke up her ass to get her to come home with me, anyways, at a certain point she told me she preferred to have sex with girls to which I replied: "Great! We have something in common then. Not only am I super in touch with my feminine side, but I ALSO prefer to have sex with girls."

We went to her place. lol... 1989 was a simpler time. Back then you had to talk a girl into leaving a bar and it was always mutually agreed that once we left the bar we knew that we were going to be having sex or at least that some type of fooling around was going to happen. There was effort required, courting was involved. Even one night stands meant something.

Today: Tinder.... directly followed by #meetoo lol.
J'ai eu 2 cell pendant 5 ans, CGI était cheap as fuck avec un flip phone.

J'avais mon iphone + mon flip phone + mon pager alphanumérique (FULL SRS) pour les ticket de support.

Ma nouvelle job me donne une allocation pour le cell, c'est la meilleur chose au monde.
J'ai eu 2 cell pendant 5 ans, CGI était cheap as fuck avec un flip phone.

J'avais mon iphone + mon flip phone + mon pager alphanumérique (FULL SRS) pour les ticket de support.

Ma nouvelle job me donne une allocation pour le cell, c'est la meilleur chose au monde.

Est-ce qu'ils ont le controle pour le wiper a distance?

Je travail pour un sous contractant d'une grosse compagnie de telecom.

Donc mon adresse courriel de cette compagnie la passe par MaaS360 et peux etre wiper et bloquer à distance comme les autres apps que j'utilise qui passe par la mais pas le téléphone au complet.¸

Ma compagnie directement à aucun controle sur mon téléphone. Ils peuvent deleter les courriel sur office 365 mais pas wiper le téléphone. On est trop petit pour justifier une solution de monitoring de device. Ça coute cher en criss pis c'est du trouble pour rien.

On a un par contre un contrat que le téléphone doit avoir un PIN à 6 chiffre et de le remote wipe avec icloud si on le perd ou se fait voler.
I used to have 2 phones. Iphone x personal and iphone se for work.

Got annoyed having 2 phones, 2 numbers, 2 phones to charge, 2 different emails, gets annoying af. So ditched the X and only kept the iPhone SE.
Je garde mes affaires personelle sur mon cell et les affaires de la job sur le cell de la job.
Des fois je fais un CFW pour en avoir juste 1.
Anecdote about my "feminine" side. A long (long) time ago, before I was with my wife - I must have been 18 or 19yrs old, I didn't have a girlfriend and some friends and I used to go to this underground bar called "Mars" in Montreal, not very popular place but they used to play what was then Alternative music (techno today... sigh...) like Bauhaus or Love and Rockets, The Cure, Depeche Mode (before they were popular) and even New Order.

I was trying to pick up this girl you know, the usual when you're 18: Basically blowing smoke up her ass to get her to come home with me, anyways, at a certain point she told me she preferred to have sex with girls to which I replied: "Great! We have something in common then. Not only am I super in touch with my feminine side, but I ALSO prefer to have sex with girls."

We went to her place. lol... 1989 was a simpler time. Back then you had to talk a girl into leaving a bar and it was always mutually agreed that once we left the bar we knew that we were going to be having sex or at least that some type of fooling around was going to happen. There was effort required, courting was involved. Even one night stands meant something.

Today: Tinder.... directly followed by #meetoo lol.

va poster sa ici pour brind the thread back alive tant qua etre la..